Best Bluetooth Earbuds Suitable for Industrial Use

Just started working in a manufacturing environment, very loud, hearing protection in the form of over the ear muffs or in ear plugs mandatory. I've seen some people with in ear headphones that look like proper form fitting ear plugs, not just earbuds by the mainstream brands. And yes, I've checked and it's not against site rules as long a you're not in areas with forklifts.

Looking for recommendations, if you work in manufacturing, construction etc, what do you use?

Maximum noise protection and all day comfort more important than sound quality, as long as it's ok I'm fine (I'm not an audiophile, mostly listen to podcasts anyway). The ones that have a string/chord between them would be a plus so you can take it out and not lose them.


  • +4

    Might be best to ask your new colleagues :)

  • +3…

    there are more, those are just an example.

    • +4

      Yep. I have a pair of Bluetooth earmuffs. Moved over to them after I found that the ear buds were basically making me sweat in the ears and there was no way for this sweat to get out. This was causing all sorts of ear canal issues.

      In industrial environments, I do not recommend wearing isolating ear “buds” with rubber/silicone tips if you have to have them in all day. Ear muffs are a 100% better alternative.

  • +3…

    Have you considered Bluetooth earmuffs?

    When I was employed as a metal worker, I had a pair of these. I couldn't recommend them more, battery lasts for days, and was able to listen to podcasts over the sound of my grinder with no issues. Also no issue wearing them all day without any discomfort.

    • I didn't even know these existed, now I need them.

  • I would get some good ANC earbuds and wear earmuffs over the top if that's an option.

    Othwise something like this

  • Get over ear muffs mate with plugs for your music if you want. There are AS attenuation standards for each muff and plug that is offered. No such standard for cheap or expensive Bluetooth plugs with or without ANC. Save your hearing properly, then you can enjoy music at old age

    Source… acoustic engineer here

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