Hi all, I am planning to buy an Annual pass for Sydney Zoo (the one near Blacktown). There are 2 types of ticket (2 adult 1 child 1 toddler), unlimited for $154.94 and membership for $249.97 (extra benefit like 10% off food). I am not sure how expensive is the food inside; is it worth to pay extra $100 for the membership? We are planning to go maybe once a month with my 4 & 2yo. If we will have lunch there, normally will be buying 3 meals to share and maybe ice cream/drink.
Sydney Zoo- Unlimited Pass or Membership?
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Even if you buy lunch each month, you will only save $100 if you spend $1000 over the course of the year.
I've never been to sydney zoo, but will this work?
$99.95 1 adult membership
$97.46 unlimited pass for 1 adult, 1 child, 1 infant.$197.41 total
When buying anything at zoo shop, food/drinks, encounters, use the membership for 10% off.
Keep in mind, its not really unlimited. its 12 months. So what happened if Ops kid reach 3 in the middle of the membership? lol
Not sure why you replied directly to my comment lol since the same thing would happen regardless of if OP decides to buy unlimited pass or membership. Just going off the info provided in description.
The only issue I can think of is if the encounters or exclusive events/offers is only applicable for the membership holder, so OP will not be able to purchase child/infant encounter tickets for 10% off.
Depends if you think you will utilize the benefits of the membership enough to get value out of it. That's only something you can determine
I've had 12 month zoo passes before and the only thing I did was go in, look at animals and eat lunch. So if it were me, I would go unlimited because there is no way I spend 1k on food there over 12 months and I don't use the other benefits
This show the difference of what you get, https://sydneyzoo.com/tickets
Its more than 10%, get offers and events. But I would bring my own food or visit once in blue moon, its your lifestyle and money.