Received a call from someone telling me I called them.. but didn’t?

Ok - here is the breakdown

  • Lady calls me and tells me that I had a missed call from her. Her number wasn’t on private.

  • I was confused and checked my call history, and confirmed I didn’t call her. I asked her to send me a screenshot of the missed call message

  • got off the phone, she texted me the photo with the message saying that she had a missed call @ 12:12 from my number. IT WAS MY BLOODY NUMBER.

Wtf is going on here. Do I need to call Telstra about this?


  • +147

    Spam callers can spoof legitimate numbers. It has been happening for a while. Not sure there is anything that can be done about it.

    • +14

      there's nothing you can do.. except change your number, and it'll likely happen to that one too

      • +11

        different lady though.

    • +21

      Not sure there is anything that can be done about it.

      The carriers can fix this, but there's nothing in it for them to do so…

      • Confirmed Telstra can fix this, however, I won’t be able to receive or make calls to 1300 or 1800 numbers. That’s what they said..

        • +4

          Most 1300 or 1800 numbers also have a direct dial number which are not toll free. These days with most mobile plans being unlimited calls, this shouldn't be a deal breaker. Probably should investigate this option. I would much rather be safe.

        • +8

          What do you mean “Telstra can fix this?”

          I work for Telstra, and this gets brought up daily by it happening to staff, and the general consensus is “nothing can be done, they’ll use a different number in a few day”

          • @87percent: Unwelcome calls team can help with this issue, so something can be done. It's part of the cleaner pipes initiative. I also work for the Big T

        • +2

          Telstra said the same thing to me, when I asked the support staff member what 1300 and 1800 numbers have to do with someone spoofing my number, he laughed and said "nothing".

          Took 4 weeks until they moved to spoof a different number. I was getting about 3 people calling back a day asking why I called them.

          Lesson to everyone - don't call back a number you don't recognise, saves everyone time.

  • +11

    Lady calls me and tells me that I had a missed call from her.

    What was she calling about the first time?

    • She didn't call the 1st time, Op did.

  • +22

    Looks like you have both been living under rocks.

    • +7

      What is the Phone reception like under rocks?

      • +18

        Phone reception like under rocks?


        • -1


          edit: if this doesn't get 50 +1 votes, I've failed as a human :'(

    • +4

      What’s wrong with living under rocks?

      • +3

        It's a cave, isn't it? On a plot of land with a chicken coop

        • Na, thats IN a rock, not under…

          • +2

            @pharkurnell: What about a cave with a rock roof?

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: thats a upmarket cave…

              • +3

                @pharkurnell: Luuxxuury. Back in my day we didn't even have rocks. We slept under leaves to hide from the storms

                • @TheOtherLeft: You had leaves? Back in my day we had to lay faced down, outside, in the mud bearing our arses to the gods and we were happy!

                • +1

                  @TheOtherLeft: luxury ! my family grew up in a hole in the road !

    • +14

      totally legit question…theres no need to hassle & troll the op

      • +9

        Agree, being a smart ass isn't helping and was also a bit insulting.

        • needs to flex …tech savvy muchly…

      • troll the op

        tee hee ………good one, franco ;)

        • serial stalker returns

          • @[Deactivated]: Do you think I should change my username so that you won't know it's me?

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: youre like the stranger who comes up to you in the street and wont stop talking incoherently to you…it will still be obvious

              • @[Deactivated]: It's funny how one cannot hide behind a different username. I recall Pam being found out straight away

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: sounds like you spend waaaay too much time here. lol

                  • @[Deactivated]: Oh, you old timer you! No-one gets around on here more than you

  • +14

    Do I need to call Telstra about this?

    Have you ever tried to call Telstra?

      • +23

        Nothing better than screaming at the customer service representative who is likely in no-way responsible for your issue. Very normal behaviour.

  • +3

    Ah interesting I've learnt something new! This happened to me few months ago, I did find it odd but was a one-off so didn't put much thought into it.

    So carriers are able to block number spoofing?

    • +1

      theyre generated overseas using voip is what ive been led to believe…nothing you can do stop it

      • -4

        I am wondering why nothing you can do to stop it.

        We are taken on a ride by this scammer and poofers.

        When they know that you are not gullible with thier excuse they swear on you and uttermost horrific words. When you swear back at them, they blast you with multiple numbers within 30 minutes so much that you have to switch off your phone or u hang it up.

        They are well aware that neither police or anyone can stop this nuisance and wonder how can we stop this.

        I have to say that unfortunately all these calls are made from India and they are hard-core guys/girls who succumbed to the worst.

        I am sorry even the Indian government who is talking so loud about digital India can stop this nuisance they are making overseas.

      • So don't allow local numbers originating from overseas. Why would they do that - for international roaming?

        • Hiw do you tell its originating overseas when VPNs exist?

  • +1

    Exact same thing for me last week (also Telstra) - got a call from a lady who had a missed call from me, I had no outgoing calls that day, she also guessed my number must have been spoofed.

    I suggested she should just block my number since it was definitely not me.

  • +1

    Confirmed - Telstra said they can stop. However, I wont be able to send or receive calls to 1300 or 1800 numbers. Which is great because the less talking the better. Have a great bloody day!

    • No loss if you cannot use 1300 1800. You can use WhatsApp for text voice and video calls. Need internet though. Everyone already has that.

      • They make a lot of money from 1300 and 1800 numbers

  • Do you own an Android and have you been installing shady stuff on it?

    • Nope - I have an Apple.

      • +29

        Condolences ;)

  • +4

    lol telstra can not stop someone spoofing your number.

  • +5

    ive had these this year…often from numbers very similar to my own number (i.e one digit different)
    & dont listen to the disparaging snarky whiny commentators…its ozbargain and they just cant help themselves

    • -1

      And this has been going on for years and raised a multiple of times in these forums. These are the real issues people should be on top of. Not triggered Harry Potter trans Coles rubbish.

      • +5

        speaking of 'triggered' lol

    • +1

      snarky whiny commentators

      Pot kettle

      • as the say…'when in rome…'

        • +1

          Do they say the same thing about 'when in Brunswiki and Footescray…"?

  • +2

    Happened to me as well. JUST IGNORE

  • +3

    Yep this happened to me as well. Someone called me saying I had called them. Some scammer had spoofed my number.

  • +14

    I got a phonecall from my own number one day. I thought, the hide of these scammers to call me from my own number.

    • +7

      You should have gone straight to the daily mail to share your experience.

    • +9

      Wait, so you're saying that the call was coming from inside the house?!

  • +5

    General rule, I dont answer calls from unknown numbers.
    If its important, they'll leave a message.

    Has cut down on spam calls a fair bit as once you answer them, you'll get more. Its a force feedback loop :)

    • Ever since i decided to waste their time by acting stupid on the phone, i'm getting less and less (last one was probably 3+ months ago)

  • +3

    Pretty sure I have had one of my numbers spoofed at one stage or another.

    When I contacted Telstra they mentioned "we could give you a new number if you want but they could just as easily spoof that later today tomorrow next week/month."

    So I am interested in what Telstra can do differently now? "Confirmed - Telstra said they can stop. However, I wont be able to send or receive calls to 1300 or 1800 numbers." Just sounds like they changed your number to me as those numbers are generally affected for upwards of 72 hours after a number change is processed.

    People saying set up voicemail. Id say no I wouldn't be not be surprised if the scam callers all start doing that.

    Saying it's steve from Microsoft call me on +XX XXXX XXXX XXXX even if the number doesn't go anywhere because if it's a international number not very many people will want to call it due to limited mins or international call prices. But the more people thinking well they left me a Voicemail message/s means they are legit will get a tactic change.

    I had a messagebank full of "I need to pay a fee to get an item/letter from the Chinese embassy otherwise my Visa will be cancelled and I would be arrested and deported." I thought sounds like a free holiday to me. :)

  • Hang up, if they call back block and send them to Lenny.

  • be careful you dont end up calling telstra scammers.

  • +1

    I had the same experience.
    Missed a call from a mobile number. So I decided to call back.
    A guy picked up and said he didn't call me. He said I had the wrong number. But that's impossible as I redialled the missed called number which is his number.
    So I blocked it lol

    • +1

      Blocking the number won't help, because it wasn't really that number than phoned you. So you are blocking a legitimate phone number.

  • +4

    Meet them at the local train station for a fist fight

  • +1

    Phone number spoofing. It happened to me once. Telstra are pretty good when it happens. Overseas Indian scammers usually. The windows tech support or ato or insurance scammers. Give your Telco a phone call to report it.

  • +2

    Did you piss off a scammer? I told 1 I had relations with their mum & then got several similar calls 😂 so I told them I was joking, it was actually their dad & he loved it! They have been trying to get me for months now unsuccessfully 😂

    • …nice :)
      your mum that is…..

      • +1

        That's not the word usually used to describe her… 😂

        • …naughty mum, eh? i bet…

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I believe sl#t is the word you're looking for… Gamble responsibly 👍

  • +1

    Had that happen many times. I even had a voicemail from my own number. It was a fake Amazon prime call. No escaping it.

    • No escaping it.

      my android one phone seems to automagiclly block suspected spam. it is effective enough that I dont notice spam problem at all.

      • this is how they defeat spam detect….by posing as a local mobile number they get through & you answer it expecting it not to be an overseas telemarketer/scammer

  • Yeah scammers can spoof numbers.
    I had one many years ago, a guy called me claiming that I called him, very weird conversation… This was before I was aware that spoofing numbers was a thing so I thought the guy was pranking me and pulling my leg. Haven't had one since (Touch wood).

  • Shouldve asked for payment in iTunes cards.

  • Scammers spoofing numbers, nothing much to it.

  • I got one last Friday. Very weird.

  • I had someone text me 'FCUK OFF SCAMMER' to my mobile, and I had no previous history with that person.

    Spoofing is real, it's a sham those who are in control of phone numbers in this country are incompetent fools.

    • Its illegal to use the mobile service for threats and profanity you can go to police if you want

      Very dumb of them

  • I had exactly the same issue, a man called me stating he was returning my call, when I mentioned that I didn’t call him, he said the number must be spoofed by a spammer , never mind and disconnected.

  • It is a common problem, unfortunately many people don't realise that the scammer or spam was not from the number listed and then take it upon themselves to abuse or attack the person at the number.

    It is the same reason you should never expose anyones details that trolled, attacked or abused you, always shake my head sadly at those moron instagrammers or influencers that think exposing and shaming the person is smart, eventually it will rebound badly and smack them right in the face. Report them to the police if needed but if you say "Person XYZ abused me and here is his address and work" you may find you just screwed over an innocent person.

  • +1

    This is exactly how I met my wife. 😀

  • +1

    Last year, my phone rang and… it was me calling. I did a big double take on that one.

    In the end, I tried calling myself back to see what I wanted, but my number was engaged whenever I tried…

    • Perhaps enable voicemail? Next time you won’t miss what the call was about…

    • +1

      That was the call from future you to tell you something..

      • That's dangerous.

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