I'm visiting Sydney from QLD at the moment, and needed to drive through the Inner West yesterday. Google put me onto Frederick Street, which felt like a major suburban road. Suddenly, I came across this at the intersection with Eccles Street (https://goo.gl/maps/g4pS1274mcx5GjjNA)
EDIT: Some posters have pointed out that there are "Do Not Queue Across Intersection" signs at Eccles Street. That's a good point, but there's the same line treatment a bit up the road at Hedger Avenue where these signs aren't present (going north) - https://goo.gl/maps/WHjEExzdo84fzyRJ7.
It looked like through traffic on Frederick Street (the more major road in this intersection, and the through road at the T) needs to give way to Eccles Street (the minor side road). There's no Give Way signage, but that definitely looks like a give-way line to me - and my understanding is that the road rules say that the line is as good as a sign.
EDIT: As above, there are "Do Not Queue Across Intersection" signs at Eccles Street, but if you head northbound on Frederick Street you don't see a sign at Hedger Ave, so if you just cruise through Eccles because you linked the lines with the 'do not queue' sign, let me know what your thoughts are northbound at Hedger Avenue!
I slowed down here to see if anyone was coming from Eccles Street, but didn't notice anybody else doing that. If you go into Street View, you'll notice that driving from Frederick St (north->south), you can't see easily see what's coming from Eccles Street until the give way line.
So - I'll throw it to the drivers of OzBargain who have been through here before - do you slow down on Frederick Street?
It's not a Give Way line. The dotted lines are so that cars do not queue across the intersection.