Can try price matching at office works and possibly get it even cheaper.
Good phone for the price!
Can try price matching at office works and possibly get it even cheaper.
Good phone for the price!
What deal?
A fair complex deal from optus and harvey norman that allowed you to get phone for about 650
PSA: This phone's battery life is atrocious out of the box. You'll have to make several adjustments (with respect to how you use a phone) and turn a few things off to get battery life to what phones had 6 or so years ago.
You'll fare better with the plus or ultra models if their sizes aren't an issue.
Really? lame. Gotta love the samsung bloatware.
Are all s22 sold in Australia using the exynos instead of snapdragon?
Its actually not bloatware. The bloatware is mainy all of the unnecessary Google apps these days. The problem is in the hardware, as Samsung made the battery smaller than s21.
It's definitely the bloatware as well. I had the s22 and was disabling apps and stuff to try and improve battery life. There are that many apps and tracking services going on that it's scary. I just returned it. Anything that has Facebook services pre-installed is a big no no from me
@cortex: I just looked up a YT video about it, that's pretty weird, thanks for the heads up, I've got an s22+ on order
@cortex: Not sure if it's Samsung or carrier (I suspect Samsung) but there are system apps installed which do something, who knows what, and are part of the facebook/meta apps. Can be removed with ADB tools without rooting, still kinda annoying though.
@freesteakknives: Just google adbtools, it's software for your computer used to debug android devices.
I can vouch for this 100%. I'm at my wit's end and will be returning the phone I think. Yesterday I had 1.5 hours screen on time and was at 11% at 9pm. Laughably bad.
The battery section reports no abnormal drain as well. It's just so so bad.
I don't get when manufacturers are going to realise we'll accept thicker phones with bigger batteries.
The flagships seem dismal on battery life as they are orientated around performance and a (somewhat) compact form factor. Combined with 5G this kills the battery life.
If you want something modern to last though heavy use without charge I'd say something like the Samsung A33/A53 or possibly a 14 Plus for Apple. Possibly others with a 5000mAh+ battery out there, but need the manufacturer support for updates etc. also.
I agree with this comment, the battery life is really bad.
Need to remove some of the features to prolong its battery life (turn off on screen display, turn off 5G auto connect, etc).
Got in touch with Samsung support and they suggested the same - what a joke!
Use Blokada to block trackers and get better battery life. Done this on my S22+ and I get about 7 hours SoT over typical non work day (wifi with a bit of 4G, mix of browsing youtube, facebook, random apps).
The review seems to be bad?
You've been using this for long?
My honest suggestion is to skip it if you can wait for the S23 or whatever.
I bought this lemon with the trade-in deal for my S20 a couple of months ago.
It is not horrible but mediocre at the best.
i must be the only one that thinks the S22 is the most reliable android phone ever. I upgraded from the S21 even.
I agree. 5 hours screen on time at absolute minimum for me, averaging 7-8 on wifi.
The S22+ is discounted too -…
Cheapest price according to Camels. $1219 for 128 GB and $1319 for 256 GB.
Probably in response to Pixel 7 Pro releases.
cheaper if you have a Samsung Edu account.
It seems to be difficult to justify upgrading from the S10+ to anything that has been released in the next 3 generations.
Would anyone else agree that the best allrounder is the S22+?
I was surprised to hear from owners of the S22plus, saying they changed to another phone within a few months of acquiring it.
The s10+ might have another year or so in it. If the battery life is decent, I don't see a reason to upgrade.
Agree. If you have anything from an S10 or above, and are happy with it, save your money until the screen cracks or battery dies. I have an S10, with 512Gb of storage and an SD card slot…which makes the new 128Gb phones seem like they are taking the piss. I can load it up with movies, music and have never have to worry about deleting a photo from the camera roll. The only appeal to me in a new phone is a moderate improvement to the camera and faster charging
+1, from experience:
I was on S10e and was forced to replace it as it developed a water entry issue (condensation appeared inside the camera cover) 1 week before before a month long holiday.
I went to S22 and it is faster and camera is noticeably better but I still would not recommend upgrading if you have a working S10.
ETA: I'm not sure about all the battery complaints. My S10e had a new battery as I had it fixed under insurance and the S22 is still a lot better battery wise. I guess everyone's usage pattern varies but I find the S22 comfortably gets me through a day.
@goosmurf: I suspect lots of complaints about battery life world have to be linked to the network the phone is on, and how the phone is used (long daily commute?)
@mrau: That makes sense. I'm a SIM slut and definitely notice differences between networks.
Have also moved a couple of times in the few years and there is noticeable differences between suburbs too, even staying at home/around the local area.
Exactly the same situation as I’m in s10 512 gb with SD card .
Just can’t bring myself to buy a 128 or 256 without the SD card option .
My wife has the S10, and isn't upgrading. If she did, we'd probably get her a 6A, which seems to be the best replacement around, currently.
I'm on the S10 (got it two months after it launched) and it still works fine, but the battery is kinda crap. Need to carry a charger with me if I'm out all day. Temped by the S22+ but might wait until it's a bit cheaper. I normally upgrade my phone every 2 years but given how incremental each new model is I can see myself holding out to every 4 years or more.
I cracked the OLED on my S10+ and found myself looking at current gen stuff, it's all trash. I ended up with an Xperia 1 IV. Despite some of it's flaws I actually really like it.
I got S10 and wife got S22. Both are quite the same but there is an improvement in S22 camera, but S10 got 3.5mm and sd card slot
or get it on the optus plan and cancel it straight away, paying the ETC of $588
So its $588 + $49? Thats a pretty good deal if they don't catch onto this. I feel like Optus is losing on this deal.
They get to "accidentally" leak your personal info in return. So it's a win in their books.
cancel straight away, even before putting the sim card in.
I was going to get this phone for $600 on the Optus deal but after every single review mentioning how bad the battery was, decided against. $950 would be ridiculous to pay for this. I purchased the new pixel 7 for $900 with $330 Google credit. That's a deal imo
Crazy how a $1000+ phone can have bad battery. The battery on the 12 mini isn't great, but it's not terrible, I can imagine the iPhone 13/14 normal size is probably very good battery in comparison.
Are Android phones normally this bad?
I have a 21+ and battery is quite decent.
Nahh switch to an S22 ultra from the 12 mini. Battery life is much better even with battery protect on. Android has definitely improved from the Note 10.
I was thinking galaxy 7 pro. But I thought could be $749 using codes and stuff. Na it’s $1299. For that I’d just buy another iPhone 14 or something.
@sridhar: The phone is still $1299. Not $765 that you claimed, a store credit to be used on full priced items isn't useful.
@checkingthisout: A tablet? My Tab A8 has supreme battery life and stand by time. Got my s22 ultra for $920 after fake trade in, Samsung promo and selling my 12 mini on FB. I was getting sick of the 12 mini battery life.
The fruit phone is too much for what they are. Happy I made the switch. A few compromise but a better phone overall
@ChickenAdobo: I meant Pixel 7 Pro, not galaxy, got the naming wrong. Saw the pixel 7 pro was $765 in the comments but it's not it's $1299. At $1299 just stick with an iPhone. What's the difference? At $1299 iPhone going to be very good, depending what Android probably also good.
I got my iPhone 12 mini for $749 on a deal 2 years ago I think. Which was cheap enough.
Battery life not great, but that's because the size is small, which Is what I like about the 12 mini, nice 1 hand size.
I'd get a pixel 7 pro probably if I was to change, but not at $1299 and definitely not if it has the same issues as the 6 and 6a with software bugs and battery life stuff, because this is googles phone, googles SOC and googles software, the pixel line should be flawless.
@checkingthisout: Why don't you trade in that phone at Jbhifi and get 350 off plus the 12 mini credit for the pixel 7 Pro? Should be less than 800 to upgrade.
So you basically paid $50 less for a similar phone. The fact its done by google is more of a negative in my eyes.
Battery is bad. Using it now
Remember that 128 GB Pixel 7 Pro can be purchased for a net (considering Google store credit as $) price of $764.68 or less with the current promos.
I need a new phone soon.
I have Pixel 2 XL, it's still going good but I don't want to wait til I may get issues.
Under $800 for new Pixel 7 seems good!
$1299 (device cost) + $12.49 (2TB Google One storage subscription) − $129.90 (10% Unidays/StudentBeans discount) − $300 (store credit) − $116.91 (Google One store credit) = $764.68.
If I am calculating correctly, the net price is $764.68.
Regarding the 10% Unidays/StudentBeans discount: for those who do not have access to an edu email, you could also simply chat with Google support and they'll provide a 10% coupon for you.
How does the google one store credit work? How to get it? "Buy Pixel 7 Pro and get a gift of A$300 Google Store credit towards your next purchase." Don't think you can use it to purchase the phone. It's more to get earbuds after the fact.
"Built-in VPN for extra protection online.
With a VPN by Google One built in, Pixel helps to protect your online activity no matter what app or web browser you use."
Just read this on the Pixel 7 Pro blurbs and had a chuckle. A VPN by google to protect privacy, haha. OK.
@checkingthisout: Google store credit can be used towards purchase of a different product like another phone or watch or their upcoming tablet.
Some prefer trading in a device with JB Hi-Fi if they have an old phone.
Google credit seems a little useless to me :/
Can you share how?
Is it safe to say that the iPhone pro and normal iPhones are still a much more refined product than Android phones, including Google pixel.
Considering Google makes the SOC, and the software, it still seems there's lots of bugs and battery life issues, according to reviews.
Don't hurt me, I own an iPhone cause I just want my phone to work for ages, like 4-5 years.
The "iPhone just works meme" is just that, a meme. Android phones are superior in every aspect. The myth that you need to be an advanced user to get a good experience with an Android phone is just bullshit. Source: my mum and dad both use out of the box old phones of mine with no issues.
The google pixel 6 and 6a have reported bugs and this phone has people complaining about the battery.
Also the updates suck on Android phones. They’re not even remotely comparable to Apples updates. Not even close.
These Android phones generally don’t “just work” if you read enough comments, bugs, battery drain always related to the OS. And google has a history of not supporting its devices well and kills lots of projects.
@checkingthisout: You know, people swapping stupid and unrealistic stories about iOS and Android helps nobody so the two of you should just get off the koolaid and quit it.
@mickeyjuiceman: I actually just asked a general question:
“Is it safe to say that the Apple phones are more refined?”
And then the Android fan boys got triggered 😏 I don’t care what phone people get. Just wondering as they sure do complain about software bugs and battery life.
For $1299 you would hope you got a really refined software and battery experience.
@checkingthisout: it's all about context. You say "I own an iPhone cause I just want my phone to work for ages, like 4-5 years." Android phones can last a long time too. My 90 year old mother was still recently using my hand me down Samsung S1. First released in 2010. Battery is still good. She's the fourth family member to use it. Now she's upgraded to my hand me down Note 4. First released in 2014. Replaced the battery with an aftermarket for 20 bucks and it runs fine.
I think once upon a time you could have said that iPhones were more refined but you did pay a lot extra for that experience. Now basically flagship models from all manufacturers are quite good and that statement probably doesn't hold as true as it once might have.
@freesteakknives: Nice, yeah was looking at the pixel pro 7, but vs the 12 mini, I don't know what the life time would be like, I know with the mini it will run practically the same as it does now. Big move if I did as there lots that's behind the walled garden.
The thing with the iPhone 12 mini is it’s screen is good already, the camera is great and the processor is faster (benchmarks) than the new one from google anyway. The only real change is the OS and 120hz. Just don’t want to get myself a downgrade in aways functions well. If that makes sense.
Google store credit is absolutely not $ lol
I've had my S8 for 4+ years now and it's time for an upgrade but reading reviews like those above makes me wonder. I have been looking at the S21 but that was more from a price point.
My wife has the Pixel 6, way too big for my liking but she's happy with it.
Pixel 7 is a bit smaller. There is also the Pixel 6A.
Look at Sridhar comment, if you can get a pixel 7 pro for $765 that would be the go.
Doesn’t seem possible though.
But check on FB market place and gumtree they are going for about $700 lol
128gb no good. Even my parents use more storage than me these days
128gb is plenty of storage
Better to expect battery expansion after 2-3 years.
128GB version is $874.30 on Samung EPP.
No issues with my and my gf's S22 5G 128GB here. It's the best phone I've owned (past few phones were S20 FE 5G, Pixel 3). Battery is fine, performance is good. I don't think $950 is particularly good price after almost 1 year though.
It's 6 months since pre-orders were released, not even close to a year.
I got the s22 two days ago with the optus buy out deal and regret it purely for how bad the battery is vs what I read in the reviews.
These have flooded the secondhand marketplaces after the harvey norman deal.