This was posted 2 years 6 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1/2 Price - Vitasoy Oat Milky UHT Milk 1 Litre - $1.35 @ Woolworths

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I only recently discovered this whole oat milk thing and I'm not going back. This stuff is the bomb in smoothies!

Expiry on the ones I bought was AUG 23, so I stocked up the pantry.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    It tastes great, and it's cheaper than real milk!

    • +2

      I agree Oat tastes the best out of the alternative milks but most the brands are between lite and full fat cows milk in calories per serve so not good for watching your weight.

      • -5

        Oat Milk has such miminal protein

        • +8

          Lucky its not meant to be a main protein source in your diet…

      • +2

        This stuff is 42cal/100mL which is pretty low on the scale. 4% dairy milk is 65-70.

      • +1

        Yeah the thing I don’t like about unsweetened oat milk is the sweetness. Paired with toasted muesli, it’s a bit much for me. It’s like cows milk but slightly sweeter. Unsweetened almond milk is the opposite. I’ve gone off that mostly since I read about how much water goes into making it. I like soy.

  • +2

    Is Wooloworths Woolworths' ugly cousin?

    Edit: fixed now. 😬

    • Irish cousin

      • +2

        I'll be heading down to old Wool O'Worth's for some potatoes and oat Milky, I will.

  • -7

    Just to avoid any confusion: these "milk" products are marketed as milk alternative (a bit like "meat" plant based products) and they try to make it taste similar. But, from nutritional standpoint, these products can not compete with cow's or goat's milk. Even when they add vitamins and minerals to them.
    Of course, I only talk about healthy people without any allergies.
    It is much cheaper to produce plant based milk, thus, the margin for the manufacturer is a lot higher.

    • +4

      Aside from people with allergies, if you're watching your weight these plant based products are a good alternative to cows milk particularly almond milk.

      • -1

        Low fat milk is a good alternative - still getting most of the nutritional benefits. Some countries even sell whey in supermarkets - super healthy. Not in Au unfortunately (only dry form). But that skim milk is almost the same.

        • I make mozzarella once every so often, the left over whey, would that be much different to what you're referring to? How would one use it? I just pour them out.

          • @[Deactivated]: One just drinks it as a drink, cooks dishes with it. It is not tasty as there is no sugar or fat there. But it is very healthy. They sell it as sports nutrition in dry form for lots of dollars.

    • +12

      thanks but no one is confused

      Also cow's milk isn't good for humans, it's great for calves though

      • +4

        Which scientific research you are basing this statement on? May I get a reference?
        I know this statement is popular amongst vegans, but as far as I know, it has no scientific evidence behind it.

        Also, to say "no one is confused" is a very brave generalisation. I bet that most of the general public think that it is just a healthier alternative to regular milk. (Same as "meat" products or bread without gluten) - it is not.

        • Are you asking for scientific evidence cow's milk is not good for humans?
          A place to start would be for you to post links that supports your statement it is good for humans.

          • +1

            @drfuzzy: Raynes stated above "cow's milk isn't good for humans". Since he stated that - he needs to prove that statement (normal logic). But in broken logic - I need to prove the countrary.

            • +5

              @Musiclover: Three studies found milk consumption correlated with higher morality. It’s not absolute proof, but interesting nevertheless:




              • @ForkSnorter: Thank you. We (regular peasants) only begin to learn on interpreting scientific data. I would say that one can find individual resaearches that prove any possible random statements.

                What we need is a big meta analysis on big pool during long time, something similar to coffee or mediterranian diet studies.

                An example on milk

                Including "Conclusion on nutrient content and health aspects of milk and plant-based drinks
                Cow's milk and plant-based drinks are completely different products, both regarding nutrient content and presumably also health effects. Although there are concerns about children consuming the low-protein drinks, further evidence-based assessment of the nutritional and health value of the plant-based drinks must await more studies in humans."

                • +3

                  @Musiclover: What is interesting about the study you posted is that, if you read the “Conflicts of interest and funding” section at the end, all the researchers except one had funding/grants from the dairy industry.

                  • @ForkSnorter: This is just a random reasearch off the internet, found in 3 seconds. I would not bet anything on it, but you can see that a little bit more data has been used compared to your researches.

                    I understand that a conspiracy theory is a very amuzing tool to play with… But I would have a look at the bulk and quality of data prior to assuming that it has been modified by the big corporations. After all, another research that I read shows that "milk" drinks manufacturers have a much bigger marketing budget than diary manufacturers.

              • @ForkSnorter: I don’t think morality comes into the picture here. Mortality maybe…

        • I feel like 'most of the general public ' should think it is a milk drink made from oats. Like soy milk, Almond milk etc. If most would think this relates to how healthy the drink itself is, this would just be due to ignorance.

          • -1

            @cookie2: Even you fall into the trap carefully laid by the "milk" drink manufcaturers just in your statement above. This drink has nothing to do with milk.

            • +2

              @Musiclover: I stopped consuming cows milk about 6 months ago, especially in my coffee.

              When I try it now, it tastes disgusting. It has this horrible sour taste. My friend said the same thing.

              I think we become desensitised to that taste when we drink milk often.

              I honestly think fresh cows milk is intended for calves and is not healthy for humans when consumed often.

              For me, there’s no going back now. Coffee with bonsoy or vitasoy soymilk tastes way better.

              • @ForkSnorter: I have made a similar experiment with different results.
                Our personal experience is irrelevant in this case anyway.

          • +2

            @cookie2: I'm the same. I don't actually see the point trying to be made here.

            Oat milk comes from oats and cow milk comes from cows. It literally says Oat Milk on the front of the pack, there's no illusion.

            When I compared the nutritional tables I didn't want to drink skim milk in my smoothies and felt I could add a bit of protein such as flaxseed powder to the oat milk to make up the difference.

            I still have full cream cows milk in my espresso.

            It doesn't have to be one or the other.

        • +2

          Cow's milk being indigestible to the majority of humans is probably a good start

          • @Raynes: What scientific research is this statement based on? Are you able to provide any references?

            • +1

              @Musiclover: not getting into a references battle on a bargain website
              you just keep chugging that titty milk king 👊

              • -1

                @Raynes: just as I thought

                PS It is not a bargain when you buy oat flour for x10 of a price marketed as something else. So the subject is offtopic on a bargain site anyway.

    • -1

      Musiclover is not wrong… min 8% oat milk, might as well make it at home

      • +5

        It’s “Minimum 8% oats”, not “minimum 8% oat milk”.

        If it wasn’t mostly water, you wouldn’t be able to drink it.

        • +4

          Lol, I'm amazed you had to explain that but there you go.

  • I milked a goat once. But how does one milk an oat?

    • +7

      Nano tech robots milk each oat individually.

      • +1

        & water comes out, product should be called water oat flavoured

    • -2

      It is just a cheap oat flour dilluted in water sold for a price multiplied by 10. It will not get sold as that, so it is marketed as "milk"…

      • +7

        just wait until you find out about peanut butter and coconut cream, you're going to be ropeable

        • I’ve made peanut butter in the past. The effort in cleaning the blender makes it worth buying pre-made for me. Though, I guess you could have a PB making arvo where you make a couple of kilo.

          We are lucky to have available good quality PB with low or no salt, no additives and Aussie peanuts. Eg. Bega, Ridiculously Delicious, Pics (NZ peanuts from memory), etc.

          • @Corgsta: I was referencing the "milk" in quotes

            • @Raynes: Yeah I picked up on your sarcasm 😁

    • soak it in water, blend or mash it then filter out the solid

      same way people have been making soya milk if for 1000+ years

      in all fairness the real/pure plant milks are quite different to these manufactured stuff

  • I wonder if amazon will price match this?

    • It was 1/2 price until yesterday or the day before oddly enough. Remained that way since Coles 1/2 price.

      • Ah, i missed out then.

    • +1

      I just had 6 from amazon delivered at this price.

      • +2

        Dont think that was oat milky. Pretty sure it was just their oat milk

        • Can confirm it was the normal one @ $1.45.Went up to two bucks though

    • Hope so, cbf driving up to woolies

  • +1

    Have tried many brands, this is the one I am going for now. It enhances the coffee's aroma and smoothness. Adding extra amount of almond milk, would make it even better. You need to adjust it to your personal taste. It's half price so it's great time to try.

    • +2

      Agreed, great with coffee

    • It's definitely the tastiest, but So Good drinks are probably 2nd tastiest (unfortunately a far distance from this at #1) and also packed with stuff like Calcium, Vitamin D, B2, and B12, which pretty much covers your likely gaps if you're not eating animal products afaik, so it's hard to stick to only this amazing milky. I currently have both in the fridge.

  • +3

    I think Vitasoy tastes better than many off the barista style oat milks at double the price, the milky one is good too

    • Vitasoy’s oat milk is great in cereal in my experience, but not great for making creamy cappuccino froth. Comes out bubbly. Soy milk much better in my experience, especially bonsoy.

      • The Chobani oat milk is pretty good for frothing, sometimes half price at woolies

      • I agree the normal one isn’t very good for froth although I find it tastes good steamed ( I’m not a fan of Soy to be honest). The milky version I thought was a lot better with foaming and did ‘stretch’ quite a bit more than the regular

  • +1

    Oat Milky is so much better than regular oat
    Brand of choice. Califia Farms is good too but normally more expensive

  • 97% aussie. Anyway way to find out what these are?

    • +1

      "3% madagascan grey mouse lemur prostate milk"

    • +2

      Its the calcium, I used to work for them.

  • Is there an easy way of identifying when these sales ends? Assuming it's not all sold out prior.

    • Woolies specials usually refresh on Wednesdays I believe

    • tickets on the shelf should have some sort of date, on coles they have the date it ends on the bottom corner but I haven't quite worked out how to interpret the woolies ones yet.

  • -2

    No soy for me I want to keep keep away from phytoestrogens w

    • It’s important to stay abreast of the latest health trends

    • +1

      Hope you're avoiding all the fruits and other seeds and vegetables that contain phytoestrogens too then or your efforts might be all for nothing

    • This is oat, it contains no soy and is much closer in taste/texture to cow milk.

  • Thanks bought 5 boxes.

  • How does it taste compared to Vitasoy Oat Milk

    • +1

      The same

    • +1

      Very very different.

      • So… Oat Milky is better?

        • -1

          Depends on your preference. Personally find the original more creamy. Colour is more yellow if that's important. But mostly tastes the same.

          • -2

            @supersour: Have you been a chain smoker for the past 40 years? Or were you in horrible horrible nuclear accident? The regular and milky taste very different.

        • Yes buy oat milky and the regular and compare them. And you will never ever buy the normal one again (unless its half price)

  • I can't find the oat Milky at any of the stores around me, either Coles or Woolworth or IGA. The 5 local C&W stores and 3 IGA Supa.

    This must be either an boutique product or in seicr locations.

    I was keen to try the Milky. (Amazon doesn't stock it either)

    • They have been in every coles and Woolworths i have ever been in for over a year and i travel everywhere.
      Look for the regular vitasoy oatmilk. And then read the sticker right next to it under the empty shelf space. They sell out a bit.

  • This stuff is pretty good with Weetbix also..,

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