Win 1 of 3 Instant Vortex Plus ClearCook Air Fryers from Metcash (Excludes TAS)
Entry Requirements
To enter
The entrant must sign up to the IGA newsletter via the promotional website (…), or as advertised in store or other print material and online or via a promotional Facebook and/or Instagram ad. As part of the entry form the entrant must provide their personal details as requested on the form, agree to these Conditions of Entry and agree to receive marketing communications from IGA.
All email addresses must be valid and entrants must remain subscribed to the Promoter’s database up until the date the prize is drawn. In the case that the entrant unsubscribes prior to the draw the entry will be declared invalid. Invalid addresses will automatically be disqualified.
Open to IGA Locals Matter Community Program Members only.
Thank you for sharing, Smalot11.