Weekend special at Expansys.com.au
Best price I've seen for the 32GB version with stock available ready for delivery from Monday according to the email.
16GB not as good as the shoppingsquare deal at $711.85 shipped
Weekend special at Expansys.com.au
Best price I've seen for the 32GB version with stock available ready for delivery from Monday according to the email.
16GB not as good as the shoppingsquare deal at $711.85 shipped
I see on their site: Minimum cost over 12 months is $888.
Minus $100 buckscoop and $25 off = $763.
Am I missing something?
Also voda currently have no blue at all? Damn, so tempted to buy one right now…
I was at one of the shops in Cannington (edit: Perth suburb) and they had the blue 32gb but was not able to show me the handset (none on display) as I wanted to see the colour. Not sure about online, though, they have taken off the 'Stock due in soon' bit.
I ended up placing an order for the blue 32gb. The website says nothing about out of stock etc. and gives an estimated delivery of 3-5 days. Let's see how it goes. If you wanna see the the actual handset model, youtube might be your best bet, although I can understand that it's not quite the same as seeing it IRL.
Been there done that. It's hard to see the colour as most of those videos do not have natural light, they have weird lighting - even the pictures on the web make the colour look quite dark. Just have to wait I suppose.
Sorry 703 is for 16gb, you are right. Big night last night and to many numbers going through my head thanks to oz bargain.
Go into Vodafone or old 3 store, they had stock of 32gb in Hurstville Sydney.
Cheers, I'm happy to pick one up for ~$763 anyway. I'm located in Mel!
If you include the extended warranty $30.00, it's still cheaper than Kogan at $889.00 for the same type of imported handset.
JB Hifi has them for $777, not sure why you would buy at 899 from kogan.
This is the 32GB version. $777 is for the 16GB.
I don't understand why shipping is $10 more expensive
S3 16GB pebble blue with 16GB Micro SD ($731.46) - $35 shipping
Same model without Micro SD ($718.37) - $25 shipping
It doesn't cost $10 to ship a Micro SD.
Going to call them tomorrow.
Not bad, but cheaper on Vodafone using the buckscoop $100 rebate link and 25 off. About 703, of course that will be the GT-9300T model. Not sure what expansys model will be also