Noticed agl suddenly added a high demand and low demand components to my bill ,is that extra charges on top of my current rate ?
AGL Extra Fee? High Demand and Low Demand

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Says nothing about a "low demand" charge, which I've never heard of either, and I am on a demand tarriff with AGL.
Yes, it seems you've been switched to the demand tariff. I assume you have a smart meter. Do you also have solar? We were moved from Time of Use to Demand on the request of the supplier/distributor (Ausgrid). They have a right to move you across.
After doing the calculations (not fun) I found that I would actually be paying ~40% more on the demand tarrif compared to Time of Use. I was able to organise to switch back to ToU, but it wasn't an easy process.
FYI the purpose of demand is to try and help smooth the usage throughout the day e.g. avoid using the oven, air-con, washing machine, etc all at the same time. But unless I made some very significant and detrimental changes to my usage, I wouldn't really be better off.
The one bill I've compared so far was actually ever-so-slightly better off than my previous plan. But then we already use a good chunk of power during the day: our usage during peak is mostly from cooking. Will be interesting to see how we go over summer but… :/
No solar . Yes they installed a smart meter for me even tho I don't want it
Ah thanks for confirming. So you'll still be charged for your usage, but it should be at a lower rate than Time of Use or Single Rate pricing. The demand charges are additional and worked out by determining your highest usage value in a 30 minute interval during the demand period e.g. 2pm-8pm.
So on your bill you'll see supply+usage+demand.
If you're not at home or have limited usage during these demand peaks you can really come out ahead.
FYI if they've only recently installed the smart meter, then you may not be able to switch to Time of Use. You generally need to remain on that for 12 months.
Google "Agl High demand and low demand" and have a read of the results.