Was it fair that Andrew Tate got banned from all the major social media platform?
Fair Deplatforming Andrew Tate?

Last edited 10/09/2022 - 17:55
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- 495Yes
- 201No
@Deals For Days: Took you almost three hours to finally cite something, you could have atleast taken another 5 minutes to read the darn thing.
But no worries, keep throwing shit until something sticks. 👍🏻
I did just read that options piece from a very disingenuous journalist . But fortunately I’m not debating her, I’m debating you.. where is the source that actually confirms the ‘ongoing investigations’ from the authorities ? Coz she didn’t cite anything.. Hmmm 🤔
I know you would keep arguing and not just be honest about it… coz you’re clearly ideologically driven and not factually.
So I had to look it up using English and Romanian keywords (g translate)
There’s about 5-10 articles, all from Western publications that plainly state that there are ‘ongoing investigations’
4 had 0 citations. 2 had cited the opinion piece you just sent me… no actual source. NoneI’m going to assume you’ll just call the guardian fake news,
Don’t know, I’m not familiar with their work. Just the one opinion piece you just sent me..
Btw that’s quite presumption of someone who’s already lied about someone being a woman beater, proven wrong.
And has still not concretely conceded to that mistake.@Gervais fanboy: Go to Andrew Tates Wikipedia article. Scroll to the bottom. Several Romanian articles cited as sources for the claims he’s being investigated for rape. I doubt either of us speak Romanian, so I didn’t list those, and instead chose to cite a piece in the Guardian. I’m going to make the assumption that the Guardian writer relies on the Romanian articles to make these claims, which I think is reasonable.
Unless you can produce something that clearly shows a statement by the Romanian authorities clearing him of wrongdoing, it is completely reasonable for me to defer to the existing English speaking media that cites Romanian papers for the claim Tate is being investigated.
Go to Andrew Tates Wikipedia article
Several Romanian articles cited as sources for the claims he’s being investigated for rape
You are LYING again. Lying or just very bad comprehension skills.
Wikipedia only and only cites to that one hit piece that you had sent me earlierHere’s the proof https://ibb.co/JHr3nXc
Do you not understand this never ending loop of fake news ?
One ambitious journalist lies about something and writes a hit piece . Gives no evidence or source.
And then we have 10 other articles and also Wikipedia using that same article as their reference point.
And yet here you are, stretching that problem and contributing to that dirty behaviour
Just lazy, crappy disingenuous behaviour…Guardian writer relies on the Romanian articles to make these claims, which I think is reasonable.
More lies
There are no Romanian publications alleging that.. I just shared the Wikipedia screenshot. Open your eyes and actually look at it.
Moreover that Guardian piece didn’t cite anything. NOTHING.
Nothing was attached to that comment about ongoing investigations.Unless you can produce something that clearly shows a statement by the Romanian authorities clearing him of wrongdoing
The onus lies on you, the burden of proof lies on you… you made the allegations and not me.
I can’t disprove something that doesn’t exist in the first place…
This is what you call circular dummy logic.Fact - Tate was investigated, house searched. No charges filed. He still travels all over the world. No problem
Fact - There is a video of that girl dancing and drinking with Tristan (Andrew’s brother)it is completely reasonable for me to defer to the existing English speaking media that cites Romanian papers for the claim Tate is being investigated.
More lies
They didn’t cite anything
You didn’t cite anything
No one cited anything
There’s nothing to citeI have spent an hour trying to reason with you, educate your warped mind.
I need to own up, that was a big mistake. You are not normal. You’ll keep lying and wouldn’t acknowledge anything
My fault, I’m out.
I give up 🏳🏳🏳@Gervais fanboy: You've spent so much time and energy defending some random misogynistic online celebrity you don't even know. Yeah…Jesus Chicken is definitely not the normal person here.
@youfnc: Well, if I were you I’d rather focus on the fact that he’s lied about multiple things here. But ….
I get it, in your world falsely accusing an innocent man is no biggie. Got it 👍🏻
Just, I was brought up differently. We used to take such things seriously. Cultural difference maybe ?
I don’t care about Tate, I would defend you if people were lying about you.Anyways, JC has lied and doubled down on his lies. You seemingly agree with his comments. Despite knowing that we was/is in the wrong.
So I doubt that you’d be anymore candid than he was.@Gervais fanboy: I can't argue with a person who referred to his friends as "Liberal communists types". You probably should have closed up shop after that one!
@youfnc: When you have to digress and weasel your way out of a conversation like that 🥴
You know you are on the right side of that argument.
So much for integrity?
Is this the creep who said he likes dating teenagers so he can leave his "imprint" on them?
If so yeah - massive sicko
I think he said he likes to date young women not teenagers because old ones go thru multiple hoe phase which seems to be very accurate.
@buckster just disingenuously clipped a line out of the hour long conversation that he had on a podcast.
He didn’t care for context or explanation linked to it. Moreover, it was a hypothetical point.
One can’t reason with this level of deceit.He's a scumbag, look for a more decent role model boys
@buckster: Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. I don’t know…
But I do know that you have just slyly quoted him completely out of context to make your point.
You shouldn’t be the one calling anyone names.
naah they did right thing, only about the time they are going to get exposed. Gettr and Rumble is gonna takeover in next couple of years
Hey, what did he say here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/12666071/redir
I was offline and missed all of his replies from this afternoon
Where's the button for "he's a dirtbag but synchronised deplatforming of anyone is scary and shouldn't be allowed"?
I genuinely do not know who that is and definitely don't care enough to find out. Back to watching my Dota TI Chinese qualifiers.
But what colour is your Bugatti?
Who should be the arbiter or what you can or cant say in life?
The elite class…. Duh
On commercial social media sites? The mods and their moderation policies.
In real life? Your mates.
Breathe Air!
dont tell me to breathe
The only water I drink is sparkling water
No brokie water for me 🤣
They bent him over and tried to bang him, but they failed.
It's no shit, everything he states about depression is true. Give someone money and all of a sudden all their depressive symptoms disappear. How the heck can that be scientifically true given what big pharma states, but yes it is true! It shows how messed up the pharmaceutical industry and GPs are really messed up because they go to the conferences paid by pharma and because they got a free $500 lunch, they will start prescribing that medicine even though they know it has very shitty adverse side effects including suicide. So you can see how I get pissed off from being censored about stating if someone kills themselves because of some argument they lost, it means I screwed up, I f-ed up, it's a disgrace. Damn, but GPs, they killed someone they just sweep that shit under the rug and don't question that shit, they don't care. They just killed someone and they wouldn't have second thoughts.
That's what makes us different from the rest of the NPCs. All of us in our private groups, we all mean what we say, we aren't trolling. When people mean what they say, man that is when the world will become a better place. I would have joined his war room if I wasn't so scared of getting my head knocked out and becoming a vegetable.
I'm sure you know that everything written and spoken about Tate is mostly misinformation. All the stuff said about him in short clips has been miscontrued deliberately. You could state he deliberately goes viral. He is a smart man, and plays these NPCs like a fiddle. Notably, I don't like his new method which is to get his followers to post to instagram and so on during his emergency lives… No Tate, you don't need someone to spread the message, if the mentor is ready, the student will come automatically.
So, yeah I'm like the total opposite of Tate. I don't like how he states there are no good male role models other than himself. There are many, but we stay hidden because we need to protect our fortunes. He likes to portray himself as a misogynist as a joke and everyone doesn't see through it because they are all shallow. However, I have to say, he creates very safe places for women to ply their trade without the risks of being infected with some stupid STD. That's better than a bloody brothel. Personally I think every man who watches porn is a freaking idiot. Why waste time on that shit, why go to brothels?
Shit I thought I quit ozbargain and I broke one my own rules; I'm weak and I need to work on that. Maybe I really should quit because surrounding myself with people on this forum is toxic as hell. You see people just posting one liners when they know the facts. It's so annoying like shit and frankly I don't have the time for this. It's like Tate once said, these people drag you down. You see people downvoting just because I flew business class and was providing advice on how to get a free lounge access. That's it, it's that simple. So sometimes I just laugh my ass off at my cyberstalkers and there are so many of them it's crazy. They are sensitive like wallflowers.
Interesting take. Preciate your comment.
I don't like how he states there are no good male role models other than himself. There are many
Who else do you think are good male role models? dm me if you aren't comfortable saying it in comments.
I can think of a few, but if this guy is your idea of a good role model, you're probably looking for a different role model to what I consider good.
But… if you're into this kind of thing. Dennis Reynolds seems like at least as good of a male role model with a similar system to getting girls:
Demonstrate Value
Engage Physically
Nurture Dependence
Neglect Emotionally
Inspire Hope
Separate Entirely/s <— in case it wasn't clear
Patrick Bet David.
That's what makes us different from the rest of the NPCs.
Who is us?
but we stay hidden because we need to protect our fortunes.
Who is trying to take your fortune?
my cyberstalkers and there are so many of them it's crazy.
Why do you have cyberstalkers? Have you reported them to the authorities?
Maybe I really should quit because surrounding myself with people on this forum is toxic as hell.
Eh, they're not so bad. Certainly beats some of the other hives of scum and villainy that can be found on the Internet.
You see people just posting one liners when they know the facts.
One-liners are funny, though. Ain't nobody reading a novel written by a rando.
So sometimes I just laugh my ass off at my cyberstalkers and there are so many of them it's crazy.
Cyberstalking isn't real. To paraphrase the famous philosopher Tyler the Creator: "Hahaha how is cyber-gangstalking even real, like brutha just turn off the screen, like muh brutha just close your eyes hahaha".
That said, the idea that people listen to him is hilarious to me. He made his cash running cam girl farms where he would fleece sad lonely men for money & when "redpill" content & onlyfans started taking off & cutting into his revenue he pivoted to selling that same redpill/player content to those same men only now HE is the camgirl. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
At least before these lonely idiots got to see a titty for their dollar. Now they get to watch a middle age balding man be a tit.
I am not even against redpill/male relationship advice content. Some of the old guard have some real things to say that need to be heard. But Tate just mixes those genuinely useful message into his bravado sales pitch to muddy the waters. They aren't his ideas.
You people calling for censorship and deplatforming are actually stupid.
You don't realise that all it does is bring more attention to that person and radicalizes their supporters, especially when you try to characterise everyone that may watch that content with the same brush and unsubstantiated lies.
I don't watch him, never heard of him before this started. I still will not watch him, but you people crying about him have just earned him a shit tonne more money and attention than he would have gotten otherwise.
You lefties need to understand what the Streisand effect is and that you don't need to have an opinion on everything. It is okay to just ignore something for once in your miserable lives.
He's a really successful businessman who got really really famous in the past 6 months. He speak mostly facts but also say sh1ts that upsets alot of people especially womens.
Hope that answered your question.
So a misogynist, likely white guy that speaks like an entitled celebrity. Nice. Cant even be bothered googling that. You just saved me 30 secs of my life!
likely white
You are a RACIST..
I mean, you are wrong too coz he’s actually half black and has a tan complexion overall. But that’s besides the point
The melanin in his skin shouldn’t have to do anything with how wrong or right he might be…you are a racist thats completely clueless on this matter but still felt the need to chime in..
It’s okay to not say anything sometimes.Hey take a tissue
But what if that tissue is WHITE ?
How do we remedy that catastrophe ?
yikes at mr racist, typical leftie tho.
@Willy Beamish: Nah not left handed. But i can see that the leftie comments always trigger the outbursts from those that feel their entitlements are at risk. Keep them coming!
Bad straight white male Bad!
He's half black . His dad is black
Wow, you got racist incredibly quick there. You may want to seek help.
They should just tag everything he has with fact check stuff or mental help stuff. By removing him from the platform you just stop people from learning why he's wrong and push his followers into a bubble to become more insulated in a smaller echo chamber.
How do you fact check something like this?
''Im not letting women drive my care because women cant drive''
''Im not going to give CPR unless that person is a hot chick''lol I see your point. Perhaps a tagline underneath all of his videos that mentions: "this person shouldn't be looked up to, they are widely regarded as human trash"?
What if I say I'm not letting some random perosn drive my car. Does this make me human trash?
I’m not letting women drive my care because women cant drive''
He said men are better drivers so he prefers that men drive… That’s a preference. He’s allowed to have that. There’s nothing sexist about that. It’s majority analysis.
'Im not going to give CPR unless that person is a hot chick''
Again, not the exact quote but close enough
He was trying to be funny. Joke didn’t land
I thought it was weird too..We can call it rude but nothing more than that.
Deplatforming is quite harsh considering there are probably millions more outspoken users on Twitter that spew hate and engage in arguments every day.
This dude is a complete dick but completely deplatforming him imo is a mistake.
I believe in free speech. I believe in a "sticks and stones" approach to people that say offensive things and am strongly against censorship for the sake of peoples feelings, it's all a bit 1984 to me.
I'm not in favour of deplatforming/banning in general
I'm not a fan of the "go build your own social media if you don't like it" stance some take. The arguments here and on reddit when the ALP gets an unbalanced treatment in the press is outrage that Murdoch and co aren't being fair, and not "it's their paper, ALP should make their own". Network sizes impart power.
Twitter and other platorms want to enjoy 'common carrier' type benefits where they;re not treated as publishers and immune from being treated as such when it comes to liability for 'publishing' defamatory content, or copyright violations - to me, the other side of the sword is that you're also not allowed to dump all the crackpot asshats who say garbage. You're the village square in both instances. We can sue the guy who hops up on their soapbox, but not the people who provide the place for the soapbox to stand.
who? regardless businesses have the right to run their platforms how they see fit, don't like it go elsewhere or start your own.
Don't know who this guy is, don't care.
No one should be 'deplatformed'.
My mother always told me to never trust a bald man.
Hes complete trash.
Freedom of speech not consequences.Hes found the consequences.
Got to be not very smart if you depend on social media to make money and get banned. You know what they say about abrasive rich people. Money didn't change them, they were abrasive from the beginning.
i dont think his main income is social media. Most of his earning are either from his Casinos, his OnlyFans models agency and his Hustler University. He was rich way before he blew up on social media.
How do you think he channels people to buying his products?
Nobody intentionally posts brain farts online.
His Casinos doesnt get promoted on social media.
His OnlyFans models agency is private. No one know which models they managed because he said wanted to stay private.
His hustler university get promoted by affiliated program.Maybe a small % of his incomes are from social media but he never spoke about that so im not 100% sure too.
@michaelTito: Like Elon Musk is not really promoting his business by association on Twitter. You seem like think people live in silos.
@michaelTito: You don't know examples do you? People don't brain fart into a platform because they don't need to. All trying to get attention for whatever scheme they are trying to pedal.
Aside from the deplatforming issue. I'm just genuinely curious what people that do watch/listen to these kinds of personalities get out of it? How do they get some popular? What exactly is the appeal?
It just holds no appeal to me. I've got better things to do with my time. Same with people who choose to spend 2.5 hours listening to a Joe Rogan episode. That's a lot of time I could be doing more enjoyable or useful stuff.
echo chambers, people like to hear people say things they agree with, this is especially the case in controversial or hate areas as normally they would get derided for their views and in their mind it validates their view to hear others express them no matter how crap the person spewing the garbage is.
Wow both of you are soo out of touch and yet feel competent enough to just assume other people’s psyche towards life..
Since you like many others here haven’t bothered to do any actual unbiased research on this subject and listed some points that could be debated.. I don’t even know what/how to respond to you both.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess ?Same with people who choose to spend 2.5 hours listening to Joe Rogan
Completely out of touch 🤦🏻♂️
Most people listen to podcasts like they listen to music.
It’s Something that plays in the background while they are cooking, driving, working etc
Having said that, I don’t expect you to actually concede your misguided drivel despite what I’ll tell you.Most people listen to podcasts like they listen to music.
It’s Something that plays in the background while they are cooking, driving, working etc
Having said that, I don’t expect you to actually concede your misguided drivel despite what I’ll tell you.yes they do, however many choose their podcasts based on their own biases, very few will consciously listen to people they disagree with. This is a very well researched phenomenon echo chambers are what attracts audiences, consequently many of the podcasters are explicitly targeting their demographic.
This is bloody problem right there…
The fella that you agreed with, made an ignorant assumption. I deconstructed that assumption and now you are here digressing from the actual point that he had made…choose to spend 2.5 hours listening to a Joe Rogan episode. That's a lot of time I could be doing more enjoyable or useful stuff.
This was a point about spending 2.5 hours listening to Rogan when you can instead do some other STUFF. They didn’t make a point about listening to other varied sources in the background..
I was only responding to that point..
You with your recent comment have just completely digressed from that..
Moving on, how is listening to Joe Rogan an eco chamber ?
He has listeners from all across the political spectrum. Every week, he invites guests that he ideologically disagrees with… Your fb overlord was there just about a week ago.Joe is predominately a socialist that supports and even publicly endorsed Bernie Sanders before the elections.. he criticised Trump pre elections and that people shouldn’t vote for him.
But you didn’t know that because CNN or whatever liberal media source you subscribe to didn’t tell you any of that…@Gervais fanboy: ok I don't completely disagree with that, however I would have considered other more useful stuff listening to actual educational podcasts or ebooks. choosing someone like Joe Rogan to listen to takes someone with some special biases.
@gromit: I understand you come from a very positive and friendly place..
But Joe isn’t political like you think he is. 80% of the times he talks about UFC( which I love), drugs, UFO’s , hunting, cars etc etc .
I don’t even have the Spotify app.
I listen to his clipped segments on his Yt channel that fairly typifies the kinds of guests he has on. And the subjects they touch.
Media has made him a Boogeyman because he generates clicks for them.And frankly my dear friend, you clearly don’t know much about him.
@Gervais fanboy: I know plenty about him as my wife was addicted to listening to him for a long time. He has a highly skewed audience around one demographic which is majority young male conservatives. What irritates me so much about him is his lack of research on any topic before he mouths off which many of his listeners then take as fact, combine that with his complete lack of interview skills. I suspect much of his lack of knowledge or research is fake as he would have to be dumb as Dog crap to believe some of it and it is just about pandering to his audience. Very glad my wife finally got over her phase of listening to him.
around one demographic which is majority young male conservatives.
And still there was a minority of people like your wife and like me (half black/ half South Asian) who started listening to Joe when I was a young teen cheering for this modern wave of Feminism and Socialism, whilst hating the white man.
But to your point.. White people are the majority in the West. So that’s how proportions work.
Conservative - Well most conservatives by nature are into UFC, classic cars, hunting etc
The skewing is based on such lifestyle choices and not politics.
He used to be a proper socialist and his fans would disagree with him but we don’t stop listening or hate someone just coz of their politics.irritates me so much about him is his lack of research on any topic before he mouths off
Yeah me too and almost every Joe listener out there.. there’s plethora of memes that his own fanbase makes to depict that.
But he’s aware of that and he then deliberately gets guests on who then corrects him and puts him in his place.
9/10 times he concedes and admits he was wrong. That’s what I really care about. And that’s how it should be.
No way any man can know everything about everything. But Joe asks his ‘stupid’ questions infront of his expert guests who then give out some ‘brilliant’ answers.
That’s soo educational.. the ideal way to wxteaxt the best out of his amazing guests.research is fake as he would have to be dumb as Dog
Like what ?
Like what ?
His moronic repeating of the fake news on growing food in Australia being banned (seriously how hard is it to check a basic fact, at least his director pulled him up fast on that). Australian Covid response and Covid in General. His police state rant because he couldn't tell the difference between a comedy skit and news. His blaming leftwing activists for wildfires in the US. Apologizing and admitting you are wrong is great, Researching and not getting it wrong in the first place is better.
My wife got addicted to listening as she wanted to find out more about where a couple of her friends were getting their misguided conspiracy theory stuff from. Was a mix of Rogan and various other conspiracy sites and like all conspiracy nutters they cherry pick, so they hear the garbage uncorrected on Rogan, but will not listen to a later apology or correction.
fake news on growing food in Australia being banned
Btw I just saw it, he also makes that annoying face to go with it. Just to prove how annoyingly wrong he was..
And within one minute he was proven to be 100% wrong and admitted that it was a fake story. Is that not okay with you ?
From Phil Defranco, Hassan, H3H3 etc plenty of other entertainers that always just double down on their lies. I’d rather have an issue with people like that…Australian Covid response and Covid in General.
But he was right about that though..
We had/have mandates here… that was wrong. You might agree with it on ideological grounds. But he’s allowed to oppose any establishment having that much power.blaming leftwing activists for wildfires
Just looked that one up too.
There were just a few unsubstantiated rumours that he amateurishly fell for. No proof no evidence
Joe was wrong about that one too..Was a mix of Rogan and various other conspiracy sites and like all conspiracy nutters they cherry pick, so they hear the garbage uncorrected on Rogan, but will not listen to a later apology or correction.
Listen, there’s garbage everywhere.
Not using that to justify the indiscretions that you have just shared with me because you are right Joe has been horribly wrong about somethings in the past and he will still keep making mistakes.
But I can sort of understand that too coz he does 100hours + content every month. He’s bound to let his guard down and fall for some fake report inevitably.
Listen, I saw him do the same with that Russian interference in US election BS.. he fell for that too.
More importantly, he does have just about enough integrity to atleast apologise and correct himself next time.
I know that doesn’t make it right but 90% of his other content is quite relevant and engaging.
Man, you are aggressive. I didn't assume anyone's psyche towards life. I asked the question to try to understand it because it's so foreign to me.
I asked "what people that do watch/listen to these kinds of personalities get out of it?"
I'm still none the wiser from your response unfortunately.
I understand it's something you can put on in the background, but what is the appeal of putting this on as opposed to something else? Do you not like music? Do you feel you are learning something useful? If so, what?
What are you getting out of it?I'm here to try to understand, not argue…
Man, you are aggressive
Okay maybe I was.. I am sorry
Just kind of sick of people just laying their criticism when they don’t even know what they are talking about.
Still, you are a polite person and i shouldn’t have done better. I apologise again.something you can put on in the background, but what is the appeal of putting this on as opposed to something else
But you said something totally different in your initial comment. You have now sidestepped from your actual point.
Do you not like music
Not as much as I once used to.. I don’t really like modern music that much and have already listened to my old playlist enough that I am kinda sick of it.
Do you feel you are learning something useful? If so, what?
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. But it’s only after listening to something do I realise whether it was worth listening to or not. I try not shape my opinions based on what the MSM has to say about someone but I try to make my own opinions.
Joe has had guests from all walks of life. From the guy that got stranded at a desert island and had to make it out by himself to the doctors that tell the importance of Vitamin D in relation to Covid. The man who befriended Kkk grandmasters and then changed them…
Just saying, it’s isn’t all political like you think it is@Gervais fanboy: Thanks, that's a much more informative reply.
Yes, I understand Joe is not all political. I actually quite enjoyed his commentary on UFC when I used to watch it. And I think you partially answered my question in another reply in that he talks about things that I presume you are interested in hearing about (drugs, UFO’s , hunting, cars), which don't hold the same appeal to me.
But then, I watch gardening and skateboarding videos on Youtube as I find them enjoyable and informative, but I probably holds little appeal to you. To each their own… Don't necessarily agree with deplatforming, I'm more surprised that these guys get the following they do in the first place (but I have the same feeling about a lot of 'influencers'). At least Joe Rogan had quite a bit of name recognition prior to JRE and seems to have interesting guests which explains it a bit. Still not really sure what people get from listening to this Tate fella though…
Joe is not all political.
Playing the devil’s advocate : he’s more political now than he used to be (considering the times) but his politics only forms 10% of his total collection of work.
you are interested in hearing about (drugs, UFO’s , hunting, cars)
Not really into drugs, hunting or cars.. but just like to have surface level information on such subjects.
I'm more surprised that these guys get the following they do in the first place
Well, I thought about it.
For good or for bad, Tate is like a pioneer is his field. Not many people talk about the things that he does.
There’s an audience for everything I guess.. Ngl imo he does make some very good points and some I can’t relate to..Still not really sure what people get from listening to this Tate fella though…
Now we know you haven’t really listened to him but still have some pre conceived notions about him. So I can’t really say much to you
But I think that with an open mind, without all the media impressions.. if you were to have watched him before all this meltdown
You would have kinda liked him tooBecause soo many people hate him, and the social animal in me inadvertently wants to look for reasons to hate him too. So I can conform with the masses mindset.
But there isn’t that much.
Coz I actually watched his entire segments/podcasts rather than the clipped up segments that media shows us now.
But as you said, each to their own.
Nice chat
You realise people do stuff while listening to podcasts?
Your mistake is thinking people just sit there listening to a Joe Rogan episode…. Not sure if that's a reflection on how closed minded you are or just intentionally ignorant because you don't agree with Joe politically. Multitasking is a thing, for example you can be driving and still listen to a podcast….
Well obviously I understand that. I'm listening to music right now. But I just don't understand how these guys content tops the list of things to listen to with the plethora of other content there is out there.
What value is it that you are getting out of it?
Despite the current narrative because he said naughty things about covid he has a wide variety of guests from all walks of life that talk about a huge range of topics.
Have you ever had a look through a list of who some of his guests have been?
Personally I rarely listen/watch him but a couple of times he has had interesting ecologists/enviro scientists on that I enjoyed listening to because that’s my field of work, listening to some athlete or musician would be pretty boring to me though.
What value do you get out of anything you do? Listening to music, watching TV shows etc. Most likely entertainment/information combination.
The only Joe Rogan episodes I've listened to are ones with Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson and Neil deGrasse Tyson because they are extremely interesting to me.
What value do you get out of anything you do? Listening to music, watching TV shows etc. Most likely entertainment/information combination.
Yes, I find music enjoyable to listen to, and like the way it makes me feel. Music's been a big part of my life, so I get a lot of enjoyment from it. Likewise, the things I watch usually provide comic relief or help me learn and grow as a person.
I've heard a number of compelling reasons to listen to JRE due to his interesting guests mainly, so I get that more now. Unfortunately the only suggestions I've ever had from Youtube are his covid conspiracy stuff (perhaps I should look deeper).
Still none the wiser on the appeal of Andrew Tate though. But I've also grown up with what I see as very positive male role models in my life, which not everyone has, so maybe he's filling that void for some…@NigelTufnel: I don't know this guy either and I haven't seen what you call covid conspiracy theory videos. Joe has been lied about a lot especially by major networks like CNN so I do suggest looking into those videos a bit more than surface level before you try and dismiss it outright. I did see him confront one of the liars from CNN (Sanjay Gupta) on his show and these mainstream media folk are spineless grifters.
Angry men are a huge target market for these guys.
lol. You do realise it is a form of entertainment?
The gated content requires payment. It's chump change for the people that buy his product the War Room.
His target audience are not clowns that want to play video games and watch netflix all day.
NO, what ever happened to free speech? everything he says makes sense. yeh sometimes he adds some sh!t to spice it up and add a hint of comedy, that's what pisses people off, but feminists and these woke groups take those short clips and make whole story about it while trying to push their own agenda. he preaches self improvement, he preaches getting to your full potential and rising above the 9 to 5 slave mentality. he preaches against wasting your time with promiscuous woman. all basic universally agreeable facts to improve your life.
NO, what ever happened to free speech?
It's still there? The gov isn't banning him or doing anything. He's still free to yell on the street.
Ohh right
Coz the government and its lobbyists didn’t start this snowball by pressuring these big techs to censor speech in the guise of ‘misinformation’. That never happened ?
Btw you are clearly older and much much wiser than me.. Aren’t you even a bit concerned by these monopolised powers deciding what’s okay and what’s not.
Coz the government and its lobbyists didn’t start this snowball by pressuring these big techs to censor speech in the guise of ‘misinformation’. That never happened ?
Was he deplatformed for his comments about women or about covid? Lets stay on topic.
Aren’t you even a bit concerned by these monopolised powers deciding what’s okay and what’s not.
Were people first to call for deplatforming, pressuring social media platforms? Or did social media deplatformed him first?
what’s okay and what’s not.
Do you watch his stuff regularly?
"on their own platform" - finished your sentenced for you. If I came over to your house party and started yelling inappropriate words, you're welcome to kick me out too.
Do you watch his stuff regularly?
Was he deplatformed for his comments about women or about covid? Lets stay on topic
Great question my friend. They never gave him a reason for why he was deplatformed. He’s asked them many times but they only provide generic PR responses.
Tate had videos of his censored where he questioned the validity of the elections, mandates and the efficacy of vaccines/covid virus..
You assume that it was coz he something sexist but there’s evidence leaning to the contrary.
Some subsidiary content creators like Sneako who says the same stuff fhat Tate does. Got censored for speaking on Covid and not the current dating scene.
He was on a Fresh and Fit podcast with Destiny where he said that.Or did social media deplatformed him first?
The hit pieces came in first..I think
But there’s also hit pieces on Muslim extremist organisations, communist influencers, celebrities who openly wish death upon Trump and all conservatives in general etc They are all present and thriving on social media platforms.
The big tech doesn’t kick them out.
But disproportionately kicks out anyone on the right.Do you watch his stuff regularly?
Not his actual channel, no. I am not on social media only Yt. Watched shorts on Yt that had him speaking on different subjects. Watched about 6 long form podcasts where he was on as a guest.
If I came over to your house party and started yelling inappropriate words, you're welcome to kick me out too.
Came over ? Maybe
But people live on social media now. It’s like an irreplaceable organ in most people’s lives.
Also, censorship isn’t applied fairly.If I am being loud, you kick me out, Fair
But what about so many others that you allow to get away with ? Isn’t that a clear indicator of enforced bias.
You don’t want these ‘moderators’ to be biased one way or the other.
This topic has gone on for 3 pages too many.
@Gervais fanboy: Here you go mate. August 7th publication: “The Romanian authorities said last week that the investigation, later expanded to cover human trafficking and rape allegations, was ongoing.”
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/06/andrew-ta…
I’m going to assume you’ll just call the guardian fake news, but there. Investigation for rape, as I originally stated.