110 Finish tablets back at the sale price of $12.99
Plenty of stock around inner southern suburbs of Melbourne
110 Finish tablets back at the sale price of $12.99
Plenty of stock around inner southern suburbs of Melbourne
I expected this comment! Kapitoshka, are you spamming us with your video in every single dishwasher tablet post? Or you are genuinly trying to educate ozbargainers?
Take it the way suits you. Every time I post "spam" there are many people who are thankful. There are many who say ignore all the negativity. The nature of the outcome is that I can't selectively help those who didn't see it yet, would like to know and will appreciate. So here is your choice. You can help me to help people or you can keep getting annoyed that you personally seen it more than once and in your world it is rather annoying spam. For now, I think I may keep helping people even though as you can see isn't well understood at times.
I'm one of the thankful ones.
@Penpinch: Thank you for watching and letting me know. I'm not fragile by any means, but it is important to me to stop when the help is not longer needed. You are helping me to be there next time knowing that someone still appreciates it!
Break the tablet in half, one for pre-rinse, other for the main cycle
Yeah that's what I do now after watching the Technology Connections video, although I use more of a 2/7 and 5/7 ratio.
I watched a 40min dishwasher analysis video dude and instead of using power, I similarly break around a 2/7 tablet ratio
@Fobsessive: Was that the guy that cut a hole in his dishwasher? I saw a link to that in a comment 6 months ago and surprisingly watched the whole thing.
@DarwinBoy: Yep, that's the one and only! I can't believe I watched 40mins of it. Could've been condensed down to 5mins.
@Fobsessive: I was almost going to watch his other videos but stopped myself before i got sucked in.
New tabs are a gel. Cant break them in half.
Isn't it cheaper and easier to just use powder though?
why not use the cheapo loose dishwasher powder from bottle for pre rinse and use the tab for main cycle
In case you already bought the tablet
Thanks for your videos, mate! Very informative.
I watched your one on the GoodWe invertor when I was in the market for solar and it was very helpful.
Thank you again, this is why I keep posting them here. However, again, I don't have any commercial interest doing so. If people want me to stop - I will. I just thought, for those who watched it - they can skip, for those that didn't - might be of interest. That's all.
Please do not stop, there are regulars here but more often than not there are thousands without an account who are thankful for the content
@FlatulentFrank: Thank you for the kind words. I'll try to ignore negativity for a bit longer, thank you for people like yourself. It is hard to strike the right balance and I totally get why @gguu makes this comment. Just a slight hope here that people like @gguu can see your side too.
@Kapitoshka: Yeah, for regular users it may be frustrating but no-one is forcing them to read/digest the information you provide out of good will.
There's always detractors and negativity that unfortunately sticks out more than a positive one. At the end of the day it's a website that encourages better use of money and you're a person that contributes greatly to that mission. Thanks again and have a lovely rest of your weekend
@FlatulentFrank: Thank you so much, you give me energy to keep going. Might refer future nay sayers to your wording though :-) Have an awesome weekend!
Same deal with laundry detergent pods, companies trying to make them the norm since they are way more $$$ per wash and higher profit under the guise of convenience but actually the same/worse results.
Didn't know anyone uses those in Aus
Which tablets or powder are best if you want minimal detergent smell. Some of the dishes come out with so much detergent smell that you cant get rid of without rinsing again and drying. The fairy ultimate is worse.
Agree that Fairy is the worst! Tried it once, never again. We use these Finish tablets and like them, you just need to run them on a long (~1h) cycle
That was actually great, and I genuinely learnt something new! Now I need to learn how to make the rinse aid actually aid in rinsing!
My washer doesn't have the little compartment for the pre-rinse powder, can I drop a bit of dish washing liquid or a little power on the bottom to help with pre-rinse? I don't know if dish washing liquid will create too much foam? I still use the tablet in the dispenser.
Some don't, they program their cycles to run differently. You can use what ever you want in that compartment. Try a couple of different tablets and also powder and see what delivery method and brand works for you better.
Hi Kapitoshka, my dishwasher has 2 x compartments , small one for pre wash and bigger one for main wash. The user manual only says put powder into pre wash compartment for quick wash. It didn't mention how to use powder for main wash. Should I put powder into both compartments if I would like to use powder for full cycle?
@Zxie8: Yes, both compartments. From pre-rinse it get washed out during initial start up/rinse, thein it will flush the dirty water out, release the main compartment open and feel up with the fresh water. Alternatively, you can use a tablet in main compartment and powder in small pre-rinse one. :-) See what is best for you :-)
Just break the tablet and chuck a bit to the bottom to help prerinse.
Never put regular dishwashing liquid into a machine. Suds will kill it
Hi Kapitoshka, thanks for telling us this
Would you recommend dishwasher powder in this case?
I have all recommendations in the description of the video (all links itemised there). Most or all of them are Amazon shop as this is where I get my stuff. However, if you have an Aldi near by their powder (and perhaps tablets) are great choice.
What do you recommend ? I put the tablet in the dish powder compartment and close it.
If you have 2 compartments you can use powder in both or tablet in big and powder in small. If you have only one compartment use tablet or powder there.
our Bosch dishwasher only has two places, rinse being one of them
FYI these are individually wrapped dishwasher tabs. Absolute pain to use and terrible waste of plastic.
It's water soluble. No need to unwrap. However if your dishwasher doesn't dissolve them for some reason, use an unwrapped brand.
No, these are proper plastic ones. Like the individually wrapped ones you may find in a hotel room.
I believe you are correct, thanks.
Their website no longer refers to this exception among their range–but a Google cache of their website still does. Maybe they are phasing it out.
The reason why they are individual wrapped because they are not in sealed packing and they don't have water soluble like quantum and 110 in a paper box
Can't agree more - purchased from the same deal here (which ironically posted by myself) I learnt it the hard way. Having 112 tabs to finish did not help either lol.
Now I only use Finnish Quantum Ultimate Pro (specifically with active blu logo) usually at Costco for <$30 for 80tabs
I bought these and they're absolutely garbage imo - they do a completely shit job compared to every other tablet I've used
Add to that they're individually wrapped and a pain in the ass to use 😂
I've had no issues with these even as a grey import
Same.. but i rinse my stuff off first.
I think I might have more to do with the quality of your dishwasher, these do a perfect job for me, so much so that I no longer buy any of the other more expense tabs as I can't tell the difference.
Yeah, quite possible.
If I buy the fancier Finish tablets (with gel in them) I get perfect dishes - I'd imagine if I had a decent washing machine it wouldn't matter as much
By washing machine I mean dishwasher lmao 😂
@Fobsessive: Absolutely no clue, the brand has rubbed off the front and it came with my house - it has a start/stop button and a "heavy" load button.
So most likely the shittiest dishwasher you can find on ebay
I get that individual plastic adds to waste but, pain in the ass to use? First world problem aye.
I mean, it's not a huge issue (and definitely a first world problem lol) but they're using terrible plastic wrapping that doesn't really open very easily - pair that with the fact it gets stuck to the tablet… you end up having to peel 4 or 5 little pieces of half torn plastic off the tablet and it's annoying af
Compared to the other ones I've used anyway
So good, thanks for sharing!
As usual, for those that want free delivery and not spend $50, you can get 2 for $25.98 Delivered at their sister store My Chemist using code "FS7824" :)
Damn just bought 440 tablets
where do you enter the code?
In the shopping cart, you'll see "Got a Voucher Code? Add it here" near the checkout button.
got it thanks
Bought two via My Chemist with free Shipping, thanks mate, save me a trip to CW.
Is it me or does anyone else yell "FINISH HIM!" when I use these tablets and start my dishwasher?
No, that is showing how old you are.
not at the dishwasher but if my (profanity) fluffball dog ever gets the upper hand in his play tackles with another dog, you bet your ass i do :')
He gets smashed 99.99% of the time that usually the other owner is the first one egging my dog on lol
Dishwasher powder is far better and cheaper in the long run. Also can be adjusted based on the load.
Which powder brand would you recommend? Difficult to find in Perth
I am happy with logix from Aldi. Honestly haven’t tried any other brand. Also I use the logix dishwasher cleaner once a month to get rid of lingering smells. I hate rinse aid and the smell it leaves on the dishes, so the wash is done before I go to sleep and dishes air overnight.
My 12 year old Dishlex gets worked like a dog in our house and these tabs do a great job. Just break it and put half in the dispenser and half on the bottom. Then add a squirt of dishwashing detergent on the door. Don't crowd the dishes and just make sure your rinse aid is always topped up….perfect clean every time! Oh and don't forget to add that pesky little wrapper to your recyclable plastics bin and drop off at Woolies once a week….easy peasy.
This or Aldi's Logix Platinum Dishwashing Tablets 40pk ($8.49) => 21c per tablet ?
Hey guy, I am just thinking, can we put these kind of cheap tablets in the dispenser, and instead of breaking it in half (or 2/5 or 3/4 ratio….whatever) to put 1 piece on the bottom and 1 piece in the dispenser for a greater result like other people were saying above, how about we just put the whole tablet in the dispenser and put some dish washing liquid (or a spoon of dish washing powder) on the bottom of the machine, so the pre-rinse cycle will clean better? It will cost very little extra for the liquid/powder but it's much more convenient than breaking the tablet. Thank you for your opinions.
You are paying more per batch and it is not ozbargainer spirit
In your case just put some detergent at the bottom.
It could produce too much foam and leak out
I don't understand all the discussion about how some tablets work better over others etc.
I have a crappy dishwasher (Omega brand) that was already there when I bought my house and never had any issues using any tablet. I just whatever is the cheapest, like this one.
discussion about how some tablets work better over others
Exactly, it is detergent.
I hate those ones that come individually wrapped in non-water-soluble plastic. Soo much waste. Hopefully, this is not one of those.
It's one of those
These tablets are rubbish and that is why they are cheap. Don’t waste your money
I find these are ok, the only tablets I pay top dollar for are ones I eat.
Just went in and picked up two boxes at my local in Oxley, QLD plenty of stock
2 different houses with 2 different Dishlex's - get a great wash with these AND aldi cheap tabs every time IF:
I snip a corner off a tablet using a cheap pair of kitchen scissors. Corner (about 1/4th to 1/5th) goes anywhere in the dishwasher open, and the rest goes in the tablet compartment. Scissors get repeatedly dishwashed.
I check that the spinning arms beneath the top drawer is free of hetting caughr on anything.
Works a charm.
Tablets, tablets, tablets… They're great, but… Below is my post from the other day. Hope it helps not only financially, but for a better dishwashing results:
I noticed lately a lot of posts about dish washing tablets… This better than that etc. The way most of dishwashers are designed, almost does not matter which tablets you'll use getting best results nearly impossible with a tablet due to not utilising detergent during the pre-rinse cycle because tablet is getting disposed into the washer only during the wash cycle. If you throw tablet directly into dishwasher - it will be used during the pre-rinse cycle, but not during the main wash…
I'm not good at videos, but I tried to create one to save money and effort while getting better dish washing results, here it is if you are interested : https://youtu.be/GGDv2x9H-SY