This was posted 12 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Complete Series Stargate SG-1 ~AU $72.22. Complete Atlantis ~AU $48.13. [Delivered, DVD Region 1]

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Complete series on both, awesome pricing. Note that you'll need a multi-region DVD player for playback.

WARNING: Read the Amazon reviews before purchasing, apparently the packaging on the box sets are horrible resulting in badly scratched, possibly unplayable disks. I decided to take the risk given the pricing.

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  • wait a minute…… u mean $72 for the whole complete 1-10 series for that price O.O!!!!!!!!!!

    This is by far one of the best shows I've ever watched :D but atlantis sucked :P

    • I'm happy the OP mentioned about the disk quality, though. The reviews are quite disturbing.

    • Atlantis didn't suck! How dare you! Universe sucked.

      • -1

        Universe didn't suck! How dare you! SG-1 sucked.

        • Sg-1 (imo) sucked 10 yrs ago! Now it's the best ever :P
          Atlantis had the potential - but never took that step to become 'epic' - think SG1's war over Antarctica etc
          Universe, while different, showed a different perspective, and losers killed it off too quickly (not enough shooting)…

        • SGU sucked in season 1. Great cast and acting, but storyline too slow. Season 2 was brilliant.

          Sadly, it's another show that got snuffed out before it was allowed to fully develop (writers had a 5 year plan for the series).

          So, instead we get more of the same crime and medical dramas. SGU was truly different, but it needed more gate dialling and alien encounters.

          SG-1, brilliant show (except for the last couple of seasons where the two cast members from Farscape joined). Richard Dean Anderson is what made SG-1 stand out from the rest. Atlantis was great too, with Amanda Tapping and Robert Picardo taking command of Atlantis. It looks and sounds amazing on Blu-Ray!

        • At least known characters actually died in SGU, so the scenes of mild peril meant something. SG1 sucked because you know the main characters are invincible.

          I tried watching Atlantis and it hasn't aged well at all, The Wraith lol oooohhh.

          I stopped watching SGU once they announced the canning. It did take the whole TJ and Chloe crying plot lines way too far. But I've just finished watching the remaining 10 episodes of season 2 and I just can't believe they canned such a great sci fi show. There is nothing good left to watch now.

    • Yeah, sorry, I tried to add the words 'Complete series' into the heading but ran out of room.

      • +1

        Didn't need to include "Amazon US", 2 x ~AU, 2 x ., [], 1 x Delivered… :P

        If you can edit it, maybe try:

        Complete series Stargate SG-1 ~$72.22 or SG-Atlantis ~$48.13 delivered DVD Region 1

        • Yeah, true, alright, edited.

  • As crappy as that SG-1 packaging may be, it's probably better than the one I got from JB for ~$200 on special a few years back. It's in a big book shape… but if you tilt it the wrong direction every single DVD - about 60 of them - comes spilling out.

  • Aww wish I had the cash, would buy the two of them!

    • I bought over 9,000 of them and am going to eBay them.


  • +2

    I bought the SG-1 set from Amazon US, and I ended up posting it back to them and getting a refund. The packaging it comes in is horrible. If the discs haven't come loose during shipping, you'll end up scratching them to oblivion everytime you remove a disc or place it back into the cardboard pocket that holds it. The only thing that I miss about it was the outer box which had a cool looking moulded Stargate on it!

    Same goes for the Atlantis box set. Don't buy the US version or even the one in the tin that I bought locally at JB Hi-Fi. Again, it's a poor design for packaging, and one that is guaranteed to scuff and scratch the discs (if they're not already). They were nice enough to open another set and let me swap them over, but that set was also pretty hammered, so they gave me a refund.

    If you're going to buy the SG-1 or Atlantis Complete Series, I recommend buying the UK version, as both come in proper plastic cases. Better still, buy Atlantis on Blu-Ray from the UK!

    • I actually bought the Atlantis set on Blu-Ray from the US. The discs are region-free. So, if you see them cheap on Amazon or eBay, they'll work fine on our players!

      • I got them back during the special on Amazon UK for ~$75.

        Disappointing the S4 & S5 commentaries feature almost no Martin Gero and plenty of annoying bastards who did the old describing what's happening on the screen and saying how great everything and everyone is. Which was annoying, I liked the Gero + Hewlett/Flanigan/Anyone Really commentaries. They were actually interesting, and kind of funny.

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