Hi all,
I am looking at buying my partner pre-loved/used/second hand luxury handbags (such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel etc).
I've been looking at a few stores online but the re-sellers seem to inflate the price significantly. I understand they are a business and need to make a profit as well. But I'm trying to save where I can…lol.
I'm curious to know, does anyone know where a lot of these re-sellers buyer their pre-loved/used/second hand luxury handbag stock from (either in Australia or Internationally)? I'd rather buy direct from the source if possible.
Or if anyone could recommend good places to buy these luxury handbags from :)
Edit: to clarify, I'm not looking to pay dirt cheap for a lux handbag but I'm trying to find it cheaper than a re-seller if possible.
Just buy new….