Switch OLED Splatoon 3 Edition down to $445 at Target.
Nintendo Switch OLED Splatoon 3 Edition $445 Delivered @Target

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Looks awesome - odd that it doesn't include the game!
A bit excited and found out no game included.
Wait, what?
How can a "Splatoon 3 Edition" not come with "Splatoon 3".
Wonder how many Mum's bought this only to realise later they have to shell out another $90!
they have to shell out another $90!
… at EB 🤣
Wow that is odd. They really should have bundled the game with it.
Strange move to have the special edition Splatoon 3 console then make them buy Splatoon 3 itself separately..Animal Crossing one didn’t have the game either.
I believe there was a monster Hunter special edition which had the game but was priced combining the RRP for both the console and game.
I think I’d rather not have the game included if its going to cost the full RRP (and I believe it was a digital copy too)Nintendo have done this for a long time.
I remember the Zelda Majoras Mask console for the 3ds being console only.
I have the Pokemon Y 3DS and it didn't come with the game either.
It's the same for all of the Switch bundles. I think the only exception so far has been the Let's Go Pokemon one, which had a digital download.
The Super Smash one came with a digital download too
Quit spitting incorrect details.
Mario Odyssey, Smash Bros , Monster Hunter Rise, Diablo, Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu / Let's Go Eevee and Fortnite (Free game yes, but came with V bucks) all came with copies or digital downloads of the games.
It's super lame. One of the joys of older consoles was that you got Mario or Sonic or Alex Kidd or whatever bundled in and played the shit out of that game until you could afford another one. And for Nintendo's in house games in one sense it literally costs them nothing to include one game.
They could at least throw in a couple of classic games or something…
Knew it was too good to be true for $445.
Grabbed one earlier this morning.
Recently got one from Amazon and returned it today 👍.Looks like all OLED switch models at Target are $445 but those Splatoon joy-con controllers ❤️
FFS! I purchased at the worst possible time, missed $489, thought they wouldn't drop it again so soon…paid…let's say, more than that.
Time to check the return policy :(
Big W eBay has just dropped the White OLED to $445 and there’s a 5% coupon BRANDS5OFF
Total would be $422.75This code doesn't seem to work for me…
Breath of the Wild 2 announced for May next year. Not a bad time to pick up a model in preparation. It’s unlikely any major hardware revisions or upgrades will come out before then.
But what if there is a Zelda special edition?
100% there will be. What are the chances nintendo have different special edition joy cons?
Have prepared myself mentally and financially for the new edition.
Mrs can keep the Animal Crossing switch edition.
Looking forward to BOTW2.
Loved the original.
Idk… zelda always sells the new consoles….
They didn't show anything significant in this recent trailer, so they will probably reveal a console in January I think.
Or the Mario Odyssey sequel might sell the new console.
Desperation mode.
Looking to buy the standard non OLED version in the next couple of days (unless I'm convinced to buy the OLED for tv use). Seems like $399 is the low price point ATM.
standard neon oled is also 445 @ target. I'm getting a Oled switch for my kids for Christmas. hoping for the $399 deal to appear before Christmas
I'd recommend getting this for an additional $50 (less, if you pay using gift cards). Special editions mostly hold their value well, and the resale would itself cover up for anything additional you'd spend right now. Just retain the box and packaging.
That would be a silly decision buying the standard switch at $400.
Get the OLED dude. They go on sale for $400 frequently.
Better stand, screen and audio if you decide to play portable. Lan port in dock.
Will have better resell value too.Fair enough, thanks. It will be for a gift and needed by Sunday so $445 is likely the best deal to be had for last minute slackers like me!
I agree the OLED is worth the small premium.
ok Mr. Amazon please update your prices now :)
5% off Target gift cards @ Card.gift
Code: BEGENEROUS5do you know if target online accepts multiple gift cards?
I would like to know too
If so, can use 4 $100 and 1$50
See my comment below
Can I use a gift card as payment?
Yes we accept Target e-gift cards, Target gift cards and Coles Group & Myer gift cards online. You can pay any balance with a credit card however a gift card must always be used as the first method of payment. You can pay with up to four cards in a single transaction. You cannot purchase e-gift cards or physical gift cards with a gift card as your payment method.
So I saw that…
I brought 4 $100 gift cards on card.gift. got them pretty fast.
Went to target checkout, I was only able to redeem 3? I could add the 4th one gift card number and it's pin but it wouldn't let me to use type how much balance I wanted to use, instead it kept giving me some pay now option but if I hit that I got "insufficient funds"… Eventually had to pay $145 on my card instead -_-
Anyone know if this has happened to them?
Worth waiting for a lower price on the OLED Neon… Or just grab this for kids for Christmas?
BOTW2 is out on my sons 9th Birthday next year and I promised we would get it him, as he completed the first game on Master Mode on the WiiU.. (so proud 🤣)
I'll wager that there'll be a sub-$400 price on Black Friday. Might be a limited drop so you'll have to be quick :)
That said, I'd rather go for this at $425 ish after Gift Cards
Yeah I thought BF might be the best opportunity to score one sub $400 but it's a gamble as you said, if can use gift-cards this is easier… Edit it looks like some have reported issues with redeeming that many giftcards.
Thanks for the reply
Have this. And now regretting it as the Pokemon one looks wayyyyy better to me.
Agree. Was interested in the Splatoon Edition until I saw the Pokemon one.
Yeahh. And it's pass the grace period to return it too.
Will try calling my local in case I can still do it. Who knows
Hmm I saw the pokemon one, didn't like it as much lol
Everyone shocked that it doesn't include the game. Have we all forgotten about the animal crossing edition?
This is an awesome looking edition
Never heard of but How’d splatoon get popular? Is it mostly kids hyping it or is it comparable to any retro games?
Splatoon is massive in Japan. Big following.
Everything is big in Japan lol
Except the people apparently
Except Xbox.
It's the fastest selling game in Japan's history now too. It sold 3.5mil copies in the first few days, beating Animal Crossing lol.
What even is this comment
It's a very component, well made, extremely fun multiplayer shooter that also offers a high skill ceiling, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why it's a success.
That'll Do Pig, That'll Do
Thanks OP, pulled the trigger.
Great price for a recently released OLED special edition. But I'll hold off tille Switch 2/Pro as I got a feeling that it will be introduced next year.
I remember reading that Nintendo had no plans for this fiscal year (which ends in March 2023). Might be a Holiday 2023 launch, or 2024.
Edit: Now that I think about it, BOTW2 launches in May 2023, so it's possible it could be a launch title on the new Switch… I guess we'll see lol
Yeah also I've got my V2 Switch and hardly touch it nowadays so no loss for me missing out on this OLED version. It looks nicer for handheld gaming for sure but it's undeniable that the Switch hardwares badly need upgrades to catch up with current games; sick of third party game running like ass or looking blurry on it.
I sold my V2 Switch before purchasing an OLED, and whilst it definitely is a sizeable upgrade, it definitely is still behind in terms of hardware. Like for Christ's sake, the Switch lags whilst even browsing the eShop.
I definitely agree with you on the third party titles. I'm waiting for either a Switch 2/Pro (or even a port at this rate) to play some.
They always do the dual launches on both consoles… so it could be.
Splatoon 3 is getting exactly two years of post-launch from release this September, Splatoon is a pretty huge series for Nintendo, especially in japan, and they're not going to go for a whole year offering a new system without it having Splatoon, so I don't see 2023 as likely, unless their new console is backwards compatible, then it's a possibly, but Nintendo would definitely prefer a big new numbered Splatoon game to coincide with that new hardware to drive sales.
With all that said, my guess would be a Switch 2 / Super Nintendo Switch / New Nintendo Switch / Switch U / whatever else they'll possibly call it, releasing in either late 2024 or early 2025, the Switch still gets crazy hardware sales and they don't really have a need to release a successor so soon, maybe I'll eat my words, but I don't see a 2023 release likely at all.
Amazon have matched on the black and white versions.
I really wish they sold the dock / joycons separately. I have an unpatched console and a V2 so I don't need an OLED one, but I do need new joycons
Better get a few for your kids this Christmas!
You don’t want to be the evil miser Grinch
As this has no game included, can we just buy the normal one and slap in decal sticker of any theme we want, swap each month, cheap from aliexpress?
Did anyone ordered pick up and is waiting quite long for the confirmation? I got the "processing" email but nothing after that.. If I can't get this version I'd rather just order the NEON version from Amazon.
Delivery not available anymore
Matched at JB HiFi through the online chat, stacked with $10 JB Perks voucher and $400 of gift cards at 10% off from Coles to knock another $50 off the price :) Just picked it up!
How did you get the JB HiFi gift cards at a discount?
TCN Him, Her, Teen (and some other types) gift cards are currently 10% off at Coles
Which one did you use? You can use them online?
@vasek96: Thanks, I realised that it excluded Vic, so had to get the Visa gift cards. Less savings, but more versatile. In this instance it would have actually been better to get the TCN, but the Visas will be useful for other things.
$463.50 for $500 of Visa gift cards, bought $450 of JB gift cards. $50 left on Visa, $15 left on JB gift card. I was running out of time on the price match so didn't want to mess around trying to get discounted JB gift cards.
Does anyone know if the Joycons will be available separately?
That's all I really want tbh, the dock is fuglyAmazon has price matched, $444
The recent Nintendo direct was embarrassing. They need new hardware badly. A lot of the games showcased looked like mobile browser games from ten years ago.
Nintendo Farm Sim Direct
What was more embarrassing is Golf from Switch Sports has been delayed until Christmas time.
The game released in April. So it's pretty clear the game was rushed out Incomplete.
The golf courses are the same ones from Wii Sports as well!
Looks awesome - odd that it doesn't include the game!