Some appy-hour notification on the app for $5 meat lover's pizza.
Expires 5PM in your local timezone.
Some appy-hour notification on the app for $5 meat lover's pizza.
Expires 5PM in your local timezone.
" This voucher can not be used at this time of day" Possibly targeted?
Same. Doesn't say "not valid at this store" or whatever their generic reply always is at my loc to any decent deal.
Dinner time only?
You need to select pickup within 3-5 only. Else it wont let you order.
I had the same issue. Then changed pick within 3-5 and it worked. Added 3 pizzas for pickup.
Thanks. I tried for immediate pick up for lunch, or 6pm for dinner
I was wondering where to eat for my wife's anniversary
wife's anniversary? Not both of you ?
He didn’t say ‘wedding’ anniversary…
Anniversaries could be about more than one thing 💀. lol
her anniversary?
Maybe you should ask her if you can tag along?
I know something you can eat that she might enjoy…..she will still be hungry afterwards though.
sounds like something small like a tic tac
Read it properly. Was actually giving him some advice………
We are still talking about the same thing regarding having the hots for what's in the box with the dots, right?
Ain't working on my end, just says not accepted on device.
Needs to be the mobile app. I had the same problem with ordering through the browser.
Gave it a try and worked now, cheers
From mobile didn't work when I selected 4:45, but accepted immediate
Thanks OP. Dinner sorted.
After looking at the app reviews and the permissions required (sharing and collection of personal and financial info), a $5 pizza isn't enough to bribe me to download it
Permissions to see personal info? I don't need to share a thing and I've never even had my real name in the app, not to mention the phone number or email.
I'm not across the policy there, is there anything specific to be concerned about? Without looking into it, collection of personal and financial info sounds scary but if you order a delivery from them they will need your address and payment to actually make It happen lol
App only for me.
Did not work on website but worked on mobile app for me
Cheers OP
Thanks OP
ty oppa
The last time I had dominos with vouchers, I felt like eating only dough. There wasn’t much toppings. And I don’t blame them.
Pepperoni also $5
Will only start soon in WA, not expired for us here :-)
Just tried a scheduled order for 4:45pm pick up, voucher was accepted.
Cries in WA time.
Late lunch, early dinner
Only 12 minutes to embrace it fully
Not expired!
It's working now in WA for the next 2 hours