FreeZ3KiLLz Giveaway Ref Chain: Start a reply chain here
Not bothered to post all the individual links, so just going to share a bunch here. Lol. Will probably do this from now on for all Vast comps I post, as they just do so much. Mods, feel free to redo the post or remove it if this breaks rules.
I've posted my refs in the comments, for each giveaway just reply to the comments, don't post a new one. Just start a long reply chain. Highly suggest that you use an adblocker.
@CrispyChrispy This should be posted as individual comps next time. Regardless thanks taking the time to share the comps with us.
If anybody else has some spare time and wants to post the comps that got removed, you can see them in the Revisions
Good luck to anyone who actually has the patience to go through and enter all these! Hopefully atleast 1 OzBer wins something.