I was on holiday in Bali and lost my card and around $3,000 was taken from the account. The bank blocked the card and emailed me about the fraudulent transactions which is when I realised the card was missing. My bank HSBC has asked for a police report within 5 days or they will close the case. Obviously, I am not in Bali anymore so this is impossible. Can anyone suggest what I should do? Thanks.
Bank Wants a Police Report to Refund My Money

Last edited 20/09/2022 - 14:04
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Your local police only investigate /take reports, for matters that occurred in that state or territory.
Have you tried reporting the theft (a crime) to the police?
Obviously, I am not in Bali anymore so this is impossible.
Why would that be the case?
Fly back to Bali and file a report.
I am going back but in 6 days not 5 :p
After losing your card, how long did you wait until you reported it to the bank? It doesn't look good if you waited for a long time (and left the country).
Getting a police report seems reasonable as you are meant to report card loss immediately.
I reported it a couple of days later when I realised the card was missing.
I hope the bender you were on was worth the 3K!
I hope the
benderwoman you were on was worth the 3K!I hope the gender bender you were with was worth the 3k
You have to look at it from the bank's point of view.
If you didn't do anything to cancel the card or report it to the bank within due course then that could be seen as negligent. They're not mind readers, you could've just had a large purchase that you regretted.I feel they are well within their rights to ask.
That, and also not reporting it immediately looks dodgy. You're in a foreign country, you lose your credit card, and you don't immediately report it missing and get the bank to put a freeze on its transactions?
Like you said, the scenario of "wants the bank to refund $3000 and hems-and-haws around getting a police report when pressed about the 'theft'" is a story the bank has probably heard a hundred times.
I reported within a couple of days and the bank obviously agreed that the transactions were dodgy as they blocked the card before I even realised it was gone.
couple of days
How long is this, exactly?
Did you report it immediately. If so, any transactions after that time are on them?
If you were in Bali and someone took money out of an ATM, wouldn't that money missing be a Sum in Indonesian Rupiah?
Anyway, lodge a report via the App "Salak Bali"
Thanks, will do.
Can't seem to register as it just says something went wrong, please try again when I press register.
Report the bank to the cops for trying to scam you out of your own money!
They should issue you a no questions asked refund immediately, they just gave your money to a thief who stole your card! outrageous.Who would have thought - one "loses" a credit/debit card and the person that finds it just happens to be smart enough to remove $3,000 from the account. All before the person that loses the card bothers to inform his/her bank, and/or before the bank fraud squad smells something is fishy with the transaction(s).
Pieces don't really add upTo be fair, OP doesn't specify if it was money spent on the card (eg. CC or Visa debit) or withdrawn from account (eg. ATM). It makes a pretty big difference.
The bank blocked the card for fraud transactions which is how I realised it was missing in the first place so yes someone was smart enough to remove $3000.
Have you tried calling the Bali police to lodge a police report?
or Download the App mentioned above
App "Salak Bali" and lodge a Report…Can't seem to register as it just says something went wrong, please try again when I press register.
Try a different browser
WIll give that a try, thanks.
Just for Clarity, the transactions were made on the same day the card was lost and the bank blocked the card after which I reported the card lost when I realised I didn't have it anymore. Money was withdrawn and the card was used at various stores. I obviously have proof I was no longer in the country as I went through immigration and was on a flight to Australia.
Go to your local cop shop and tell them exactly that.
the transactions were made on the same day the card was lost
You didnt know it was lost… so how do you know this?
Through the bank records online.
Email them back and say you were leaving the country etc, and you are returning in 6 days. Ask for an extension of time, and get a police report asap. If that fails try the banks complaints procedure
Is this a credit card or debit card? You are not legally responsible for transactions made on your credit card without your authorisation. $3000 is a lot of $100 tap transactions though. It’s fully insured so just tell the bank you’re not paying. They’re also being unreasonable with the 5 day limit.
Any issues, call the financial ombudsman.
Could you see if the bank would accept a statutory declaration in the first instance and advise that you would file a police report when you return to Bali in 6 days?
Standard practice, travel insurance also won't do anything without a police report.
Fill out what happened and why you took so long to report it on a stat dec. Take it to a jp- justice of the peace and sign and have it witnessed. Then take that in to your bank. If the bank realised the transactions were fraudulent, then they blocked your card before you called and said it was stolen. Then its fair enough that you didnt realise until the notified you it was blocked. Besides you were on your way home when it was being used. The stat dec is like putting your hand on the bible in court and saying you will tell the truth. A stat dec should be plenty.
I don't know why so many people are being d1cks to the OP in this thread. This could easily happen to anyone of you/me. I know I've got five credit cards and two debit cards in my wallet. I'm not checking every 3 minutes to see if they are all still there……especially if I'm on an OS holiday enjoying 10,000 local beverages.
my thoughts exactly!
Just an update, I managed to get an extension from HSBC and obtained a police report whilst I was in Bali so all should be good. Thanks for the constructive replies and less so for the others :p
Call your local police and lodge a report with them