Seems that alot of establishments are enforcing a credit card to be provided prior to booking.
Previously I've just put in a cancelled card but they are now debiting $1 and refunding it to test the card.
Anyone have creative solutions here? I can only think of a prepaid mastercard and running down the balance.
I can open an account and use a visa debit card etc. however it may go into overdraft if bank honours the payment.
Am also open to some other form of card where I can just load a balance onto it and not be concerned about it overdrafting.
There's a reason for this. A lot of people book tables and don't show up. The restaurant cops the loss if you book a table and don't show up or cancel last minute and they can't fill it.
Instead of trying to work around it, why don't you plan better and have the courtesy to let the restaurant know if you're not going to need your booking so they can let other customers book it?
Inconsiderate people like you are the reason restaurants have had to implement this kind of policy in the first place!