$1000 bonus gift card up for grabs again with the $99 per month deal over 24 months deal. $2376 minimum spend/
Standard port in and call back options available
Good deal just before iPhone launch.
100GB bonus data ends 31/12/2022.
$1000 bonus gift card up for grabs again with the $99 per month deal over 24 months deal. $2376 minimum spend/
Standard port in and call back options available
Good deal just before iPhone launch.
100GB bonus data ends 31/12/2022.
Waiting for deal on the $69 plan again to come around
$69 1 year contract 1k would be even better 😂
You wish 😱
tell him he's dreaming
It was $1200 last month
No free international calls?
No and cannot even add that under jbhifi plan.
Just use an app with data.. simples
Any monthly credit applies?
Via chat usually
Wait for 1200
Long Live the 12 month plans… Death to all others
$49 plan, $500 voucher, 12mth plan. Thats the aim. Make it Happen JB.
I got the 12 month $69 plan with the $400 gift card last weekend, and got $20/month port in discount applied by the first customer service rep I spoke to within about a minute. Was pretty damn happy with that for $49/month
did you happen to keep a record of the conversation and how exactly you asked for that?
I did it too. Was pretty easy, just said they promised me it in store after offering it to a friend. So i accepted porting over based on the $20/month credit. Got it for both of my phones. They didn't even question it. Just be aware that the $20 credit is not compatible with the extra 40gb of data, so they need to remove that to add it. So you will go down to 60gb/month instead of 100gb a month.
I tried that, they straight up said that store had no right to promise anything like that and shut me down.
Sounds to me like they just downgraded your plan to the basic $49 plan which had no 5G access and only 60GB data p/m. So not at all a deal if that’s the case as the plans aren’t comparable.
@Replicant: They didn’t. I have siebel access. I can see exactly what they did, and they did what I said they did.
The extra 40gb bonus data is called a mass market add on. So is the $20/month discount. They're not compatible with each other.
They also send a email detailing the plan and pro rata costs and it is still the JBHIFI/Good Guys $69 plan.
$188 for a year, that's not bad! Still more than boost but if you need more data that works out
Which boost plan are you taking about?
Also isn't 5g with boost on all plans only until a certain date?
Give us the 1200 plan and I’m in
Wondering if you could sign up for this, trade in a phone and get the $600 bonus credit for the Fold 4. I traded in my Pixel 6 pro yday and with the $600 bonus, got me $1100 off the price of the Fold 4, so $1399. I wonder if you could then take advantage of this deal on top, because that would be a RIPPER of a deal
Couldn't you have gotten more for your 6 pro on marketplace?
Nahhhh I tried. Started at $1000 - no bites. Lowered to $900 and still no bites. Dropped to $800 and received offers for $700 or so. Google and other resellers drop the Pixel 6 pro price from $1299 to $999 so regularly that no one really wants to pay anything above $700 for a near year old one apparently, especially when the 7 is probably dropping next month. So with JB offering $600 bonus on top of the $500 trade in value, $1100 was the best I could do with it!
Makes sense
Hey all - 2 questions:
1) any recommendations on who to port out with? while waiting for the next one of these that delivers good value (such as the 12mth $500 one). So if I have to wait 3 months, best value telco?
2) when I port out, do I lose my telstra plus points if I don't have an active Telstra service? And if so, do I need buy some kind of telstra prepaid sim and activate it under my account? (and then work out what the minimum recharge is to keep it active until i port back in)
1 - I usually use vodafone as they pop up for half price at Coles pretty regulary. You also get $10 off the first 3 recharges if you have direct debit. Usually is enough time for a jb deal to pop up.
2 - yes you keep your points without an active service.
I want 1200 please
Why is JB's 300GB plan more expensive than Telstra's to begin with? It doesn't even support data sharing.
It always has been. Probably to allow for commissions and gift cards. Plus you are locked in rather than M2M via Telstra
Looks like the last 2 months, in the middle of the month, they started with the $1000 offer then a few days later ran with $1200.
Might wait a bit and see if the trend continues.
$250 for 1year Boost mobile 270GB data unlimited calls to 60 countries
I don't this JB deal is particularly good (though it's probably all we can expect currently)
But your comparison is 270GB/year on Boost vs 300GB a month on Telstra
Quick process, in, out in 20 minutes. Got my gift card.
$69 2 year contract 1k would be nice.