Air Purifiers - Samsung AX32 or Philips 2000i for Apartment with Pets?

I'm looking for an air purifier for my (rented) 2 bedroom carpeted apartment with 2 cats, mainly to help a bit with hayfever and also make things more tolerable for guests with cat allergies and odours. Have a roborock s6 pure vac too.

While I've seen high praise for the Philips 2000i it can be few and far between for sales if Philips isn't doing a cashback promo.

I've seen the new Samsung AX32 that has a very similar CADR (air filtering rate) and wifi/smart integrations, and also honestly looks much nicer superficially to have in the living room. While filters are listed for 12 monthly changes compared to 24 months for Philips 2000i, I also have access to the corporate discount to get the AX32 for $299 and 25% off filters while the Philips is cheapest at Amazon for $449.

Never had an air purifier before and can't find reviews for the AX32 yet, although Samsung's bigger ones top Choice's charts so I can't imagine they'd make complete duds for their cheaper units.

Any thoughts or advice?

Edit: cats aren't going anywhere. >:(

Samsung AX32:…


  • -3

    Any thoughts or advice?

    Yes, get rid of cats.

    • Get rid of you instead
      There is only 1 species on Earth capable of looking after all the other species on Earth
      And what have humans done? Made species extinct. Take cruelty to another level
      Mankind. That is the same oxymoron as military intelligence
      Get rid of ALL humans and leave this 3rd rock from the Sun to the animals

  • 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 cat

  • Check out the Ausclimate range
    I've had their dehumidifiers for years & they work really well.

    • Thanks for the suggestion - I saw the Winix ones but from what I can tell the smallest isn't strong enough for a living room/kitchen and it jumps up in price dramatically to the next one (around $600). Hoping for something sub-$400 and as discreet/small as possible.

      So far the Samsung AX32, Philips 2000i (only when on a good sale) and Xiaomi 3H fit the brief but would rather avoid the Xiaomi due to issues I've had with other products from them and the Samsung has basically no reviews.

  • Repeating an earlier comment of mine from a different thread:

    From a cost per efficiency and noise perspective, Ikea Starkvind is decent. But my first choice would be anything from SmartAir(

    You can actually calculate the optimal set up(

  • Have you thought about where to put it? No sense buying one and installing it in a corner. Need to be centre of room.

    IMO don’t waste your money and just open some windows.

    • Sadly opening windows is not an option for upper level apartment and particularly stupid cats that would happily try jumping out a window before considering if there's ground below.

      For positioning, it would be against a wall but not in a corner - sort of middle of the room on the long side but against the wall.

  • +1

    I bought the Philips 2000 series from Harvey Norman about 4 years ago and found it very effective, however replacing both filters was really expensive.
    It developed a sensor fault in the fourth year of ownership and would shut down within minutes of starting.
    Fortunately, I purchased an extended warranty from HN and they replaced the faulty unit with a new 2000i series.
    So far, so good and the fan is considerably quieter than the 2000 series. Also, I like the smartphone app.
    For what it's worth, I think the 2000i looks nicer than the Samsung your are considering.
    By the way, I don't have pets.

    • Thanks for the experience, definitely good to know it's quiet. Have you found the 2000i's filter seems to last a lot longer than the old 2000?

  • +1

    In my opinion, if you are going to get an air purifier, you need a big, powerful one in order for it to be effective. In other words, at least as powerful as the 2000i. Unfortunately, there are heaps of tiny air purifiers on the market, that don't do a thing other than the psychological factor.

    I wasted heaps of time researching these until I learned that they are all useless or close to useless.

    And don't get the Winix ones or any that have ionisers, because they produce ozone.

    Ozone is toxic to your throat and lungs, and a machine that creates ozone should not be in your home, let alone your bedroom.

    Manufacturers' negligence on this safety issue is absolutely bizarre.

  • +1

    My original 2000i filter is showing 74% (it's counting down) on the display after approximately 2100 hours operation.
    The 2000 series had just a filter change light.
    Not easy to compare but my gut feeling is that the 2000i filter will last longer.

  • Wow! I just discovered that the Philips 2000i has a very cool feature.
    Apparently it monitors the air quality when it is in auto mode and switched off.
    My unit is in the bedroom because I have allergic rhinitis and it helps me get a good night's sleep.
    I just went outside to sweep the balcony and left the door open for around 10 minutes.
    So I get an alert on my phone telling me that the air quality in my bedroom is 297 and the indoor allergen index is 39.
    I switched on the 2000i from the phone app and it purified the air in around 15 minutes after I had closed the balcony door.
    I must admit that I haven't read the manual and maybe the 2000i switches on automatically when the air quality reaches a certain level.
    Anyway, I'm impressed! 😊

  • +1

    I have the 2000i and it's very good. It's bigger than I thought it would be. I wish it had a handle so it's easier to carry from living area to bedroom. That said, it's pretty light weight to carry. It does a good job on cooking smells and I think it's going to be super handy during burn-offs (when bush smoke seems to enter the house). I am 50-50 on whether it helps my rhinitis (but it's not clear whether mine is allergic or non-allergic rhinitis). It was easy to hook up to my iPad with the app and it's interesting to see the data on air quality and allergens. I find it pretty quiet and provides a nice bit of white noise to sleep by. I'd recommend it!

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