• expired

Free Crypto Tax Report (First 1,000 New Users) @ Koinly AU


Found it on Finder.com.au: Use code “FINDERYT22” to get a free tax report. First 1,000 new customers only. Everyone after this gets a 30% discount. T&Cs apply.

Referral Links

Referral: random (161)

US$20 for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    And its on for young and old again.

  • Where do we enter the code?

    • Click Free Plan on top right and enter Coupon Code while checking out.

    • You’re new to the party I guess?

  • +10

    May as well be permanent at this stage

    • +1

      Lol ikr

  • Got it thanks 👍

  • Can we get the deal now,. but use the tax report in next few years when we sell?

    • +1

      You can use the deal for the previous, current or next financial year. So 22-23 fy tax report at latest. Code works multiple times for each years report.

    • +1

      What is this "sell" you refer to?

      • Dont you need to report to ATO when you sell your cryptos? Buying is not reported.

      • I think people were using that word a lot around November last year. Must have had something to do with the pandemic?

  • +1

    Can we get a code for existing users who need to upgrade to the higher tier plan?

    • Just use a different email address and sign up again

      • +2

        He says, downplaying how painful data imports and correcting categorisation can be

  • +1

    "coupon can not be applied"

    • same

  • +2

    Code “FINDERYT22” can be used to increase transactions for free as well!

    • I'm trying to do this now and get "coupon can not be applied". What am I doing wrong? :\

  • Damn paid 100 bucks earlier this year :(

    • +6

      We’ll have to revoke your OzB membership sorry! Please hand it in

      • Not sure if Koinly were doing free offers back then though or at any time before that….

    • Lol paid over 600US last year's tax return!

  • +3

    I wonder if this is an incentive to get us to actually report our crypto earnings.

    • +7

      Next coupon code: "MYGOV23"

      • +1

        Isn't tax just great. Now the next step is to somehow take a commission off breathing.

        • That's why they want to pollute the atmosphere so much, so they can sell canned air /s

  • coupon can not be applied

  • I am a newbie in crypto. I am trying to decide which plan to get. I do get earn/staking rewards daily on 4 crypto with Swyftx. Does staking that is paid daily considered 1 transaction? Does anyone know? Since if earn rewards are counted as 1 transaction x 4 coins x 365 days would result to 1460 transactions plus a bit of buy/sell every now and then.

    Hodler Plan (1000 transactions) $139 vs Trader (3000) $249. $110 difference while my earn is just earning $0.01 - $0.3 cents a day per coin. Fee just ate my earn/stake rewards.

    • Get the cheapest you need because if you hit over the included trades, you can just pay the difference between the next plan

      • +1

        Got it, thanks for the advice.

    • ..And that's modern Crypto for you in a nutshell. All the peripheral making money, the actual participant doing the work and taking the risk breaking even at best.

    • Again. Never done a crypto tax before.
      I thought all plans were free with the above code and I grabbed the most expensive one.

      Are there any follow on costs?

      • Only for extra transactions on the most expensive one.

      • Yes, you pay for every future year. This free code only covers your plan for this year and next - after that, you're a paying customer 👍

  • coupon can not be applied

    • +1

      Try to select a plan hodler, trader, etc. Enter code at the bottom and click Buy Now. Then it will tell you purchase was success. Then it will show you the chosen plan on top again with green tick. The rest of the plan gets hidden.

  • +1

    Geez finally got it

  • I seem to only be getting the 30% discount. Expired?

  • So once you get the report do you attach it to the ATO site when y do your taxes?

    • Yes i suppose but im also confused with crypto 😔

      • -1

        Same ive called up ATO said pls do an audit on my crypto to make sure ive done it right. Just like IRS they say oh nah thats your job, but if we audit you later and you didnt declare correctly you get fines of 10k and up what a joke the ATO is

        • +1

          If you don't know how to ensure your taxes are accurate, and how to file them - then find an accountant who does. The stakes are high that you get it right !

      • +1

        See post above - this is expertise that you can pay for, you don't necessarily need to be an expert.

    • +1

      You get your tax report from Koinly and then:

      • Enter the final values into your self assessment online tax at the appropriate area. Koinly gives you basic guidelines to this in the report but it's still a bit ambiguous and open to interpretation.


      • Hand it to your Tax Agent doing the rest of your taxes.
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