New Feature - Category subscriptions

As of this week, registered users are able to subscribe to any categories of their choice. This means that an email notification will be sent to you whenever a new post is submitted in that category. You either subscribe to an individual category from the category page, e.g. Books & Magazines or subscribe to more categories from your Subscription Settings Page.

Do yell out if there are any problems.


  • Subscribe to category seems useful, but why can't I subscribe to a tag as well? For example, for me, the mobile category is a bit too general, but the Android tag is not.

    • Thanks for the feedback. We are still in the process of sorting out tags because too many posters are putting in incorrect tags and we have to manually merge/update/fix. For that reason, we're not allowing subscriptions for tags just yet…

    • The tags are not working very well mainly because people basically have no idea how to tag. No, subscribe to tags won't be implemented until we overhaul the tagging features (or likely, making it obsolete sometime).

      • yep. the tag drag…

  • Oh and a much more blue-sky-dreaming subscription idea, that I've wanted for years now on this site: a subscription to "hot bargains". Where "hot bargains" is a based on a mathematical formula that looks at the rate of gain in positive votes and alerts you of (say) the highest 1 or 2%. How would this be useful, you ask? Suppose there's a flash deal that's only valid for a few hours… if you check the site once a day, you'll miss out, but if you had this, and it gets heaps of plus votes, it'll trigger an alert, and you can get in quick before it ends. The crucial point is that it's the got to use an algorithm for find the hot deals by comparing the rate of plus votes (e.g. 70 in a hour, plus not be expired); it shouldn't use human input (which can be very subjective).

    • nickj - do you currently use Facebook or Twitter? You can currently follow hot deals on Twitter for deals that hit 20 votes, and our Facebook page that reach 50 votes (or is the most popular deal for the day). Just thought it might help for now.

      • it would be nice if you maybe had advanced setting for users to customise their own rules for there home page

        • You can, just go to 'My Account' > 'Settings' > 'Deals' and from there you can change the minimum votes that appear on the front page or deals page.

  • I'd really like to subscribe to a product, such as:
    My event list if full at 10 items and I can only subscribe to stores not individual products (I think?).
    Thanks, merry xmas :)

    • Unfortunately deals are often incorrectly tagged at the time of posting by OPs, which makes it difficult to trigger notifications at deal submission time. Sorry we don't have a solution yet.

      At the moment you can only subscribe to stores or categories. (See subscriptions - categories).

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