Bit of an oversight perhaps. Spend and save offers works with one gift card in particular.
Select the Father's Day gift card.
$250 gift card for $150 (at checkout).
$150 gift card for $100.
You can then combine the e-gift card with the spend and save offer:
E.g., buy a $250 voucher for $150 and then place two orders:
- (order 1) $250 worth of items in cart = $150 at checkout. Pay with gift card.
- (order 2) $250 = $150 ($100 gift card + $50)
- You spend $200. Purchase worth, $500.
- (order 1) $250 = $150 at checkout
- (order 2) $150 = $100 at checkout
- You spend $150, Purchase worth, $400.
And so on.
- No expiry date for e-gift cards
- Cannot buy giftcards with giftcards
SC Members 40% off regular price
They'll patch this one quickly, go go go!