Say you have 30 cans each of Seafood Platter, Diced Lamb, and Beef Jelly. Does the cat care if you alternate flavours each day, or is it better to give the ten cans of the same flavour each day so the cat can have a chance to adjust to it without throwing it up. Or does it not matter at all, is it okay to just grab any random can.
If You Have a Big Box of Mixed Flavour Canned Cat Food, Does It Matter What Order You Feed It to Your Cat?

In my experience,
Does the cat care if you alternate flavours each day
Ohhh yes.
does it not matter at all
Also yes, but not for the reasons that you're hoping.
Have you asked the cat?
The cat will decide it will only eat 2 out of the 3 varieties after the first can of each
I subscribe to the theory that the cat will always eat the food before it starves to death. People who claim their cat is fussy and "won't" eat a certain brand or flavour must be caving in too quick and taking it away too soon after the cat turns his nose up to it. Just leave it there and the next day it will be gone. And if it's not then throw away that one and serve up a fresh serving of the same flavour. I 100% guarantee the bowl of food will be empty sooner than you would find a skinny cat. The only question is would the cat prefer it gets mixed up, or would it prefer the opportunity to adjust to the food so I don't have to clean up a surprise vomit on the flood or really sticky poops in the litterbox.
The same applies to humans - get lost in the bush for a week and people drink their own wee to survive.
Don't do that, wet food will go off and could make the cat sick.
Just serve only a little bit at a time, then there's little wastage if the cat doesn't want it and you also prevent the cat eating so much in one go that they vomit.
My advice: get through the whole can before opening a new one (they go off in a few days even covered in the fridge) but do alternate flavours so the cat doesn't get used to only one flavour and then not like it when you switch.
I subscribe to the theory that the cat will always eat the food before it starves to death. People who claim their cat is fussy and "won't" eat a certain brand or flavour must be caving in too quick and taking it away too soon after the cat turns his nose up to it.
How quick do you think is too quick? 2+ days after it became extra stinky and really really off that it attracted flies?
My last 2 cats hated Tuna with anything. "Nope I'm not eating that and I'll pee on your bed at 11pm while your in it as revenge I'll also pee on the other cat while I'm at it!" Was how one of them acted. The other one was like can I just have slightly more dry food tomorrow?
Have a guess which cat passed away at age 12 and the other lived until 18.5 ? :pIf it's the same brand then unless it's super fancy food the non fish ones will be exactly the same or maybe 10% different. Same goes with any fish ones normally it's the fish in chunks or same fish just minced. I would just go X type then Y type Z type then repeat. Maybe your cat isn't as vindictive as mine was. :)
ummm ….. just to clarify, the 'vindictive' cat died of natural causes, right?
@[Deactivated]: Yep. He lived until the age of 18.5 so my bed wasn't ever completely safe even though I learnt my lesson like 10 years before of no tuna ever again. lol
Are you even owned by a cat?
Different is best.
Meow. Purr…
Quote: Although many cats are content to eat a single food, some cats may develop finicky eating habits and become very selective about what foods they’ll accept. Feeding your cat two or three different cat foods provides flavor variety, and may prevent your cat from developing an exclusive preference for a single food.…Ask @Eatslikeacat ???
I eat what I am given. I rub the lotion into my fur or else I get the hose again.
If I buy a mixed bag of multi-pack chips, does it matter what order I feed them to my kids? What if I give all salt and vinegar first, will my child have a chance to adjust without throwing up?
You could be a true monster and mix the salt and vinegar into a party bowl along with the chicken.
It’s a cat, it can eat the food or go hungry.
Is the cat religious? Maybe fish on Friday, lamb on Sunday.
does your cat have a job? if not it can eat what its given or get a job and buy its own food.
Try to eat the cans yourself until you adjust to it without throwing it up, then replicate with cat.
Pick a flavour, and put that out the first day.
On the second day put out two dishes, one with the same flavour, and a second with a different flavour. If the cat eats the dish of the same flavour as the previous day it has decided it wants to stick to one flavour until that runs out. If it picks the dish with the different flavour to the first day it has decided it wants to rotate flavours. If it grazes from both it doesn't care.
This might cost you one can of cat food, but you'll have offloaded responsibility to the cat. You tried offloading responsibility to us, and all you've gotten is the expected smartarse answers. Offloading it to the cat means you won't have to continually worry that you made the wrong decision, which is your apparent worry.
Me, I don't have a cat. I just put put out a dish for my magpies that has some of each of the three things they like, they eat whichever they want, and whatever they eat I top that up.
I generally give mine a different flavour every day, I like variety in my diet so kinda figure the cat might appreciate it too :)
I respect your name 👌
I only feed my cat 1/3 to 1/2 of those small cans per night.
I try to mix up the order of flavours when the next can is opened.
If you have a big box of mixed flavour canned cat food, does it matter what order you feed it to your cat?
What colour is the cat?
If the cat "throws up" it's not because it's"adjusting" to it, it's because the food is crap!
Have you ever thought what might make it into those so called "beef" patties at McDonalds if they had no regulations restricting what they can put into them! …well that's the case with pet food so do your cat a HUGE favour and throw those tins in the bin and only feed it "human" food.
Ours loves kidney, liver (chicken, beef, lamb) which are all cheap. Even if you spend a little more you will EASILY make it back by the money you save on vet bills.
Speaking from experience of having multiple cats which I feed high end cat foods and all ended up with problems then this cat which never eats cat food and vet commented how healthy she is and how great her fur was when she went for a checkup.
Personally I say mix them up on a daily basis. If you get them accustomed to one flavour they may not want to eat the other flavours. I find brands to be more of an issue than flavours. My missus has two cats and they were sort of picky with this one brand. Would barely touch their food. Can't remember what brand. I decided one day as a gift to buy 3 x 24 with all sorts of flavours packs of Fancy Feast and they loved them all. They don't like the pate that much or the beef but they will still eat it. They've been on Fancy Feast ever since.
You've literally been (profanity) whipped into Fancy Feast.
Isn't great that we have lots of "official" cat foods available with lots of VIP and other logos plastered all over them to make us (well those still living in the Matrix) feel confident about what we're feeding our pets 😵💫
"Five pet dogs are dead and another 25 have been treated for liver failure"
(Surely not because "Doggie Den" sounds trustworthy right?): "trust worthy" brand:
"A Mars brand [Advance Dermocare] dog food blamed in the death of almost a dozen police dogs in Australia, is now linked to the same illness in pet dogs.":…And how many other cases go undected including Owners who take their pets to the vet for problems with seemingly no cause.
From my own (and MANY others if you Google) person experience my cat contracted hookworms after eating VIP kangaroo mince.Don't worry these guys are "self" regulated and I'm sure they're "conducting a thorough investigation" and "putting procedures in place so it never happens again" …and I just saw a pig fly by 😉
i have 2 ragdoll cats and 1 siamese ..i feed them different flavours everynight but they hate anything with seafood in it even my guts siamese that will eat nearly everything sticks his nose up at seafood ..
i find my cat usually the siamese will vomit if it eats too fast to try n bet the other 2 so it can then push them out the way to eat theirs …while many ppl try to feed pets food as they would their (human) kids meaning variety, treats replicating desserts etc. They are animals not humans and require different methods of care.
at the base level owners of dogs or cats must look at if the animal was running loose in the scrub, what would it eat. All these boutique special canned shit that is glossy marketing cause it has added xxx for shiny coats etc is exactly that, marketing. as many have said if the animal is hungry it will eat whatever is available if not it goes without until its ready to eat.
I'm pretty sure the cat would sooner eat my face than starve to death.
No need to stress over choices, blend it all together and create a cat version of Nutraloaf. See:
From what I've heard from food technologists all cat food is essentially mouse flavoured. All the product variations are just for the benefit of the people paying for them.