I Broke My Google Pixel 6 Pro Screen - Advice Needed

First time posting.

Recently broke the front glass of my pixel 6 pro, the screen is shattered however still functional.

Got a quote of $400 for a screen replacement (to replace everything screen-related can not remember the details) and the store claim it is the only way to fix it.

Just having doubts that if I should take the repair plan or waiting for a trade-in program and switch for a new phone.

I do not have a preference and am not in the scope of the recent mobile market so some advice would be appreciated.

I'm around Sydney, I wonder if anyone could share their opinion or perhaps if you know a cheaper fix?

Thanks in advance.


  • +2

    I can't help with the repair side. But, if you like the pixel and are thinking about trading in for a new one, Google is announcing their new line up tonight/tomorrow.

    • Yup thanks for the info

  • Do you have contents insurance? Sometimes they cover this damage for nil or low excess eg $100

  • +3

    Best advice - take better care of your phone. Use a screen protector + case… as not only will this help protect your phone but also reduce the e-waste generated from the broken parts. Fix it yourself if it is more economically viable.

    Got a quote of $400 for a screen replacement (to replace everything screen-related can not remember the details) and the store claim it is the only way to fix it.

    "replace everything screen-related" - this is pretty vague. There are so many things screen-related… oled panel, digitizer, flex cables, digitizer frame….

    You say the screen is shattered however still functional. So are you implying that the oled panel still works with no dead pixels etc + the touchscreen (digitizer)?

    If this is the case then only the front glass is broken and only this needs to be replaced.

    $400 is actually a decent price if they are indeed installing a complete display unit considering the genuine oled panel itself is $338 new from ifixit. Or they could try just replace the glass on the display unit but that is a very hard process and could easily kill the oled panel if not carried out with care. If they replace the glass only then it would cost them less than $30 in parts. If this is one of those 30 min repair stores then they probably do install a new screen and just try refurb your old panel for later use.

    If they are indeed installing a new screen, $400 isn't a bad price. Oled panels aren't cheap especially genuine ones.

    $400 is a lot of money for phone. Personally, I would hold onto the Pixel, use the $400 to buy a new phone then replace the screen after a few years once the oled prices have come down.

    For example, I replaced my pixel 2 with a genuine oled display for $35…. I'm sure it would have costed hundreds back when it was new. Also don't think the mall repair shops would do a better repair job than you doing it yourself particularly those that rush it. Many sloppy repair stores don't take the time to do a proper good job and just rush it. I remember getting my Samsung Tablet's screen replaced under warranty and whoever did the work for Samsung couldn't even properly adhere the lcd to the frame so it always popped out.

    • I got a quote from JB was $600 to replace the OLED panel on my 6 pro.

    • -1

      $400 is a lot of money for phone. Personally, I would hold onto the Pixel, use the $400 to buy a new phone then replace the screen after a few years once the oled prices have come down.

      It's $250 now, really hasn't gone down by much

  • Thanks for the info,
    As for the screen I didn't really understand the comments that the representative sent me. But I think he implied to remove the screen completely and install a new one. I guess I needed 'glass replacement ' which you mentioned in your comment but I didn't find any store that would do this kind of repair.

    • Yeah it's because glass replacement is a very tricky and difficult that requires special equipment.

      Also the cost for glass replacement is not even going to be cheap. It is near the same price as replacing the whole screen. This if in case the store breaks the oled panel, they can replace the whole screen without losing any money and still make a profit.

      $400 is probably one the cheaper quotes you got. Unlikely to be cheaper… unless you wait a long time.

    • It's partly because the screen itself costs a few hundred alone, it's a whole assembly of items, not just the front glass.

      See: https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Google+Pixel+6+Pro+Screen+Repla…

      Was the same with my Note 10 Plus. Was about 400 and if you watch the online guides, they basically just keep the motherboard, battery, back panel etc and stick it on the new screen assembly…it's like half a new phone almost.

  • Buy a new phone.

  • I Broke My Google Pixel 6 Pro Screen - Advice Needed

    Use a protective case in future.

    • +1

      Good advice. Similar thing happened to me with my current phone while I was waiting for the protector to arrive. Luckily I had shoppers protection on the CC I used so they covered it.

      • I always use protection.

  • A replacement for the current flagship phone is of course going to be super expensive.

  • +2

    Heyo, so a quote of $400 is pretty reasonable to be honest with you as even the cheapest, trustworthy aftermarket part is about $300 excluding GST and Shipping, etc. if they don't have the part on hand.

    Whilst just your glass is broken and the OLED display is fine, splitting just the digitizer off the front and using the original OLED is a nightmare job that requires some special machinery and tools. The full display assembly replacement you've been quoted is still a kind of sucky repair so charging $100 for the time, skills and equipment required seems fairly reasonable.

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

    • Thanks man, I agree with that it is a reasonable offer

  • If you do decide to shell out for a full display repair, make sure you avoid third party repairers. I got my pixel 6 display repaired but they could never repair the fingerprint sensor because they didn't have the official software to recalibrate it. In the end I just traded in the phone…

    • Thanks will def keep that in mind

    • +1

      😅 some third party repairers are abs terrible. some use the cheapest and most shitty after market displays. so many are too lazy to remove all the previous glue and some completely f up the home buttons on iphones.

  • I did the same thing, Optus quote was 450. I got a refurbished phone with full warranty.

  • Trade it and get a new phone. Google phone's quality is not good anymore.

  • $400 is very reasonable for repair for broken screen of Pixel 6P. Sounds almost too good to be true and I would have to wonder about the quality of repairs. Honestly phone repairers are like used cars salesmen, extremely seedy industry with a lot of unscrupulous and very bad operators.

    You're looking at around $699 for a new P6P screen at ctdi in Melbourne which is Google's partner repairer, they claim to have special equipment to calibrate Pixel's while/after fixing them. Going by Whirlpool thread that means they have equipment to make sure the fingerprint reader works properly. Unsure if that's true, but you would hope being listed on Google's official website that they are legit.

    Honestly your probably better off trading in a broken screen phone and getting a new one. Pay the extra for a new one and hope you can get a trade in value for the broken screen phone.

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