• expired

20% off Samsung MIM-H03 Wi-Fi Kit - $264 Delivered @ Ecolux Appliances


Hi Guys,

We are doing 20% off our Samsung MIM-H03 wifi kits to suit Samsung single phase ducted units, with free delivery Australia Wide.

Works with Smartthings app

For compatibility, just put down model in comments and i can confirm, or if you check the controller, it should be MWR-WE10 or MWR-WE13

Installation is very straight forward. Need 4x fig8/speaker cables connected from Wifi module to indoor unit (no need for electrician)

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closed Comments

  • ive had one of these wired upto my samsung ducted aircon for years and could never get it to work any videos on how to set it up properly?

    • +1

      One second, I'll post info sent to me by my AC installer (Stinson Air) to help you get set up.

      • +1

        absolute legend thankyou so much!

  • +2

    For those who've wired it up and are having trouble getting it working, this is what I was told (emphasis mine):

    Wiring up should be very straight forward, connections are labelled on indoor and WIFI module, have they put the option setting in to controller to activate the centralised control for the air conditioner (see attached)

    Main Menu 4

    Sub Menu 3

    Data Bit 5 Needs to be a 1 factory set to 0

    Check your manuals to see how to configure various settings on your controller if you're unsure what to do with the information above.

    EDIT: this was for a MIM-H04, so YMMV.

    • Perfect mate. Thats how it is done.
      Its the same for MIM-H03 and MIM-H04

      MIM-H04 is just a newer version which is no longer available so we have stocked up on the H03 so atleast customers still have an option for wifi

      • Newer version, but no longer available? 🤔

        • Thanks, Samsung.

        • +1

          Yep as current model units dont use these versions anymore so they are superseeded. These are NEw Old Stock

          • @kerim86: hi mate do you know if its even compatible with this controller?


            • @bob98: You would need to take controller off the wall and see how many cables it has. If it has 4 wires F3F4 / V1V2 then it is compatible

              All the controllers look the same and cant differentiate without checking the model/wiring

  • How can I determine if this is compatible with my system?

    Edit: my controller says DB98-33083B-00

    • You would need to take controller off the wall and see how many cables it has. If it has 4 wires F3F4 / V1V2 then it is compatible

  • Do you guys have the Wi-Fi module for Daikin 12.5Kw (Model FDYQN125LAV1/RZQ125LV1)?

  • Is there model which also works with Apple HomeKit?

    • Samsung and Apple are "competitors" so natively it will not work with HomeKit

  • Hey delivery is coming up as $15 for me, bringing it to $279. Am I doing something wrong?

    • It should be free delivery, but if it does we can sort out your order on our end to include the free delivery

  • When does this offer end? I can't get to my air con unit till Sunday :(

    • No end date yet. So you will be ok

      • Hi, I tried to buy but it comes with with delivery.

        I paid an extra $10 in advance and made the order anyway. Can you please fix this up? Thanks

        • Free delivery should be fixed but any extra delivery payments will be refunded

  • Hi, is this compatible with my model.
    Indoor unit: NS100HHXEG
    Controller: MWR-WE10

    • +1

      Yes it is

      • I can't get this to connect via smart things. It shows as a direct wifi connection DIRECT-SMARTDVM but that does nothing.

        Any suggestions please?

        • Make sure to have 2.4ghz and 5ghz on wifi modem seperate. As if it tries to connect once on a 5ghz network it will corrupt the data and wont be able to re-connect until you do a factory reset ( hold down SW3 button inside until all lights flash )

  • I have two outdoor air conditioner units:

    Both are controlled separately via 2 x MWR-WE10(samsung.com) wired remotes on the wall.

    Is this compatible & do I need one or two MIM-H03 units?

    I found the MIM-H03 manual(downloadcenter.samsung.com) and page 6 states:

    Maximum number of indoor unit installation that can be connected to Wi-Fi kit is 16.

    … but there is no mention of outdoor units? It also shows wiring to an indoor unit only too (and nothing about outdoor units). Bit confusing.

    • As both your units are seperate, You would need 2 seperate wifi kits.
      Max 16 indoor units refers to Multihead/VRF units with one outdoor and multiple indoor units.

  • Hey @kerim86

    I'm back and forthing on this controller at the moment. We have an MWR-WE10 controller currently, not sure of the indoor unit model number, I'd have to duck into the roof and check, if thats needed.

    Can you shed some light on the controller configuration required to enable to wifi controller, as mine doesnt seem to give the options that @psyren89 posted above.

    Also are you (or anyone else in this thread) able to comment on how well this hooks into a Google Home environment? I get that it conects into the SmartThings space, but does linking the two allow for Google Home to take over the temperature and scheduling? Or just a simple off/on?

    • Hey mate, if you have a MWR-WE10 ( and not a MWR-WE10N ) then it will work. Settings will be there. Might just be in a different menu.
      In regards to Google Home, im pretty sure you can link ST to GH and GH will give you complete control over the unit same as how it would work on ST

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