I want to change my internet provider (Aussie Broadband, speed of 50Mbps/20Mbps) as I want to find a better price & speed, I am paying $79 per month.
What are the deals at the moment?
I want to change my internet provider (Aussie Broadband, speed of 50Mbps/20Mbps) as I want to find a better price & speed, I am paying $79 per month.
What are the deals at the moment?
So you want a higher plan, for cheaper than you're currently paying now…?
and probably bonus an iphone 14 pro triple XSRL max ultra special limited red edition
Plenty of good deals across the ditch
100 Mbps
$65 for 6 months +CB from SB/CR + 1st month free
What are the deals at the moment?
Use the Search field.
Yeh JV is kinda right we get this same thread every second day
Oh great….
Look we sometimes think JV is right….
But it is never to be mentioned.
Some stand-outs for 100mbps speed plans:
$68.95/M for 6 months @ Superloop
$74.95/MO for 6 months @ Leaptel
$68.95/Month for 6 Months @ Exetel
$79.99/Month for 6 Months @ TPG
and more.
To ensure you're paying the lowest possible price, every 6 months jump from one telco to another and take up their New Customer deals. Read the terms and conditions of your plan carefully to make sure there aren't any nasty surprises (especially Exetel and other low-cost providers)
Obviously if you're playing this churning game, don't lock yourself into any contracts as you want the freedom to leave anytime. you are generally considered a "new customer" by the retailer so long as you haven't held a service with them in the last 12 months.
$69.30/Month for 12 Months @ More Telecom
It's the best deal at the moment.
Thanks for the info, trying to get a new connection done and from what i have read Exetel is also doing the FTTN upgrade for free if you go with a higher plan.
If you're in an area that NBN has tagged for Upgrade and the area is ready to Install.
What are the deals at the moment?
plenty posted at ozb already. just search and god will help you
What's the iinet 5G home broadband like at $69.95 for 100Mbps?
That's only when you can get a connection
Is your location / connection type capable of getting 100?
I can only achieve 70, because mine is FTTN and the nearest box is 700m away
I can only achieve 30, because mine is FTTN and the nearest box is 800m away (and the copper is crap), thanks Malcolm and Tony.
Good isn't it …
I can theoretically achieve 70, but being OzBargain, I only pay for 50/20 and at least I get those numbers
I also pay for 50/20, cause we need the speed, especially the upload. I frequently feel the speed pinch with multiple people at home.
The only saving grace is jumping from discount offer to discount offer.
Even moved to 4G to get better speeds, but with Working from Home, we now consume more than the data caps of any 4G plan.
1Tb data on a 5G plan would be fine, but we're in a 5G blackspot.. a couple of hundred metres in any direction and we could apply with at least one of the carriers.
@ESEMCE: I feel your pain….but that's one of the few drawbacks of not living in a city. You're not in a city are you ?????
@oscargamer: I am in the city and inner metro, not even close to being on the outskirts.
It's the drawback of electing a government of idiots who thought they knew better than the experts.
IMHO they burned Billions of dollars to build a white elephant under the guise of "saving money". I'd have preferred they just killed off NBN rather than what they ended up doing which was to neuter NBN.
Looking on coverage maps, there's 5G from at least one carrier (or 2 or all 3) in every direction. but not where we are. It's pretty flat here, so the difference probably comes down to trees blocking signal.
I have a roof mounted 4G antenna with line of sight to a tower, but that tower is not yet upgraded to 5G.
Lucky you! Fttn 495m away can only get 47Mbps here
It's in these cases I feel even more sorry for the people further downstream at 800 and 1000m who are likely barely hitting 15mbps.
So many examples of crap FttN and that's ignoring the fact that even with perfect copper the system was designed from day 1 (according to NBN's own figures) to provide less than 50mbps to 30% of the footprint. Real world must be more like 50%.
And despite this, they still have a pricing structure that assumes you have choice in your connection speed.
Watch out as a few RSP's require a modem that supports vlan tagging. Most don't but a few do.
The ones that require username and password on the modem also extra annoying
Only when switching ISP's.
It's not that hard to change these settings once every 6 months.
Except when changeover happens at midnight and all your devices are left without internet over night. Or when the new RSP takes hours to send you the password. Cutover much smoother without needing these manual steps.
@silenthillrocks: Or when they're misconfigured on their end and take 2 days to sort it out… Looking at you More
Sounds like you love no security.
It doesn't provide any extra security and slows down the internet (router has to inject extra data for every request).
It's only used when the RSPs systems are outdated (Exetel, TPG etc.). Newer RSPs have done away with this (Superloop, Aussie, Vodafone etc.)
More telecom through CommBank is $53 a month for 12 months for 50/20. Same company as tangerine. Get nearly 50 every night on fttn
Better speed, as in you want to switch to a 100/20 plan?