eSim only iPhone

So if I heard it right… the new iPhone in the states comes with just the eSim.

Going by what Apple does, this would be a sign that this will be the norm across all markets next year with iPhone 15 or latest by 16. And going by what the industry does, we can expect android flagships to follow suite.

It shouldn’t be too hard for local service providers to support eSims (the likes of boost for example). But what happens when you travel overseas with a phone that only has eSim?

Will this fundamentally change overseas roaming? Will we all have to fork out more when we travel? Or will it be that your plan in your home country what you get a when travelling?


  • +3

    So if I heard it right… the new iPhone in the states comes with just the eSim.

    Yes, but not the one being released here…

    • -2

      OP, to clarify this for you further. The iPhone 14 being released in US is eSim only. Not the worldwide variant.

      • +5

        I think my post says it clearly that the new eSim only version is in the states.

        Was happy to ignore one response. But two clearly crossed the line. Haha

  • But what happens when you travel overseas with a phone that only has eSim?

    Find a provider with eSims or use a different phone.

    • My question was not so much about using a diff phone. That’s an easy fix and I get it.

      But I believe this will have an impact on the way the industry is structured at the moment.

      • +3

        Sometimes you just need a slight push
        Apple being apple know they have enough of a fanbase and support network that they can do these things and tell the industry to get their sh1t together.

        Just look at the aux cable, changed the market forever.

        • Exactly the point I was trying to make here.

        • Just look at the aux cable

          AUX removed because they couldn't make the phone thinner without. Also the port on the phone took up space. Great for selling accessories. Some Android phones did away with it too and had to do headphones though USB-C not able to charge and listen at the same time.

          I'd suspect USB-C for iphones won't help them make a thinner phone.

          • @netjock: I suspect apple will make connectorless iphone as the norm. Whether it will be fully reliant on wifi, or develop a proprietary high speed wireless comms that you need a proprietary dock to sync with itune is yet to be seen.

            • @avoidfullprice:

              I suspect apple will make connectorless iphone as the norm

              Can't. EU mandating USB-C as common connector.

  • +3

    what do you think happened when we moved to micro sim or to nano sim…

  • +1

    Will this fundamentally change overseas roaming?

    Not really.

    eSims are more convenient and also better for the planet and contribute less to climate change.

    • TBH, a reduction in overseas roaming generally would be even better for the planet and contribute even less to climate change.

      • -2

        "better for the planet and contribute even less to climate change."

        ROTFLMAO ….

        1970’s global cooling … “We must stop global cooling. Send money”
        1990’s global warming … “ We must stop global warming. Send money”
        2000’s hiatus … “We must stop climate change. Send money”

    • +1

      So is it possible to use my eSim phone which is enabled here in Australia to be switched to an overseas provider while I’m travelling and then switch back when I’m back here

      • +4

        You can have 8 different eSIMs on the same device with 2 active at any one time, so yes.

        • Wow. Didn’t know that.

          Well, that soles the problem then.

          Just confirming, that my eSim enabled iPhone 12 can actually be activated with 8 diff numbers?

    • A great way to force people to use expensive network providers……..

    • I really hope you don't believe what you just wrote ! Go back to woke-ville….

      • There’s no mobile tower in Wokeville. The Green’s council there won’t allow it.

  • +1

    eSIMs are already more economicable in general when travelling if you have a Dual SIM phone. Much cheaper plans that you can activate and change on the fly. All without worrying about a fingernail sized piece of plastic. It's the future, today.

  • +4

    Esims are an absolute nightmare in practice. At present if you replace your phone you can spend hours/days/infinity dealing with Optus/Telstra trying to get your account online.

    • I recently swpped the wife’s phone to eSim on Vodafone. Was easy enough. But maybe I just got lucky.

      • That's great news!
        (I can now love esims)

    • +1

      Exactly my nightmare today! Got the new iPhone, trying to switch esim, it got disconnected from the old phone and now impossible to connect to new phone. It says sim is active but no options to actually add it to the phone…

      Floptus is useless as always so have to go in store tomorrow to try and fix it.

      • +1

        Early adopter curse.

        Hope it’s not too painful tomorrow man.

  • +2

    Can’t wait for Apple to make capacitive keyboards like you’re typing on glass that also doubles as a trackpad. They should also make their MacBooks charge wirelessly only as well with massive Qi charger coils built into the bottom of the laptop, that would be sick, remove USB-C completely off their laptops so they become truly portless. Then waterproof them so people can start working underwater. Force companies to make displays that transmit data wirelessly to MacBooks so we can completely get rid of ports on displays too for waterproofing. This is innovation.

    • Innovation is adopting AoD almost 10 years after android had it.

      It is also the dynamic island almost 7 years after LG did something similar (per MKBHD).

      Your list above is beyond apple’s league… unless someone else has tried it. Apple only poaches and perfects.

      PS: I’m an apple user.

      • +1

        Well they removed the headphone jack before anyone even thought such a thing would be remotely valuable lol.

        They’ve patented some sort of glass keyboard as well.

        I don’t think you can argue Apple doesn’t have some sort of control over the way tech is developed, everyone follows them after they do something. Be it removing disc drives, removing headphone jacks, built in batteries that can’t be changed etc.

        • Yep. Innovation and cost cutting as well as adding a new product line in one go. Masterful stroke. The kind of stuff B schools like to teach.

          Remove the charger, reduce the size of the box by half effectively halving the shipping cost and then get people to pay for the charger.

          Remember, the current ceo is ultimately an operations man who brought the just-in-time concept to the company’s inventory. He is great at looking inwards to find efficiencies and if you can sell it saying it’s a part of innovation, wallah.

    • capacitive keyboards

      *mechanical keyboard user screams*

    • Apple to make capacitive keyboards like you’re typing on glass that also doubles as a trackpad

      The iPad on-screen keyboard: 👋

  • -1

    Then waterproof them so people can start working underwater.

    You want apple to also make people waterproof?

  • +2

    I can’t wait for 15 years time when people are calling me a crazy behind the times luddite for wanting a phone which “still” has a physical sim card slot and charger plug

  • +1

    I had an iPhone 12 Pro with Gomo esim - all well and good

    Got the new iPhone 14 pro today - tried to transfer esim - can’t do it by yourself - need to get customer support to email you a link to install one. Went to install one to be given a message in their app I have an “unsupported handset” 😬

    So I had to drive to officeworks to buy a $15 physical sim then get Gomo customer service to transfer my service from an eSim to a physical one again.

    As much as esims seem like a good idea they’re very dependent on the carriers implementing them well which in my experience they don’t do very well

    • +2

      Hopefully the carriers will get their act together before we go eSim only.

      Once again, apple might force the industry to change its ways.

      Congrats on the new phone.

    • Loving tim cooks special device yet ?

      • It’s ok. Upgraded from iPhone 12 Pro - nothing amazing so far - camera a little better.

  • +1

    But I believe this will have an impact on the way the industry is structured at the moment

    Indeed it is.
    But the industry adapted, amazingly quickly, going from CDMA locked phones to SIMs tech.
    As soon as there is a need, they will adapt.

  • +2

    i have watched a few youtube unboxing of the iphone 14, and these are from the USA and they show their iphones have sim tray

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