The GTX 960 graphics card died so I'm looking for a replacement.
Would a 1050ti suffice?
There's one on Amazon for $199.
Is there any other options around that price range?
Ideally I'd like to spend around that much as the other components are quite dated.
Replacing a GTX 960 Graphics Card. What Options Would You Recommend?
follow on 12/09/2022 - 12:47
not for me. they play roblox and the parent insisted on new
Roblox was designed to be run on weak integrated graphics. they should be able to make do with a $100 GPU like a GeForce GT1030.
what does your mobo support?
RX6600 will eat everything ;)
1050Ti is even slower than the GTX960: https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-960-vs-Nvid…
What's the rest of your computer like?
What kind of gaming do you do?
For $200 I'd go used, there are much, much better cards at that price for not much more. You'd get a 1070 for that price.