This was posted 2 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre Order] PlayStation 5 Disk Console + FIFA 23 Bundle $898 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Harvey Norman / $904 @ JB Hi-Fi


Pre-order now! Stock expected from Mid October 2022! (PriceMatch at JB)


The bundle costs $898 at Harvey Norman and $904 at JB Hi-Fi. The bundle includes a PS5 Disc edition console as well as the below:

FIFA 23 standard edition (code) + FUT DLC
1x Rare Gold Players Pack (Tradeable)
3x Loan ICON Items (for 5 FUT matches) (Untradeable)

The PS5™ console unleashes new gaming possibilities that you never anticipated.
Experience lightning fast loading with an ultra-high speed SSD, deeper immersion with support for haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, and 3D Audio, and an all-new generation of incredible PlayStation® 5 games.

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman
JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Finally not Horizon or Gran Turismo 7

    • +5

      But at what cost?

      • +4


        - thanos

  • +18

    Still overpriced. Taken into consideration the latest price on the disc console at $799.95, and the FIFA 23 at $79 (RRP $89), you’re paying an additional $19.05-$29.05 for the bundle

      • +22


        • -8

          This isn't a valid response. If you don't have a PS5 and want one, you either pay for the $900 bundle or over $1k from a scalper. It sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it.

          • +2

            @Hinee: Yes there is. Just wait. The price will go down.

            • -3

              @peterross: Obviously. This year though? Christmas is just around the corner and demand will skyrocket. I'm not saying it's a fair situation, but it's the one we find ourselves in and it is what it is. If people want a Playstation now, this is what you're paying.

              • +1

                @Hinee: This is ozBARGAIN, not ozIMPULSIVE BUY. Anyone can buy a PS5 at an inflated price, it's not a skill and it doesn't require a post.

              • @Hinee: Price will go down like the skyrocket falling with engine fail on Blackfryday

            • @peterross: Yeah, when the PS6 is released.

              • @Maths Debater: Thats what I do. A smart way to get all games cheap and I always have plenty of games to play. I wish other people were as smart as me.

      • +5

        I think everyone would like to be paying RRP or less, because thats generally the point of a bundle.

        • +5

          yeh, honestly dont know how these bundles aren't $850… which is still bad considering the price rise, but that should be the point. throwing in a cheaper game to smooth the hit of the console price bump.

          it's like they're jealous of the scalping markets they themselves created. they're just printing money.

      • Just need the scalper receipt for warranty.

      • +2

        who ever buys this from a scalper is an idiot. full stop no ifs or buts

      • I think many people would rather pay $749 for the console without this game.

        If you don’t like FIFA then you’re paying $149 more than the console retailed for two months ago. You’re also getting a game at RRP that can be easily purchased for less already, and based on series history will be very cheap in a few months (FIFA 22 at Amazon is $19).

        Don’t think $899 is a good deal at all even factoring in the consoles $799 RRP today. People will be forced into it due to lack of other options if they want a PS5 and I’m sure the bundle will shift a ton of units leading into Christmas as a result, but it’s still not a great offer given buying the console and game separately is cheaper.

    • +11

      Nothing better than Sony upping the price and forcing a football game down your throat at the same time 😂

      • +9

        A football game that will be heavily discounted and possibly free with PSN in a year.

        • +3

          So true.
          Bargain bin game.

    • +2

      No you see, it's a digital code and it's $109 on the PS Store so it's a bargain /s

  • +3

    Sony raised the retail price first, then start to sale bundle only?

    • +6

      Sony and Nvidia are so anti consumer right now.

      I hope AMD is reasonable. If so I hope AMD and Microsoft get a boost in sales.

      • +5

        That's ok, nobody needs to buy one.

        Just keep the money in your wallet and purchase when it's a better price.

      • +1

        Funny, because the PS5 is powered by AMD along with the XboneX.

        • +2

          FYI xbonex was last gen, the current one is Series X and yes still AMD.

          • +1

            @Spendmore: Ahhh, thanks. I thought it was just Xbox One last gen. I forgot about that model.

            • +1

              @Caped Baldy: Lol it is hard to keep up to be honest the names are all just merged. They should have distanced themselves from the last name a bit I reckon.

      • -7

        Your favorite greedy corp (Nintendo) is the second most anti consumer, still no price drop on a 5 year old ancient outdated console and old games!!
        Most anti consumer of all by far is micro$oft if you know their history and their dodgy tax evasion. (Which you clearly don't and possibly never will) how else did they become a corrupt trillion dollar corp??
        Next time don't be a hypocrite and don't embarrass yourself kid

        • +2

          How does tax evasion affect the consumer? Also have you not been looking on Ozbargain the switch OLED has even dropped in price.
          The only console company at the moment looking bad is Sony, the one and only.

          • -4

            @Spendmore: face palm
            You just proved my point of the type of person I mention…
            Congratulation kid.
            Not gonna go into details but one thing I'll say tax evasion is never good for consumers and only benefit corrupt criminals corps like apple, m$, google and especially theft billionaires

            • @halil23: The only point proven is that you are the kid as you can't seem to control your emotions, calm down Sonny it's no big deal, don't get yourself so worked up.

              • -3

                @Spendmore: lol, damn kids these days loves exposing how much of a sheep they are by sticking up for corrupt corporations instead of doing the humane thing to by boycotting corrupt criminals.
                I see you still living in lala land kid, I pity you

                • -1

                  @halil23: Lol grow up Sonny, I guess you are typing this on an apple or Microsoft device? How's the boycott going hypocrite 😂

        • Not sure who you are calling kid.

          Yeah you can add Nintendo in there too they have done well to monetise the nostalgia most people have from their childhood.

          In regards to the earlier comment, ps5 having AMD tech inside it doesn't mean anything. Unless you are suggesting the Ps5 price increase is due to them passing on increases in cost from AMD?

          I don't think so, I think they are just taking the opportunity to scalp their customers. Why isn't Microsoft increasing their prices?

          • -3

            @Circly: Fyi, I'm against price hikes, won't be buying one until they drop it back down, not in a rush.
            This Sony misstep is nothing compares to the corrupt greedy m$ that have done BS things though out since it's inception but no fanboys bring that up but nitpicking little things is hypocritical and delusional

        • The great thing about Nintendo is that the hardware is a lot less powerful so it's easier to emulate.

  • +4

    Damn all these over priced bundles.

  • +5

    Will it be the 1200 revised model PS5 in this bundle?

    • +8

      I would think so.

  • +11

    Oh Sony look how far you've fallen

    Forced overpriced bundles what a year..

    • With two large bags of cash

  • +10

    In addition to what bargainsgrabber mentioned, Fifa games also just drop prices really quick.

    FIFA 22 went to $59 less than two months after launch, and then $49 the month after.

    Far from a deal.

    • +1

      Till they eventually just become landfill. The only FIFA that holds any value is the last released on a generation of console.

  • thats ok, Sony fanboys will pay whatever price it seems, might as well make money off them

    • -4

      Better than being a blind m$ fankids supporting a satanic corp (m$) with a long history of anti consumer/ anti competitive, tax evasion, monopoly of theft.
      Am I right little child?

      • nah, Im 40 and play pc games

        • Sure!!

  • +1

    corporate scalping at its best..

  • +3

    Available everywhere. Hopefully kills the scalping game

    • +1

      Yup lol, EB Games preorder starts from 11am too
      Still not a deal either

  • Oof, $100 for a FIFA game, the nasty bundles are kicking in!

  • +3

    Am struggling to see the deal…

  • +3

    Not a deal/bargain purely because FIFA games drop in price really quickly. Needs to be in forums.

  • +1

    Where is the bargain?

    • You might get one before xmas if you're lucky. If you have kids or a boyfriend then it's a pretty cool gift.

      • So where is the bargain?

        • +1

          Not having to pay scalper prices.

          • @AustriaBargain: That's…not a bargain though…

            • @peterross: If you absolutely must need a PS5 under the xmas tree, then it is a bargain. PS5 will be over two years old at xmas so a lot of people will think they are owed one on xmas morning by now.

  • +1

    all these hodl comment in gpu post but not one in ps5…

  • +10

    There is no bargain, it is just corporate scalping. Bundles should be cheaper than separate purchases, NOT MORE EXPENSIVE!

    PS5 Disc version official retail price : $800
    Harvey Norman FIFA 23 PS5 price : $74

    So this so called 'bundle' is at least $24 more expensive than it should be.

    • +1

      Buy an XBox stand alone…..No games worth a bundle so you can be assured that MS only sell the console.

  • This is very sad to see.

  • +1

    Not a deal …

  • +1

    Sony official scalping price!

  • +2

    pre-order this 2 year old console!

  • +7

    is this the first time in history a base console has went up in price? insane.

    dont support it

    • -4

      Yes you're right.
      From now on I'm not buying petrol for my car because it keeps getting more expensive. Walking everywhere from now on.
      That'll teach the oil companies..

      • +2

        I guess that's why electric vehicles are becoming more popular.

        • Probably…. :)

      • +4

        ah yes comparing petrol to video game consoles. you are very smart

        • -1

          Yes indeed. More like a comparison of the general economy and cost of goods to manufacture would provide a better case study.
          Nearly all consumer electronics have been impacted by inflation, with many reluctantly applying price increases. The global Electronics manufacturer I work for has been reluctant to raise prices , but unfortunately had to apply a 10% increase due to components becoming more expensive.
          There you go… is this more to your liking?

          • +2

            @klaatu: You are comparing a need to a want.

            Society needs fuel for the economy to function. You may drive a little less going on discretionary outings, but many still need fuel in the tank to drop the kids off, to get to work, and as a business to do your job. We can all do without some PS5s. If you don't want to pay the price, you don't buy it because life goes on.

            There's a reason why the elasticity of demand for fuel is relatively stable, despite price fluctuations.

            • -1

              @jwh: Yes I know and understand your point.
              The same thought crossed my mind when I bought my PS5 February 2020. I could have done without it at the time, using the old "I'll wait for a price drop" reasoning, then later still complain that there were none available and scalpers were selling at inflated prices. Now they have become somewhat readily available, still complain some more that my only choice was to buy a bundle that worked in deterring scalpers and made PS5's available for a few hours rather than a few seconds. FIFA23 is a EA third party published game that Sony PS actually purchase from EA. EA set the price that Sony pay for the game.
              Now almost anyone can get PS5 without being fleeced by being charged $400 or more than RRP, but that won't stop those that will find a reason to complain of the $50 increase or a forced bundle. Simple solution is don't buy one if your not prepared to pay what is actually the exact current RRP of the console and game. Having a whinge wont change the inflation rate or price increases across the board on nearly all products we buy.
              Plenty of intelligent people are using this pre order to grab a PS5. Trying to make out as though they are delusional and being ripped off by purchasing the bundle is quite sad. My prediction is the next bundle will be God of War Ragnarok and can't wait for the being ripped off comments to surface.

              • @klaatu: Inflation has never existed while consoles have? Sorry schmuck. You’re out of your depth

                • -1

                  @XCOM v2: You're a genius….highest rate of inflation in the past 15 years does put me out of my depth. /s

                  • -1

                    @klaatu: Certainly does. Base console same as release date, and price goes up.

                    Keep being a chump

                    • -1

                      @XCOM v2: Open your blinds…a lots happened the past 2 years.
                      And for you …perfection acting like an entitled tool.

                      • -1

                        @klaatu: lot happened in 2007 too, you might've been in primary school though

                        • -1

                          @XCOM v2: No in 2007 I just turned 38 and just finished working as a senior manager with PlayStation Australia, rewarded with the incredible success of the PlayStation 2 as the greatest selling console of all time and successfully defending market share against the launch of XBox by constantly outselling them 2:1.
                          Guess what XCon, we (and XBox / Nintendo) released bundles back then too with none of the whinging experienced by the paranoid minority like yourself. And before you throw out the chestnut Sony fan boi comment, some of my close friendships were, and are still today, XBox, Activision, Ubisoft, EA employees…!!

  • +4

    Will be a $20 game in the bargain bin after a month. This is Ozbargain not OzRipoffBundles

  • +4

    This is insane pricing! Even factoring the game in at full-price, there's an additional $30 or so just to buy the bundle.

    They're taking the piss at this point.

  • +3

    These bundle "deals" are toxic. $99/$104 for the digital version of a $74 physical game … no thanks!

  • +1

    Nap. Too much. You can keep it HN.

  • +1

    OzRRP at $749.95 actually a good deal prior bahah

  • HA! At first glace I though this PS has been fitted with a 5 disk changer!
    Anyone else?

    • Reminded me of the 3 disc cd changer sound system we had.

  • +2

    Not a deal

  • Bugger off with your stupid bundles.

  • +3

    I will wait until the PS5 eventually hits $600 or so. I can wait. There aren't any games to play anyway.

    • The only ones I wanted to play are coming to PC too

  • The ageings PS4 and the Switch are still so effing expensive, you'd think they'd be at $100 by now.

    • +1

      When you find a console that is $100 brand new…let me know ;)

  • The scam deals strike again!

  • DisabledUser351090

    He Protec

    He Attac

    But couldnt handle the negative flac

    • lmao what a soft c**k, is that why they are disabled?

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