• expired

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 128GB $1294.30, 256GB $1399.30, 512GB $1504.30 Delivered @ Samsung Education Store

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S22 ultra range 30% off till the 28th September.

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closed Comments

    • Was this on the Samsung store or EPP?

      • +1

        The store. EPP doesn't have the trade in bonus

    • What made you upgrade? There doesn't seem to be much of an improvement (the camera, RAM and screen could even be considered a downgrade)

    • How do you get additional trade in discount to work? Is this on the EDU Store?

      When I put in my trade in code, it only adds the trade in value of my phone. No additional $350 on top.

    • Speaking to customer service, the $350 trade in bonus only works on the main Samsung website and not applicable to the EDU store. The $300 discount would not have applied.

      Price then would have been:

      S22 Ultra 128GB: $1499
      -$445 trade in
      -$350 trade in bonus
      -$100 loyalty credit
      -$50 newsletter credit


      On the EDU store it would have been:

      S22 Ultra 128GB $1294.30
      -$445 trade in
      -$100 loyalty credit
      -$50 newsletter credit


      • What is the loyalty credit? How can i get it? I have been loyal samsung customer for over 10 years now.😄

        • You have to hit up one of Samsung's online chat services, tell them that you're looking at upgrading to a S22 and could they offer you any additional discounts. https://livechat.support.samsung.com/Chat_Select/au

          • +1

            @wombat81: I spoke to them yesterday and they told me the $100 loyalty credit doesn't work in the edu store because they're already discounted. Have you actually been successful in using the loyalty credit for an edu store purchase?

            • @Lets Make Sandwiches: I've definitely used a voucher before but I can't remember if it was the edu store or normal store. It might have been in the normal store.

              • @wombat81: Yeah I've just been on the phone to the live chat and both people told me it can't be used on edu store. I asked for a voucher anyway to test for myself.

  • Does anyone have any ideas on when the A73 5G might go right back down again? There's been $505-550 deals before.

  • +2

    Samsung store has horrible customer support. Chat support seems nice up front but never goes anywhere.
    They can not tell me where my order is or the status

    • +2

      If you think the Samsung store has terrible customer service, wait until you have an issue with the product itself and need to make a warranty claim.

  • -2

    c'mon Samsung, we know you can do 50 %

  • Anyone know how long delivery usually takes? I just purchased a Black 512GB version.

    • Often next day in metro areas. Shouldn't be more than 2-3 days.

      • I just got a notification delivery is scheduled for Monday. Cheers

  • Mine coming tomorrow ordered today at 12am

  • I wonder if JBhifi will pricematch this, then can use the improved trade in value that JB offers?

    • -1

      They never price match the edu store because it's not public access

      • Yeah that's not right. I've had them pricematch it before

        • +1

          They just wanted proof that I could access the education store

        • You must have got lucky. It's not commonly done.

  • This or the new pixel 7 hmm

  • -4

    Hopefully it's better than the S21. I'm typing this message on an S21 and it is an absolute flop of a phone. Compared to the iPhone 11 which I had before this phone, it is terrible. Battery life is worse, phone lags and struggles. It was not worth the $1000+ that it cost. I love Android, but I think I'm going to switch to the Pixel next, Samsung is overpriced rubbish (based off my experience with this phone)

    • Somethings wrong with it. I've had a S21+ for 18 months. No lag. No stutter.

    • +1

      If I were you I'd do a reset and re-install your apps manually, not from a backup or smart switch. That should solve your lag and stutters.

      But the battery life of the base model S series has always been poor. That shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.

    • May be you got a lemon phone. I have s21 and love it, does not lag at all.

      • thats the whole problem with non apple devices, i never hear the term "you got a lemon" with apple

    • -2

      I'm typing this on my S20+, and I have rarely experience any lags in the last two years of daily use. So let me guess, you been using Apple for long time then suddenly decided to switch to Samsung? Sorry to let you know, Samsung's One UI doesn't auto optimize the system like iOS.

      Clear app's cache is the simplest way I told my friends when they having similar issue. Go to play store, download CClearner, give all the permisson and make sure deselect the files you want to keep before you clear it. Then go to boost, turn on long-term boost, select the app you want to put to sleep. If you can't put a lot app to sleep, go to your phone settings search Ram plus then select 8gb virtual memory. Or you can do both of them. After that the phone should feel much more smooth, otherwise you definitely need to go to a Samsung store, and let them check it.

      If you want to optimize your phone even further, there are a lot videos on YouTube you can find to hlep you change the related settings and other Apps such as Samsung Good Guardian you can use to optimize it.

      • I wouldn't trust any cleaner apps at all. Look at the track record of these apps with a bit of research..

        • If you don't trust cache clear app from other companies, maybe give the Good Guardian a shot. Last time I check It's made by Samsung, and there are some pretty powerful tools inside of it.

          FYI: Samsung don't provide that app in our region, you have to download it somewhere else or use vpn to get it.

  • Anyone kind enough to screenshot a checkout page with s22 ultra 256gb white, with the price?

    I need to claim price protection with 28degrees

  • +1

    Sorry if someone has already commented but can these prices be reduced with trade in and trade in bonuses ($350)?

    • +3

      No trade in bonus on the edu store at the moment

  • +1

    damn bro this is cheaper than the cheapest iphone 14, samsung really do be going on crazy sales

  • +1

    On the fence if i should get one now or wait closer to s23 release date for further discount promos

    • If you have a reasonably recent device to trade in, history says you'll get at least a similar deal on a new S23 when it's released or soon after.

    • I was going to bite on this deal, but I decided last minute to hold back as looking back the value of this deal isn't unusual.

      Some recent deals have been at the same price but with extras included.

      If I needed a phone I'd go for it, but my Note 10+ will do me a while longer.

      • +3

        Ye ill hold off as well, still on a s8 which is running fine except for battery life

  • Thabks op. Just received mine. Paid $1348 for S22 Ultra 512 GB

    • +2

      How? $150 cheaper than the post.

  • THANKS OP Got s22u 256 for 831.

    • +2


      • He must of profe matched with office works or did the trade in.

        • How? How did he get that price through officeworks?

    • Im trying to pm you but I can't how did you do it?

  • What will be charge if not return the old trade in device.

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