Want to get a new stick vac to replace my 5 years old Dyson V8, already replaced battery and motor once each and its dying again (battery not holding much charge and motor losing suction power).
Based on the Internet, V8 has 115 AW suction power, so am thinking to get something at least comparable to that.
Also, need motor head attachments, one for floor, an a mini one for bed.
Price is below $400.
First come to mind is Samsung Jet 60 ($310). Any other choices? Thank you
never had a Dyson to compare it to but the Xiaomi G10 has been fantastic, rarely get out the big ol' bagged miele anymore.
I have pretty lightweight carpet though, so it's never had a real run for its money, but battery life and suction power have always seemed good (it's 150AW for what it's worth).
I've seen complaints about battery life but mine is still going strong after more than 12 months. Worried about finding a replacement though when the time comes as they seem hard to find online. Probably best off with whatever the latest version is (I see there's a G11, plus a pile of Dreame models)