This was posted 2 years 5 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch, Pre Order] The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom $74 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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The long awaited Zelda BOTW sequel will be release 12th May 2023. Amazon currently has it the cheapest.

Pre-order Price Guarantee! Order now and if the price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you'll receive the lowest price.

Note: Amazon doesn't charge you until the item has shipped out. So can cancel anytime before then.

About this item

  • In addition to the vast lands of Hyrule, the latest entry in the storied Legend of Zelda series will take you up into the skies!
  • Look forward to Link’s massive adventure starting again when The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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closed Comments

  • +21

    I don't pre order, but I'm almost tempted to pre order this…Nah. There'll be plenty of stock day 1.

    • +1

      At this price? Also, is there going to be any limited/collectors edition?

      • +3

        I get your point but the older I get the less I can be bothered with CEs. There's only so many bigger boxes and miscellaneous figurines one can reasonably have unless they're really commited to a decked out LoZ display shelf or looking to flip later for a slightly higher price

    • +10

      Amazon dont charge u until its shipped

      • +1

        Ok you got me. I didn't know that. Just pre ordered.

      • The Friday release date (which it tends to be for games now) can be problematic. If it doesn't make it Friday it may not get shipped on the weekend (i.e. until Monday potentially)
        Over the years of Amazon i had good success getting it on the same day, but burnt a few times waiting until it came on Monday as well.

    • +6

      I just placed an order just to be safe (they don't take money until item ship out). Will cancel if cheaper or a collector's edition is released.

      • Yeah I just found out they don't charge until it's shipped. Just pre ordered. Thank OP.

    • +2

      I have a card that never has more than $2 on it. I use it for Amazon orders if I'm not 100% sure I want them. They only cancel your order after 1 week of trying to take payment. I have 2 Switch games I'm currently thinking about buying that I ordered. Plus this and the No Man's Sky preorder. When you decide you can just update the payment method to the card you want to use. Doesn't work if you want to use gift card to pay though.

      • +2

        Thanks for sharing, didn't know you could do that. Not sure why all the downvotes?

        • Some will be people seeing a downvote and jumping on, others will be doing the same and don't want other people doing it, some will be morally opposed to reserving stock when I may not follow through on purchasing. I just find it helps save me from wasting money.

  • +3

    Good price but not worth the risk of getting it later than on-the-day for me! Also kinda hoping it gets a special edition…fingers crossed.

    • +4

      That's been my experience too when ordering from Amazon - it always arrives a day or two late. But gotta save $5 lol

      • +5

        If there's no special edition I can almost guarantee Big W will have this cheaper price and I can price match + pay with discounted gift cards on the day. :P Not worth the risk. Need my Zeldurr.

      • I preordered splatoon 3 on Amazon and it came on same day. Though I do have prime so that could also be why lol

        • +1

          I have Prime as well, but nearly every single time I've pre-ordered a Switch game it's been one or two days late.

          • +3

            @robotfrom1984: Always the same deal for me, it ships on the frickin day it releases, to arrive…tomorrow. and since a lot of the titles I wanted released on Friday, guess whose amazon order never arrived until Monday?

            If you don't live in an area where you are proven to get your same day release like me, then Friday shopping trip to Big W/ EB price match is your friend.

            With 12th of May being Friday AGAIN another Friday release. Just don't risk it

        • +1

          Never the case for me. Splatoon arrived on Monday afternoon.

    • +7

      I don't get day one'rs

      • +1

        Yep, it’s still gonna be there tomorrow to play, if they bought it.

    • +1

      Lucky, I'm fortunate if Amazon game preorders come within a week of release since they always use Aramex for me 🥲

      • +13

        Profile Location: Uranus

        Surprise it only takes a week.

        • So this is why Bezos made that rocket

      • +3

        Fastway, the courier service so well regarded that they changed names.
        Only sendle manages to make them look ok by comparison

  • Thanks OP.
    Amazon does not charge us until its actually shipped. So no big burden at all !!!

  • Does Amazon charge you less if the price ever drops between now and release?

    • +3

      Yes. It mentions their "Pre-order Price Guarantee" just underneath the price.

    • +2

      Yes, that is their 'Pre-order Price Guarantee' as mentioned by OP.

    • Yes. If the price drop after you place the pre-order (but before it ships), even just for an hour, you’ll automatically get that price.

  • +26

    I haven't even finished breath of the wild.

    Although I still love zelda and the concept, I feel like that Breath of the wild's change in gameplay compared to past instalments, has kind of made me no longer able to enjoy this game like I use to, especially now that I'm older. The more time poor I am the less I'm able to play these games as it's quite an open world, where as the past instalments have been quite finite and a definitive path to complete.

    • +4

      I know what you mean. They rely on having a lot of time and exploring. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a time pressure to get a bunch of stuff done because I don't have as long.

      • +5

        Pretty much, I have no time to explore, granted I mean it's probably better value for money, because as I see it people who are young and enjoy games, seem to measure value based on the total hours of game play. And with whatever path you take on the newer zelda instalments, you could spend many hours to complete it in all aspects.

        But to me as an old fart, give me back my ocarina of time style, where it's mostly dungeon or temple's and I can kind of gauge my progress to completion.

        • 100%

        • 200%

        • +2

          Similarly old fart here. Admittedly I did give up BOTW early on where it just basically drops you in the middle and you keep getting your arse kicked because you're only armed with a twig. It does get better a few hours in once you have a definite sense of where you're headed.

          Problem is the old school Zeldas were getting pretty stale. Same format, an overworld with some new way of getting around (horse, train, sailboat, rocket boots, whatever) and a bunch of dungeons you complete in sequential order. It was good to get a breath of fresh air.

      • +2

        I'm time poor so I know what you mean, I did the main stuff and went straight for ganon it still took a long time but I enjoyed it, I found it was the easiest ganon I'd faced in the zelda series…

        However my son started playing it and he did a lot more than me and really enjoyed it… He also got the dlc after he finished the game so got some more run throughs… Definitely need time to play it..but I think it was well worth it seeing how much more there was to do when he played it. It's up there are one of the best zelda games.

        Normally I'd buy this game for myself then pass it on to my kids… Now it'll be the other way around loll

    • +1

      I started playing Breath Of The Wild on the Wii U about 4 years ago and never finished it. Picked it up again a few month ago and my console died. Save file gone with it.

      I'll finish Breath Of The Wild by about 2026 and Tears Of The Kingdom around 2030! 😮‍💨

    • +3

      Tbh the linear but well crafted puzzles and progression of old Zelda is much better for me. The gameplay felt classic. Botw felt big.. Yet tedious… some very good moments didn't make up for the vast amounts of bother and bore. Plus botw really cocked up weapons (puny inventories and weapon durability meaning early weapons break every few hits), making the game a rush for the master sword (or a billion korok seeds)

    • 100% feel this. I think I've barely scratched the surface of BoTW as I just don't have the time to sink into such a massive exploration game like I used to.
      Been trying to chip away at it during the train commute as much as I can lol

    • +5

      I pumped 200 + hours into BOTW.

      It was a great game but its a game I will never go back and play knowing how long it takes to complete.

      However with Ocarina of time I can go back and play that again without issues.

      • +6

        Username checks out lol

      • +1

        Doesn't it take like 40 minutes to speed run and beat Gannon with a tree branch?

        • +1

          It's around 23-25mins for BOTW.

          But OOT is only 7mins

          so I that means I could complete OOT while taking a dump.

    • +1

      Short and sweet games over long games like this any day.

      I used to think for example that Max Payne 2 was too short, but these days I’d rather play more games like that.

    • +1

      Ugh yeah I struggled with the open world concept.

    • +1

      Funny. Botw only has 4 dungeons, so I found it super easy to complete. Still never finished OoT alone after all these years

    • I played botw on release. Have since completed it without 3 times with all shrines (last two times emulated at 4k 60fps on computer). Love the game!!

      I now have a 1 year old and no spare time (no switch even…) I am torn at the moment haha.

      That said, speed runners have this game completed (Gannon beaten level of completed) in under an hour… In my runs I think I'm closer to 300+ hours haha.

    • +1

      The fact that my weapons kept breaking peed me off enough to give up on it pretty early on. I don’t need that pain.

    • On the same boat,
      I love Zelda and I always try to finish my games.

      But I simply can't enjoy wondering aimlessly in this game trying to find the next thing to do.
      It actually gave me anxiety, lol.

      On the other hand, I love Elden Ring, there is a sense of progress.
      So I don't know, maybe I'm just getting too old for Nintendo game.

    • +4

      I actually prefer botw because I'm time poor. While older games are more linear, they contain more bullshit, like unlockable region after following quest prompt. Whereas this game, it has shit happening no matter which direction you pick.

      Overall, I found them to be equal length on first attempt, but botw has alot more walking and emergent gameplay.

      • +1

        Same. I'm time poor and don't play games where "grind" is needed anymore… and that's exactly what I loved BotW so much.

        It's so visually and conceptually gorgeous, and every aspect of the gameplay so finely tuned for fun, that everything you do in the game is enjoyable. That there's 200 hours or so of great content is just a bonus.

        Usually even the best 50 hour games are still 10 to 40 hours of filler and grind, but (unless you choose to spend ages chasing optional collectibles - Korok seeds) there really isn't any grind in Breath of the Wild.

        It's still head and shoulders above pretty much all other games, even now in 2022, and clearly the best Zelda game (and I've played them all).

    • +2

      Twilight princess is the last 'classic' Zelda game imo.

    • +1

      In theory you can do pretty-much as much as you want, since it’s technically possible to just go straight to the final boss immediately after the tutorial area, but I get what you’re saying. You could always try looking up where to find the main abilities and dungeons and heading straight there?

      Edit: I also agree with Gandalf though: compared to most games I felt like far less of my time was wasted playing BotW since most of it was spent actually having fun on an adventure rather than trying to increase my position on a progress bar. It does have repetitive elements but almost everything is optional.

    • +2

      I'm the opposite.
      BOTW and Hyrule Warriors Calamity are the only Zelda games I've played all the way through.
      Have tried but couldn't get as addicted to link to the past, Twilight Princess HD, OOT or Majora's Mask.
      (Managed to get 3 hours into MM recently but got lost/stuck and gave up).

      Excited for Tears of the Kingdom though!

    • Thank god there is someone else in this world like me who didn’t just instantly click and love this more than previous instalments. I think the non linear exploration nature of this was just too much for me, I put 40 hours or so in, but never took down Ganon.

  • If you want it on day 1 is it best to order from JB? It's my son's birthday on released day and want to get it as a present.

    • +1


    • +1

      Yeah if you need it day one (and rightly so) don't get it from Amazon. Pre-order from JB/EB/Big W and pick up in person.

      • +1

        Thanks will go JB 👍🏻

    • +1

      If you want it day 1, best to order from a physical store and pickup on release date.

  • +3

    Cant wait but 8 months is 8 months to long

    • +1

      Technically not full price.

      $79+ at other stores.

    • oz you can cancel and get priced match anytime before the release

  • Thanks OP. Ordered one.

  • Since I don't mind too much about owning my games digitally on the Switch, I've been buying eShop codes off Amazon Japan and buying the two game voucher NSO deal. It works out to be around $50~ per game doing that. A lot of games these days let you swap languages so there's no real difference.

    • All this time I've been using the Switch Online vouchers thinking I was getting decent deals at ~$68 a game. Time to check out Amazon Japan.
      Thanks for the info.

    • +4

      Yeah. But this is definitely a buy it, beat it and flog it title. It'll cost you $10-$15 in the end with a physical copy

  • +4

    The long awaited Zelda BOTW TOTK

    • Thanks, forgot the word sequel.

  • +3

    There goes another month of my life, still hanging for a Mario Odyssey 2

  • I'd hold off for the limited/special edition if you're collecting.

    • +1

      Yep, digital to play on release and a collectors edition…for the collection.

  • Not too sure how good this website is but mightyape is selling for $69 + $5.99 delivery ($74.99 total). Amazon is 9 cents cheaper if you purchase one…

    Checked price for 2 in one order (one for me and the partner) and it is $71.99 each including postage.

    • +1

      It's actually $74.90 there too, Amazon has been price matching mightyape a lot recently. They're fine, but they are based in New Zealand so their deliveries are quite a bit slower.

      • Actually I was looking at their gift wrapping price, looks like the total is 74.99, not sure who amazon is price beating then.

  • -1

    eb games haiyaaaa

    • Auntie Helen doesn't approve too haiyaaa

  • I pre-ordered this first thing this morning. Got it for cheaper than this due to staff discount! :D

    • +1

      Out of curiosity, how much is the staff discount.

      • If we know, it might cause us to all want to work for Amazon?

  • +4

    Pre ordered I don’t even have a switch

    • See you on the Black Friday switch deal :)

  • Surely this will be $69 on release…

    • +2

      Wait for it to release and then use $10 perks voucher at JB to bring price down to $69. If both are valid by then

  • +1

    amazon NEVER deliver on day 1, I had to wait closer to 2 weeks for link's awakening

    • +1

      I did get ACNH the day before release from Amazon before

    • +1

      Sounds like that was quite a ….rude awakening? :P

    • that's what I thought until now I'm comtemplating

    • From most places yes.

      But at least with Amazon you don't get charged till it ships and you can cancel it anytime.

      And the main draw to preordering from them is the best price guarantee. Which means if they drop the price between when you preorder and it's released it will auto drop to that price.

  • Man, might be time for me to finally open my wallet for BotW 😰

  • +2

    Come release day, I think you will get it sooner by walking into a shop rather than waiting on delivery, guys.

    • +2

      id rather wait for delivery than walk to the shops, thats a good 3 hours return trip for me.

  • +5

    The timing of that name Tears of the Kingdom…

    • Wonder if it was going to be called Tears of Hyrule and there was a last minute change

  • +2

    BOTW was one of only a few games I've beaten twice in the last 20 years (on Wii-U)

    Almost tempted to buy a Switch just for this, though I borrowed a friend's once and think I turned it on once in 3 months.

    • +1

      Borrow your friends Switch again when this comes out? Sounds like a good deal haha

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