Bought an Apple product on eBay at a decent but reasonable price. Description said it was brand new in original packaging. Seller has good feedback.
Item arrived and I checked the serial number and it says the following:
Purchase Date not Validated
Please update your product purchase date by following the link.
Update Purchase Date
Should I be concerned? There are also some small dints in the box and scuffs to the shrink wrap. I received a Logitech keyboard from another seller and it had dints in the box so I'm thinking it's just from shipping. Both of these items were packaged in bubble wrap.
From searching online, apparently this error occurs when Apple couldn't get the date of purchase from the reseller. While I can update the purchase date, it may ask for a receipt and I'm not sure if this eBay seller is an official reseller and whether their receipt will work.
Has anyone else had this happened with eBay? What would you do?
- Try updating the purchase date and open the box
- Return the product
- Contact Apple
Use the online Apple chat.