I saw a (single) mouse in my house. This worries my spouse who doesn't want to find it in her blouse (for example).
What is some effective ways to rid myself of the infestation? I don't want them (it) to live, no eco friendly/humane option plz
I saw a (single) mouse in my house. This worries my spouse who doesn't want to find it in her blouse (for example).
What is some effective ways to rid myself of the infestation? I don't want them (it) to live, no eco friendly/humane option plz
And available in supermarkets, hardware, etc.
zorry muy Englishh not goot, Jerry iz hear. kan yu blease brin Tom.
und vat iz zis mow strap ov vich yu tork … ?
With peanut butter, they love the stuff
Damn, I muse be a mouse. :-(
Also, it's hard for them to get off the trap. Mice will steal a chunk of cheese and eat it elsewhere; but since they have to lick the peanut butter off the trap it keeps them in the danger zone longer.
Mouse traps aren't that great. I used them for 2 years and caught 100 mice and didn't get rid of them. I put down bait and all gone within a couple of weeks. The traps are a pain as you have to keep putting in fresh bait. Otherwise it dries after 2 days and is not effective.
I've found any sort of trap, bait, anything that treats the symptoms rather than the cause - all end up being ineffective in the long term. I had a large infestation but the single most effective thing that solved the problem permanently was when I went around every nook and cranny of the house looking with a flashlight for tiny gaps/holes mice could squeeze through, and using electrical tape and steel wool to cover them up. Also forming a habit of storing every single food item in airtight containers (not in boxes, not in paper/plastic bags). Free & permanent solution.
This worked for me after wasting time on traps etc. Would recommend steel wool, you will find holes if you look hard enough in every room. They are getting inside somehow.
You call a single mouse an "infestation"?
One mouse is quite a lot more than zero mouse.
Actually it's 1 more than zero. 1.
That's an ∞% increase!
Did any of the mice go up the clock?
Where there's one there's at least 2 and where there's 2, there's going to be a whole lot more in 30 days.
Way to marginalise the gay, lesbian and child free mouse populations
Your spouse does not like a mouse in her house you say. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
Tomcat Red Blocks and bait boxes will surely do, and help you get rid of all that mouse poo.
How did you know the mouse was unmarried?
Because OP was it’s owner and not invited to the wedding ceremony.
Wombat 1 : Cross Dressing Mouse 0
It depends on the species of mouse. Supermarket traps work fine on regular mice (mus musculus) but I had a cartoon mouse move in recently and the only way to deal with it was to buy a cartoon cat.
It doesn't entirely eliminate the problem however (and your frying pan cost is going to go through the roof).
You need an ACME anvil to drop on it.
I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure if their stuff is top quality.
Unplug from USB and put in bin ;)
what if it's bluetooth?
Call a dentist
if they have bluetooth, they try blue castello cheese
PS/2 masterrace
I didn't know the Sony PlayStation 2 had mouse support 🐀🎮🖱️
Too bad ozbargain doesn't allow gun deals anymore. Maybe you can throw the good book at it.
I'm certain that if your method of solving problems with a gun (Homer Simpson Method), then gun deals not being on OzBargain have no affect on you whatsoever…
Buy a cat?
Then what will OP do about the cat infestation?
Get a dog.
Then what will OP do about the dog infestation?
A mouse came into my place awhile back, the cats chased it, it hid, I caught it, put it outside.
It ran back in.
This worries my spouse who doesn't want to find it in her blouse
You watch too many movies.
Lol @ 1 = infestation.
Mouse bait or mouse trap.
Best bait to use on/in traps is pippitas/pumpkin seeds and peanut butter…
Walk the plank or rolling log.
Step 1 : poison outside - https://www.bunnings.com.au/ratsak-professional-rodent-bait-…
Step 2 : check the ceiling - poison trap in the ceiling
Step 3 : Clean the garden
Step 4 : Check small holes inside the house, usually the kitchen, behind the cupboards, washing machine etc, seal them
Step 5 : Clean the inside of the house, remove easy access on food items
Step 6 : Inside mouse trap - https://www.bunnings.com.au/ratsak-electronic-mouse-trap_p00…
PS : If you have pets, then avoid using poison can get a better cat.
Good idea to clean out the pantry etc - full clean out to make sure they haven't eaten thru containers etc.
I prefer to avoid poison, not that I am against rats and mice suffering or anything but they have a nasty habit of crawling into small spaces, roof or cavities to die and the smell is friggin atrocious.
I think the poison has some ingredients to dry the mice out without the smell.
some of them do, like the ones that remove the desire to drink water from them so they die of dehydration. But nothing is perfect, especially when the weather is so wet at the moment. Even the best ones sometimes result in some unpleasant after effects.
Not to mention the devastating effects of the poison on other animals further up the food chain. Animals that die outside then have the chance of being eaten by a bird of prey for example. They in turn can be killed by the poison.
Live rats are smell worst than anything, from their pee and poo.
Once they died with poison, they dried out, no noticeable smell.
Whole neighborhood under a mice plague, i tried everything possible but electronic bait and poison was the most effective.
I did bin the all dead mice to bin to reduce the effects to the other animals.
Whole plague cost me around $2000 worth of damage.
When we bought our house 18 years ago i was a rodent novice. 3 months after moving in i was under the house poking around and notice mouse baits. Then something that looked like drifts of leaves along the walls - it was mummified dead mice…
Those sticky traps are brutal - but they work.
Not always, sometimes the mouses de-limb themselves and get away, but if they get anything more than a paw stuck on it, they’re cooked. Just need the constitution to end the suffering (an issue for some) as they’re still alive while stuck.
Having lived through more than one mouse plague where nothing was safe- plumbing and steel tins included! I have zero qualms in making the buggers suffer. I pretty much have ptsd from them.
The sale and use of glue traps is illegal in some states, and for a good reason. Just get a regular mouse trap from Bunnings, it works well.
seriously how hard is it to go to a shop and buy a mouse trap, smear it with peanut butter, and go to bed.
Instructions not clear, now in hospital for missing weiner.
It's got inside somewhere. Find every gap it could fit through and close them off.
they can sneak through the tiniest spaces, my pet mouse could squeeze between the bars of a cage designed for mice he would be 1cm thick and squeeze through)
mouse trap is way better than poison, as if the mouse is poisoned and died somewhere inside your house, it'll smell like shit in a few day.
Thats whats I first thought, i found living mouse stink like hell, when they died with poison, they get dried out, no smell.
Interesting, haven't heard of that before.
Mix Plaster of Paris and icing sugar. They eat the IS and the PoP sets hard inside them.
A cat 🐈
Use this rat poison with Brodifacoum as the active ingredient. They've built up a tolerance to baits with warfarin.
I make sure I always have the roof space full of these bait station, under the house and in the shed. I haven't had a rodent problem in 8 years. At worst, I see a signs of a rat in the shed and a few days later I might find it dead down the back yard. I check a few times a year and replenish as required.
Great advice! Thanks!
Just make sure there are no pets nearby that can eat the poisoned rats- super super toxic to dogs/cats. If there are, notify their owners that you’re using poison and to ensure their animals don’t eat the dead mice.
do you know if they sell this product for outside use?
Not always a good idea. The mice die in your walls or outside where they may get eaten by wild birds or pets, killing them too.
oh someone already recommended ratsak.
Yes this is the best
NO. and shame on Bunnings for endangering our wildlife with poison. The rodents eat the poison, die slowly, then birds eat the rodent and also die painful slow deaths. Poison is also a risk to other animals.
Pied Piper. Just make sure you pay if you have children.
Two options: murder hornets or drowning buckets
Air rifle.
Just get a decent trap from Bunnings. Ratsak Fastkill ones work well, and if you don't mind spending $50 for an indefinitely reusable one electronic traps work surprisingly well too. Wear gloves when setting up.
If you’re in a Strata building, contact them and most likely they’ll do the needful.
are you sure this is not a garment problem
Damn son, this could be a poem with good rhyming
I saw a single mouse,
this worries my spouse,
who doesn't want to find it in her blouse …
If it's a mouse (not a rat, you can confirm with their droppings) use a mouse trap like nooski from bunnings. Given mice are social animals I can guarantee there are at-least 2 of those little s*its in your house. I've tried other stuff and nooski seemed to be the most effective and clean up easy. Also if you own the place you live, cover up the weepholes with these. They can be expensive (took me 3 of those packs to cover all the holes in a single story house).
no eco friendly/humane option plz
Nooski afaik is fast kill without suffering compared to using poison or other solutions. ymmv :)
You can ask spouse to switch from blouse to jeans / pants for the time being >.<
A blouse is a top. Wearing jeans/pants in place of a top is unlikely to have the desired effect.
edit: Wiki delivers again:
A blouse is a loose-fitting upper garment that was worn by workmen, peasants, artists, women, and children.
Lol >.<, I mistook it for a skirt.
that mouse had nouse - it went straight up her blouse
Not that difficult to rid rice just eat it.
Burn the house to the ground. It's the only option.
May be better if leave the house for a year, when there is no food, not even cockroach wants to live there.
Its a never ending war from now on but don't give up. You can never have enough mouse trap.
You can never have enough mouse trap.
False. If you have so many mouse traps that you can't enter your house, you likely have too many mouse traps.
Or are in a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
tried moust traps- didn't work well, mice just passed over them.
Ratsak is the best solution.
just put them where you've found rat droppings.
Ratsak make rat blind & die.
When a rat goes blind, they natually would find a bright place so they go outside and die.
You won't have to get rid of dead rats.
It is nothing but a blood thinner.
Blood will eventually penetrate the veins and very slow organ shutdown will happen.
I am no longer a vegetarian but hey what have humans become?
Or they get nicked and it never stops bleeding
Humans have been killing introduced, pest ridden vermin for 1000s of years. It's why we domesticated cats.
I found that cheap sweet chocolate placed on the trap works much better than cheese.
And with the price of cheese these days its probably a good thing.
mouse traps.
Simple spring traps are deadly to mice.