Sony A7C Any Good Deals - Buy Now or Wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

Hi All,

I was just trying to find a good deal for Sony A7C but seems like I missed the opportunity few weeks ago but still there is a DigiDirect sale on eBay. However, it's still kind of expensive than what it was few weeks ago.

Now, my confusion is that if I should get it now from DigiDirect eBay or wait a bit longer for Black Friday/Cyber Monday to get a better discount, any suggestions or expert advice would be appreciated.


  • Unless there's a deal on crystal balls, the best expert advice I can give you is to purchase now if you need it now using a credit card with price protection. Otherwise, just purchase when you need it.

    • I don't need it right now but would love to have one but also don't want to pay the full retail if there are deals coming up. Thought someone might have insider news or something.

  • mighta missed the boat on sick deal on a7c - didnt they say they arent making any new ones for a while?

    • I knowww :(
      I was literally so close to buying from that deal from Ryda and by the time I made up my mind, the deal was gone and yes, they have discontinued that model for now.

    • Thar was last year, they are back in stock

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