For a limited time only, a large KFC chips will cost only $2.
Large Chips $2 Pickup Only @ KFC

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Looks like the KFC chips didn't get hit with the inflation hammer.
Can we stop calling it 'inflation' mostly at the moment it's just profiteering.
2020-2022 - captive audience…spending goes up globally
2023 - corporations missing record profits….raise prices accordinglyThank you U.S….
We're paying for all that "free" money, which never really is free.
Surely more like this…
2020-2021 harsh restrictions in response to cold+flu symptoms, record government spending and debt increases around the globe, including hand outs to pay people NOT to work, plus surging demand for nicer and better properties for people to live out their "house arrest" and working from home, and to escape to areas with less restrictions.
2021-2023 cascading price increases across all industries with the dual causes of:
- the increase of "free" government money driving increased demand, and
- cascading supply chain shortages, almost entirely due to labor shortages as people are told and incentivised NOT to work
@inherentchoice: We don't have labor shortages - what we have is no wage growth for who knows how long. Resources are there, people are greedy. Incentivise employment with better wages and conditions. Fairly straight forward. Some people just don't wanna hear the word sustainable, they want dollar signs :p
I blame Reagans' tax cascade!
What about if the cost of potatoes has gone up?
It'll be replaced with mock-potato made by lettuce :)
When the money supply increases, inflation comes with it. It's economics 101.
Nah just shrinkflation.
They used to be a lot bigger and definitely shouldn't be RRP of 6 bucks
Holy chip! You've gotta be chipping me! Eat chip! Suck chip! You're a giant piece of chip.
Well, that took a sudden turd for the worse
You forgot the chip sauce. I prefer mine copious and sweet.
mhmm soggy and flavourless even though I asked for extra seasoning three times already.
Still gonna buy though heh.
Thankfully they have millions of discerning customers just like you
Chuck em in air fryer for 3min @ 180°c crispy asf.
Each store is different. Mine often have too much salt
Ask for no (chicken) salt and they make em fresh.
Why not just ask for a fresh batch?
Basically the same thing without the squabbles, as they do it automatically.Easier just add your own but enough salt in everything without adding to foods (and deep fryer oily anyway).
Is this the new promo for the month lol
I guess so I was hoping to buy the Tuesday 9 pieces for $9.95 but no more
yep, was dissapointed also
That deal was always set in OzB to expire in August
I just heard back. They were confused by why Kiling was frigging chickens.
i only said frigging because were not allowed to say (profanity)
and made spelling and grammar mistakes because you failed primary school?
@gizmomelb: lol…what an anal comment. spelling mistakes here on ozbargain? whoever heard of such a thing???
I thought it was Kids Fattening Centre
i thought it was Kolesterol Flatulence & Constipation
anyone else been getting some really shitty quality chicken lately? ever since my local drive thru store was renovated i've always received woody chicken and soggy or overcooked fries.
It's all about timing bro. You have to go when it's busy, so that you know the chickens haven't been sitting around for too long.
If you go when it isn't busy, it's guaranteed you'll get crappy quality chicken that's been sitting around for an hour.
interesting observation. i'll check google maps for the busiest time and check it out. wish me luck
Often more. Store managers don't throw chicken out, that just change the time of expiry on chicken
Oh, God… KFC. Eternally undercooked and soggy chips, large chips? Nope, almost always its 1/3 empty, something with the order is wrong…wouldn't you get tired already for not doing your job correctly and people constantly complaining? Order correct, customer happy, worker happy, easy. Yes, we paid for that, on the picture, if full is shown then make it full, i got large coz i wanted larger, not small and a bit bigger.
i got large coz i wanted larger, not small and a bit bigger
Who knew that ordering chips could be this intellectually demanding
Must be your local.
Agree , it’s not fken rocket science too
Is that you Ronald?
nah, just some other clown
Pretty sure Regular offers better spud:$
Do we have the 9er for today as well?
Dream big
Unfortunately no. That one was last month's special.
Always ask for extra salt and always satisfied with the outcome. Love this deal
I wonder what’s worse for you, vaping or eating KFC?
huffing computer duster trumps both
Anyone had any luck replicating the seasoning in these bad boys?
Yeah 3 large chips + survey and drink only for $6 now
So end up with 3 large chips plus 1 small chip & drink :)
Yup exactly
Kfc chicken is disgusting these days. It was once juicy and nice…now horrible to say the least.
Deal is on chips dude, IMO their chips are still way better than HJ and a million times better than McDonald's
Interesting on this, I actually dont mind HJ, KfC and McDonald chips - they have their own chips and i cant seem to pick which one is the best out of the 3. But that’s my personal experience anyway
I aint sure how anyone could possibly argue Mc Donald's chips are better than KCF ?
Not my experience imo
This depends on what restaurant you go to imo.
There recently took off the '2 large sides' for $5.95 deal from the app… Usually got the kids a large chips each… Now they 4.95 each, no thanks.
Bring back the regular app deal!Probably because people were buying it without the associated family meal.
Yes it's bloody annoying, I haven't been purchasing KFC because of this
Its still there. Just add a colonels dinner to your order and then view your cart. It will offer you add ons and one of them is 2 large sides for $5.95. Add that to your order and then remove the colonel's dinner
OH MY!!!
It works! It lets you remove the dinner after adding the 2 sides… Bloody lifesaver, thank you.
Will be definitely using this after the $2 deal runs out. Bloody champion, thank you!
Have always found the HJ chip the only one not soggy, with a really nice quality crisp. Maybe I just never catch KFC ones fresh and always get them soggy, but I'm convinced the love out there is primarily for the salt. I say ad some extra chicken salt or seasoning at home on the HJs and you're got the best version of a fast food chip. HJs always do a cheap size, currently $2 medium, sometimes $1 small.
Yeah I found it can always happen between the big 3 , just have to get it at the right time and if you dont, even then you can get some crappy Chips
HJ chips bit too salty I reckon… do you remember HJ French Fries?
Nah, never seen HJ french fry. Are they any better than McD's?
nah that old fries was very boring and got soggy very fast, faster than maccas
the new chips are good and crispy but they either put too much salt or the salt they use are too overpowering. not salt is the way.
@Poor Ass: No salt is one of the best things you can do for your long-term disease prevention.
I have a rule of no added salt, either cooking or eating, but potato/chips is my weak spot, it's the last bastion that I can't resist. Otherwise, the best things you can do to keep salt in check is to move as much as possible to fresh foods than preserved.
@muwu: Agreed, better avoiding all Processed foods, most full of salt and fat, better just adding a little yourself in fresh cooking (wedges in air fryer are easy and healthier).
@muwu: actually salt is both good and bad
but majority of people are overdosing in sodium intake / salt consumption
too much salt which leads to heart problems, kidney stones, high blood pressure etc etc
you only need 2-3g a day which is very little to maintain those long-term disease prevention you speak of
salt on chips your achilles heel
@Poor Ass: Ofc, sodium is in most stuff, best to limit to 1500mg per day (and stop driving up me private heath premium).
@Poor Ass: Yeah.. everyone's situation and requirements are different, i don't get take away all the time and coffees etc (but waste my fair share of money)
@G-rig: Yeah, sodium intake recommendations vary a little depending on the aims. Because most people in developed countries consume a very high excess, most people well north of 3000mg per day, most recommendations state the aim is less than 2000mg. The research data shows that the optimum is likely less than around the 400-800mg mark, but this is unrealistic for most.
Centuries of development has led to ever increasing intakes of salt, largely due to food processing, and humans are not adapted to it, it interferes with our renin-angiotensin hormone loop that is regulated by our kidneys. It is a large contributor to hypertension and athroma formulation and many of the vascular diseases which cause long-term chronic disease (heart, stroke, kidney failure).
@muwu: You can reduce the effects of sodium by eating foods high in potassium. It's always a good idea to eat a banana after a high sodium meal.
I do, but very happy they changed to actual chips, there’s actually a nice differentiation between the types used at the big fast food places now.
yeh glad they changed too but now feel like less in volume is very salty compared to before
I don’t get why KFC don’t just get an air fryer? It’ll make their chips and chicken even better most of the time???
Thats easy. It takes longer to cook the chips.
Because 1) chips cooked by literally submersing them in oil tastes better and
2) Almost everything negative about the chips is because you're not getting fresh ones, and / or they're under-seasoned. An air fryer won't solve these issues haha"air fryer"
You mean an oven.
"Baked not fried" is a health imperative, not a taste and texture one.
Sorry I can’t eat that…doing 75 hard !!
Sorry I can’t eat that…
Username checks out
Meh just fit it in with your calorie deficit
Bitching and moaning about $2 chips like some Masterchef chip connoisseur snob.
“Look at you! Look at what you've sunk to! Look at what you've become! Look in the mirror cause you need help"
its ozbargain…these folks cant live without take away
They are expecting gourmet fine dining experience for $2. LOL
We are expecting bargains. Trash for $2 is not a bargain. Gourmet meals for $2 is a bargain.
Bring on the $2 gourmet meal deals.
Every time I buy large chips at KFC they only fill up half of the box with chips
Back in 1999 KFC chips box was always full , tasted much better and it was cheaper.
Inflation? Thanks scomo
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Oooh nice! This can come in handy today, thanks OP!