This was posted 2 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Red Cherry Shrimp (Aquarium Cleaner) $3.49 Each + $12 Express Postage ($0 SYD C&C) @ Sydney Aquascapes


We finally have a range of Neocaridina shrimp back in stock!
Ghosts - $2
Red Cherries - $3.50
Chocolates - $6
Yellows - $9
Blues - $11

These Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp are a great addition to your clean-up crew.
The Neocaridina family being one of the hardiest dwarf shrimp out there, they can survive temperatures as low as 15C up to 30C but thrive and breed readily between 21 and 26 Degrees.

Dwarf Shrimp are scavengers. They eat algae, bacteria and other microorganisms around the tank, and will never attack other live animals. They have a minimum bio-load and are a great addition to almost any tank's ecosystem!
Don't forget to check out our plants for combined postage and keeping the shrimp happy in transit!

Keeping with fish:
The general rule for all aquatic life is "if it fits in their mouth they will eat it." Unless you have specifically passive or vegetarian fish, shrimp may be eaten by any fish which is large enough to swallow one hole. Adult shrimp grow to 2cm in length, with juveniles being at least 1cm. Conversely, any smaller fish will live with them very happily. They may eat the baby shrimp if they breed, but if you have enough plant cover, usually enough survive to keep the colony going.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to ask!

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closed Comments

  • The most expensive meal I have ever had?

    • +1

      Got it in one!

  • +1

    Does this work for pond? Asking for a friend (my large pond, not my small 2x2m))

    • +1

      they should be ok in the pond as-long as there's no predatory fish or dragonfly larvae

      • Only taddies at the moment but plenty of birds, domesticated and wild, that like to get a sip

        • If they have plant cover and places to hide ghost shrimp might be ok but the cherries will just be shining red targets.

    • +2

      They are not very hardy. If you plonk them in, theyll likely die. They need slow adaptation to the water parameters, people do drip acclamation when placing them into an aquarium

      • I've got a few red in my pond for a few years now. Depends on how hardy the genetics is.

    • +1

      I would recommend to get some ghost shrimp, the cheapest $2 ones for your pond.

      They will have the easiest time hiding in it and have a chance to breed fast enough to survive predators especially if there is plant cover and places for them to hide.

      The other issue is temperature, if the water gets close to freezing they won't survive. They should be alright if it stays about 10 degrees C at the coldest time at night.

    • I have several shrimp tanks, there's no way these will survive in a pond. They need to live in almost perfect conditions and water parameters, and any change in environment or water condition will quickly wipe all of your shrimp.

      Shrimp are amazing fun to keep, however you will need a tank with properly cycled water, regulated water temperature and regular water changes. Shrimp can be hard to keep even for experienced people.

      • This is definitely the case for more advanced shrimp but not the case for ghosts and usually cherries which are crossbred enough to be quite Hardy.

        This is absolutely the case for crystals but we actually keep all our shrimp in outdoor tanks which are not much different than a pond.

    • Better off with snails

  • let's see… do I need more skrimps?

    • If you have some cherry shrimp. Then you should have 10x more in a few months by doing absolutely nothing.

      • I have a khuli loach that keeps the population in check. but I could do with some more red in there

  • What happens if you put different colours shrimps in one tank?

    • some times they mix and you get really cool combinations of color, other times they become see through with a bit of transparent coloring

  • Would these be okay with Angelfish?

    • Likely not unfortunately

  • I assume my African Cichlids and Clown Loaches will eats these guys? The largest are about 10cm.

    • Yes they would.

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