Seems when someone accidentally ticks "i am a rep" and comments, when the mod removes the rep tag - it only removes the top rep post, not the rep tags on OPs comments
[Resolved] Sticky REP on comments even when deal has been unflagged
Davo1111 on 11/06/2012 - 22:40
I should add that I've noticed this a bit later. Just in case you're wondering where the tags went, i've edited the OP's first comment and that removed all rep tags from the comments as well.
I have updated the title to make it more clear to the developers (i.e. me & moocher). It should be a easy fix.
Sorry guys, I'll fix it today.
Fix has been rolled out.
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but it seems that your mod tag is gone on your 2nd comment.
Mod flags need to be explicitly checked for each comment, and I forgot to do that. :P
Think it may be gone now, as I don't see the rep tag next to liveyourlife