I try to buy something on catch, and want to use 10% discount generated from student bean. But I am keeping getting error "the code has expired". Is this only for me, or the same for others?
Student Bean Catch 10% Code Doesn't Work
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it's a fresh code I generated on that day, also I am only allowed to generate one code per month..How can I generate a new code every hour?
I just generated one and I get this message under the code:
This is a single use code. You will need a new code if you've already used the one above. Your next code will be available at 12:04am, 19 October 2022
I got the same message with a different date, and that code doesn't work on catch.
@ozmaxz: Yep I just tried and got the same problem must be a problem on Student Beans end.
@JD9151: Thanks for confirming this..I will contact student bean for this.
@ozmaxz: Any luck/update from studentbean? Wanting to generate a code but afraid I'll run into the same issue
@pickledinosaur: nothing from them..
I got already redeemed and code use too many times. But the truth is I never use it! I think unidays is better than studentbean
The codes are single use and expire after 24 hours. If you go back to Student Beans you'll be able to generate another one.