This was posted 2 years 6 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10% off Nintendo eShop Gift Cards @ JB Hi-Fi (in Store Only)


10% off Nintendo eShop Prepaid Cards

*$15 - Now $13.50
*$30 - Now $27
*$60 - Now $54

Available in store only.

Edit: Sorry people my bad, looks like website price changed early on JB website but now been removed, start date on catalogue is Thursday 22nd.

Backpage from catalogue

Link to digital catalogue with updated start date 21/09/22 (….)

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    You can’t buy gift cards with a JB HiFi gift card, can you ?

    • +2

      You should be able to, but it depends on the employee.

    • +5

      An alternative is you buy the TCN gift cards from Woolies for 10% off and use it at JB for the Nintendo eShop cards. I did it for Apple gift cards at JB and it should work the same I think

      • This, or alternatively from Coles also for 10% off.

    • I did recently.

    • +2

      I've used JB gift cards online to buy digital gift cards before and that works. I'd assume instore would also work too

    • Recently purchased a Steam Wallet card with a GC from the latest Telstra deal, shouldn't be different with an Eshop one I'd imagine.

    • +4

      Ex-employee here, you absolutely can

      • Quick question: I tried to buy Apple Gift Cards with a JB Gift Card and they said no. Were they wrong?

        • +2

          I’d say the staff member serving you was wrong, but I’m not overly surprised they said no to you.

          • @WookieMonster: Can you use TCN cards on these? ty.

            • +2

              @Jackpot518: I haven’t tried it myself, but it should be fine.

              Just tell the staff that you want to use a card or EFTPOS as the payment method, not a gift card. If you instead say gift card to a JB Hi-Fi staff member, they will think of JB Hi-Fi gift cards, not TCN nor Ultimate gift cards (and JB Hi-Fi and TCN/Ultimate gift cards are redeemed differently).

          • @WookieMonster: Thanks for showing me that post WookieMonster. Cheers.

        • +1

          It'll come down to the store in question. One of the terms & conditions on the cards says that they can't be redeemed for other gift cards. Most stores interpret that as not being able to buy another JB gift card with a JB gift card, but some might apply the policy to all their gift cards. They're risking facilitating money laundering if they let people transfer money across a few different mediums.

          Ultimately, they're a private company that already has your money, so they're free to dictate the terms under which you can redeem it.

    • +1

      I tried and they wouldnt let me use my JB voucher

  • +1

    Good price to help offset the Nintendo tax.

    • +2

      Discounted Ecards + NSO Vouchers = somewhat decent AAA pricing for us who prefer to not swap carts and remain all digital 😃

  • +4

    Hrm, been thinking about Splatoon 3 and will definitely want Zelda next year - might stock up and buy one of the two-game vouchers through the Switch Online store thing.

    • +4

      I do this all the time. But ensure there are 2 I want before I do purchase them. The best day 1 offer I've seen on any console or PC.

      Seemed to offend others when I pointed out how great an offer it is, but hey, anti digital sentiment…..

      $135 for 2 games. Usually $80 each.
      Use these for 10% off
      Get Nintendo Gold Coins for purchase (can't recall exact percentage)

      Basically paying around $55-60 for launch, day 1 digital AAA titles.

      Only caveat, when you actually redeem the voucher, you need to be a Nintendo online subscriber. Not just at time of purchase. I had my subscription lapse prior to a games release and it wouldn't redeem….

      • +2

        Yeah I've used them a few times now and love the value, especially for games you want to jump in and out of for a while like Splatoon - digital is the way for those kinds of titles.

        If I can get 10% off JB Hifi cards to buy 10% off eShop cards even better!

        • +1

          Yeah, I stop at using GC for another just incase I'm stuck with it.

          Interestingly flybuys dollars works for console gift cards, do it regularly. But only at Target. Not Coles.

          Woolies rewards, no luck anywhere Inc Big W.

          So I pretty much use all my flybuys efforts at Target for this or MS credit. Rarely Sony too.

      • -2

        $80 digitally on their store, most Nintendo games are sold physical on Amazon for $10-$20 cheaper already. So the voucher matches physical price at best lol. At least it gives you a choice though.

        • $55-60 launch day digital is great. That's what it works out too.

          I don't resell Nintendo games. I don't want physical media.

          $70 maybe delivered a day later, that's fine if you like physical.

          Digital Nintendo is actually cheaper on launch day.

          • -1

            @scuderiarmani: $55 launch day digital? That's definitely not a Nintendo price lol

            Are you including gold points in your calculations?

            • +4

              @drasticmeasures1337: Buy $135 worth of eShop cards for $121.5
              Buy game vouchers and get 675 gold points worth $6.75

              And that's not combining with using discounted gift cards to buy the discounted eShop cards

            • +1

              @drasticmeasures1337: Did you even read my earlier comment?

              • @scuderiarmani: No, it was too long. But yeah including points from (past) purchases it comes out cheaper than physical this way, sadly only for Nintendo titles

                • +1

                  @drasticmeasures1337: Given I always buy new releases in this manner, even with and without the gold points it's still a great offer.

                  Zelda, Mario, Metroids for under $60 is a great deal.

                  This is way better than anything MS or Sony offer. Though atleast with MS I get their first party titles free on games pass. Some titles they'll have 10% off for preorders but that's not worth it, and I've only ever done this once, from memory MK11 which I had to have.

        • Digital are good if you have 2 consoles. If you set it up right you can play the same game at the same time online on both consoles with 1 copy. This is why I wanted Splatoon 3 as digital. Used 10% off TCN to buy 10% off eshop, then bought the 2 game voucher. $54.68 per game and get $6.75 credit.

          • @Miss B: Is it possible to do this? I thought you couldn't play the same game at the same time online on two consoles?

            • +1

              @squarepants: Yeah. So the way you do it is to set up one console as the 'Primary Console' for the account with the game. On the Primary Console you play on a different account, not the one that owns the game. This one won't check if anyone else is playing because it's the Primary Console.

              On the other console (secondary console), you play on the account that owns the game. This one will check, but no one is playing on that account so it lets you play.

              So you can only do it with 2 consoles at a time and one has to be the Primary Console. The secondary console can be any console, they just have to play on the account that owns the game.

              If you want to change/check the Primary Console, go here and deregister the Primary Console. Then access the eshop on the Switch you want as the Primary Console and it will become the Primary Console.

              • @Miss B: geez, thanks. never knew that!

                • @squarepants: Probably should mention the secondary console/s need/s to be online to at least start a game and every couple of hours. This is so it can check to make sure no one else is playing. You can change the Primary Console any time, but can only do it remotely once per year, so you need to keep that in mind when choosing the Primary Console if they're not both yours. On the Primary Console you can play on the account that owns the game any time you're not playing the same game on the secondary console.

  • Can I use this to pay for membership?

    • +2

      Yes, certainly can.

      • Thank you

    • +2

      Ideally you use your Gold points on memberships since they don't earn you gold points outside special promotions.

      • +1

        Yeah, good point. I actually added time to my subscription with that recent gold point cashback offer they have/had. Can't not when it's available to existing members, highly unusual.

    • -1

      Yes you can - I have done it for many years. However, I just recently bought a sub from another member here in the classifieds. Works out significantly cheaper, unless you are getting the sub for your own family.

      • Good idea thanks!

  • -3

    Will this qualify for the $40 entertainment rebate in VIC? lol

      • events and festivals (not including sporting events)
      • cinemas
      • exhibitions and conferences
      • museums, galleries and zoos
      • live performances, including theatre, music, comedy, literary events and fashion shows
      • -1

        Missed this.

        amusement parks, arcades, water parks, theme parks, tourist ferries and trains, mini golf and go-kart venues.

        Timezone is still covered.

  • +1

    I don't have Nintendo :(
    Don't have money :(

  • +3

    Walked into JB, eshop card scanned at full price. Was told 10% off starts tomorrow. Cant find the ecards on JB wesitie no more either

    • +1

      That was my experience too. In NSW.

      • Looks like the deal isn't active yet!

    • +2

      Yes, just been told the same.

  • Darn bought two more recently because I didn't think they'd be going on sale soon.

  • Are you able to use the TCN gift cards to purchase these?

  • If anyone buys a bowser giftcard, could I please have it after the code is used. My 4 year old goes nuts everytime he sees it at the shops and I won't buy it. He doesn't even know what it is, just loves bowser and wants the card!

    • +2

      Ill buy a few bowsers mate

      • Cheers, tried to get Coles to just give me one without activating without any luck!

  • +1

    I've updated the post. Website listing was early, doh.

  • Is it going to be tomorrow on Wednesday or Thursday?

    • +2

      I just got the catalogue and it says 22nd, so Thursday.

      • +2

        For no reason at all, and we’re not complaining – JB Hi-Fi has 10% off Nintendo Switch eShop cards starting September 21st. They were due to start September 22nd, but you know – the Queen.…

        Based on comments here and this news, looking like possibly changed to tomorrow.

        • +2

          I forgot about the extra day off on Thursday, probably because I'm having to still work argh !

          They are listed again on the website showing discounted price.

  • Just in time to renew membership. Thanks OP

  • Any idea when it finishes?

    • +2

      Catalogue says next Wednesday 28th

      • Thanks. On the phone the bottom line of the catalogue gets covered by the footer.

  • +2

    Cheers OP, stacked with current 10% off TCN Her cards at Woolies

  • +2
    • Shame you can't stack with TCN cards for even more discount.

      • can you really use TCN cards for this?

        • +2

          As in you can't use TCN as a payment method to stack at Coles. You can use TCN card to pay at JB Hifi.

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