Recently left internope and went over to mate internets 250mbs plan, then had our nighthawk die on us.
Family member had their nighthawk x6 spare and chucked it at us saying they had issues with it and after fixing one broken antenna on it, everything on it seemed great.
Getting 240-248 down, 15-20 up.
But keep getting random issues especially for web browing, checked the forums and found that this is a common issue with this kind of modem , tried all the fixes and no matter what I keep getting issues browsing, rest of the family can't deal with having those issues so looks like we need a new router.
We have a lot of devices in the house (need both wired and wireless 5 and 2.4) and do a lot of gaming, we can't justify dumping a lot of money on another router, so buying a $400 router is out of the question.
Any suggestions?
Google Nest Wifi