This was posted 2 years 7 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] 10 Free Rapid Antigen Tests for Commonwealth Concession Card Holders @ NSW Government


The NSW government have announced that Commonwealth Concession card holders can get 10 free RAT tests from Service NSW centres and recovery centres. Previously there was a Federal Government program that allowed concession card holders to get them from pharmacies, however that ended on the 31st of July.

You can find pickup locations here. There are 113 service centres and 4 Mobile Service Centres or Disaster Recovery Centres across the State.

The program will run until the end of October 2022. Eligible Commonwealth Concession Card holders in NSW include:

  • Pensioner Concession card
  • Commonwealth Seniors Health Care card
  • Health Care Card (including Low Income Health Care card)
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold, White or Orange cards

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NSW Government

closed Comments

  • +13

    Sounds like they are doing a stocktake clearance since covid is now being compared to a flu.

    • +7

      I've been in NSW for a couple of weeks now and that's certainly how everyone feels about it. People wear masks a lot more on public transport in VIC than here.

    • +14

      My own personal experience, matching what I hear from friends, family and colleagues is that these RAT tests are so innacurate you might as well toss a coin.

      • The problem is using nasal swabs for Omicron. Saliva tests or sticking the nasal swab in the throat is more accurate.

        Of course a PCR is always better.

        • +4

          If that true then why am I learning about it on Ozbargain.

          • +1

            @poldy: I found bananas disgusting all my life up until 6 months ago. Now they're just okay. You learned that on OzBargain too ;)

      • +4

        Funnily enough, the TGA, which tests them a little more thoroughly than your family and friends, doesn’t say that at all.

        • +1

          I mean initially PCR tests were deemed 65-70% accurate, and hence they were testing the same person 3 times (3 seperate swabs were taken at first) to reach closer to 98% accuracy with PCR. Then they realised how wasteful this was, so they decided to take one sample and test it three times to reach above 98% accuracy. However, 2% inaccuracy is still significant when NSW was testing 30-50k people per day. Still, not to confuse accuracy with sensitivity.
          This was explained to me by the pathology lab at Liverpool hospital so it could be similar to a 'trust me bro' source.

          • @mrtee: None of this is true. And I have worked in multiple path/coronavirus labs.

            PCR has always been assumed to be around the high 90s in sensitivity, and labs were absolutely not running 3 separate swabs.

            If anything: labs were ACTIVELY seeking to do the opposite: by validating “pooling” samples together so that 2, 3, or even 5 samples could be run together in a single test kit to save money and time - depending on what hospital you were being treated at.

            In fact, you don’t get increased sensitivity by simply running more tests. Maybe a little. But you can’t increase from 70 to 98%… that’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of how sensitivity is assessed.

            If a test CANT pick up a case because it’s too weak (low viral load) running it again and again isn’t going to suddenly start picking it up. It will just repeatedly fail.

            You might pick up a small percentage difference but that’s about it. The sensitivity is what is labelled on the package.

            And that is assessed and regularly reassessed by the TGA. They have not withdrawn any tests from the market for poor sensitivity, and all of them continue to be satisfactory.

      • +1

        I thought that too. But then after I got covid I was doing a RAT test everyday to see when I could back to training. Was getting positive result every time (as expected) so they did seem to work fairly well.

    • It was a bad flu after all ever since

  • The gig is over now.

    • +9

      User name checks out.

      • -2

        Yours is no different

        • Looking forward to the new Avatar(s), took your time!

    • +12

      Clearly the OzBargain user base wants it to last forever if voting is any measure.

  • +5

    Imagine still going on about this scam

    • +1

      Which scam?

      • +12

        Nsw government

    • +6

      The only scam was the media reporting that trains are free with the strikes. Saw a heap of officers at Town Hall not so long ago getting people who weren't tapping off.

      • Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up. There has been much confusion about this in Sydney lately.

        • +1

          The officers aren't striking or members of the union. They've been out in force because it's still illegal to not tap off.

          Not tapping between stops on the light rail is still less risky than the stations 😉

          • -1

            @Clear: I don't get it, not tapping off still books you for The longest trip on the line (if you've tapped on). Unless you've never tapped on to begin with. I'm sure you could contest the fine and link a media article for reference.

        • Genuinely the biggest bait ever, the station staff say its open but the second an officer sees you passing through without tapping, you are done for. As nice as it would be to skip tapping on, it's just not worth the chance you get caught.

          Saw them catching out people at Parra last week though there are a lot more doing it now.

      • +2

        They were out in force at Wynyard this morning. Definitely would've caught a few people out.

      • ACAB!

    • Yeah 💯

  • +2

    One of my offspring got covid form the workplace.
    The RAT was deadly accurate.
    She got badly knocked around by Covid for a week - it's not nice.

    • For a week
      That's all
      No different to flu
      If you are sick stay home
      Why would you need a test

      • +11

        Back to YouTube and Telegram you go!

        • +2

          Wake up brah …. Its whatsapp mums

    • +2

      I was sick with influenza and in bed for 2 weeks in 2018. It was not nice

    • She got badly knocked around by Covid for a week - it's not nice.

      So the same as a flu then?

      • +1

        No she's had flu before. This was worse.

    • -1

      People die everyday with heart attacks, road accidents, diseases, flu, natural causes, etc etc. Infact we will all die. We still eat and promote bad diets here on on ozbargain, people still drive to work etc etc. Dont be scared, its okay.

  • +18

    My mother almost died from covid, was in ICU for weeks and told she had 30% chance of dying, and she's not the same afterwards, her breathing is permanently affected. If RATs can help people know when they are infected earlier than otherwise, then it's a good thing and worth whatever the government is paying for them.

      • +9


      • +9

        The hospital tested her. I suppose she could have lied to us about it, so I can't 100% say it was covid..

        • +36

          Mate she was obviously lying about nearly dying. I think our friend Daniel here clearly knows more about your mother than you or the medical professionals with decades of experience.

    • +3

      Sounds like she had some other issues that contributed to the severity of it which is generally the case.

      Hopefully gets better, I still have a persistent cough over a month later. Quite annoying tbh

      • +3

        Thanks for the speculation Doctor Beamish.

        • -4

          Tell me you know nothing about covid without telling me you know nothing about covid.

      • That's very common. Two people at work both in 30s have dry cough almost 2 months later.

      • +1

        Try high incline physical activity like steep stairs or hiking in the mountains, otherwise OTC rikodein is your friend. I did the stairs thing for about 6 days and maybe it's a coincidence that my couch went away, but I wouldn't have done so if it was l wasn't recommended to me by my GP.

        • +1

          I'd say there is some connection to the disappearance of your couch

    • -1

      Do u mind me asking was she vxd and how many if she did?

      • +2

        She was not, so really it's her own fault. But it's not her fault she grew up on a society that produces people who believe conspiracy theories. If she was born in this century instead of the last before the Internet then I'm sure she would have been vaxed. But for the grace of god, there goes I.

        People who didn't and won't get vaxed is just an unfortunate reality we need to deal with. Their ignorance doesn't mean they deserve to die any more than a fully vaxed person deserves to die. If 10% of the population irrationally walked into traffic daily then we wouldn't just hit them. We'd fence off our roads.

        • +6

          Just make sure you get your fifth jab. You never know

        • +2

          I agree. The tragic deaths of divers pains me deeply. We need to do something about the dangerous underwater caves that trap our helpless divers. Maybe we should bomb them so people don't get trapped inside?

          • +4

            @belongsinforums: We routunely seal off entrances to dangerous diving caves to save divers from themselves. Engelbrecht Cave was sealed in the 40s. Tank Cave had holes sealed just a few years ago.

            • +2

              @AustriaBargain: Yet people still somehow die from them each year. We really should be doing something about it. Maybe we could tell them it's dangerous?

              • +1

                @belongsinforums: We also routinely put warning signs in front of holes in caves that are known to be dangerous but haven't been sealed.

                • @AustriaBargain: Gosh. Is there anything else we can do? Maybe put up more signs?

                  • +2

                    @belongsinforums: It's possible that multiple signs are posted around such caves, but a Google image search of "diving cave warning sign" shows only examples of single signs. So maybe you're onto something with the multiple sign idea. If it saves just one life then multiple signs would have paid for themselves.

                    • +1

                      @AustriaBargain: Is there anything else we can do? These deaths almost seem preventable.

                      • +1

                        @belongsinforums: The government could pay someone to post on forums to educate people on the dangers whenever discussion about dangerous caves is detected. You can get email alerts to certain phrases being said on certain websites on, maybe someone in the government caving department could set up such alerts and fit in the postings around their regular office work.

                        • +1

                          @AustriaBargain: Then pay for people to read it to them because people don't read and watch them in bed and read scary stories to them so they never go in the caves ever.

                          Or, accept that people will do risky things and we can't prevent all preventable deaths.

                          • @belongsinforums: It costs money to retrieve the bodies of divers and it risks the lives of the retrievers. It also costs the economy if someone dies early after the state bears the cost of their birth and primary education. "Accepting the risk" also means accepting the cost, and it just might be cheaper and more profitable to seal dangerous caves and try to warn people about dangerous unsealed caves.

                            • @AustriaBargain: You saying that they can find bodies that get lost in those caves? I assumed that they just decay.

                              • +1

                                @belongsinforums: I think they usually recover the bodies. They use expert divers with long lines and training. Sometimes they die too though and then someone has to come get them. Leaving a retrievable body behind is unconscionable. Plus I bet a lot of these expert divers enjoy the challenge of retrieving the body in a dangerous cave before it decays to mush.

              • @belongsinforums: It's a lot better now than it was before. 15 years ago I was exploring old mineshafts. Fortunately so many of them are sealed up as some of the drops were pretty deep.

        • +1

          The only conspiracy theory is these horrible and completely useless vaccines protect against, or reduce the severity of. It's nothing more than assumed propaganda carried over from other vaccines. Heck, these jabs are NOT even vaccines! They have NONE of the qualifying criteria other than first being drawn up into a needle. People who blindly line up for this crap in their veins, who don't fact check anything for themselves, are the real ignorant ones.

    • I was positive with very mild symptoms ( I isolated immediately) but tested with a rat test 4 days consecutively and was still negative. I ended up going to a drive through on day 3 and received a positive result but took more than a day to get results. These RAT tests were given to me by my local hospital so I hope they're highly accurate, maybe just not that sensitive. I've known a hospital worker who was mildly symptomatic and was doing RAT tests daily and continued to go to work whilst negative. I asked him to take a PCR he said he feared that he'd be positive for Covid-19 and that her be forced to take his A/L as he had used up all his stock leave a few months back.
      This is a full time employee which I was mad with, but didn't have the heart to report him because he explained that he lives paycheck to paycheck and needed to work. Lucky he was someone who was very thorough with his hygiene and PPE as well as a recent Winter Booster (4th Jab). Sorry about the rant, this is me getting something off my chest that has been bothering me for the last 6 weeks. Maybe I should of taken it to reddit and attached a Minecraft platform jump video.
      Sorry for your loss btw

  • +10

    Cheers Dom. Still gonna vote you out tho.

    • You will get a medal for that

    • Lol. Good luck with that. I would be seriously surprised to see Dan leave office.

  • +2

    Keep the fear alive

    • +1


      • +3

        100% scared of swabs? Where have you been sticking them?

        • Yeah, he is talking about the swabs. Grow some brain cells.

          • +2

            @GodsSon23: Neurogenesis is a fascinating subject. Sadly not one I studied in.

  • +8

    tRusT tHe sCieNcE

    • +1

      97% of the population tRusTeD tHe sCieNcE aNd have genetic alteration + myocarditis.

      • +5

        It's worse than that, they all now go to some fancy schmancy School for the Gifted that's run by some bald professor guy in a wheelchair.

        Guess who pays their tax dollar$ to make sure Professor Xavier has all the ramps he needs?

        I'll tell you who, the Rothchilds and George Soros!

      • +2

        Show me the evidence of genetic alteration!

    • +2

      I only trust bro science or watsapp mums

  • -8

    Why bother testing when they refused to treat it? Monoclonal antibodies, ivm, HCQ all worked but noooo ban everything that works and force genetic therapies

    • +6

      Sotrovimab is a monoclonal antibody treatment that's not banned and actively being used.

      • +9

        Shhhhhh! You’re ruining the narrative.

    • +3

      "Gene therapy" 😂🤣

    • you sound really educated

    • +2

      Tell us more about these genetic therapies, and please share your qualifications when you do.

    • +3

      ivm, HCQ

      Please link to the most recent studies on the topic.

    • Why bother testing when they refused to treat it?

      Lol, because if you have it, your just meant to go home and wait until it goes away.

      • They gave me molnupiravir.

        • Cool, surprised you needed it. Aren't you multi-boosted?

          • @ozhunter: Are you one of the people with the false belief that the vaccine means you can't get COVID? When it's intended to prevent serious disease.

            Considering how many ICUs and covid testing clinics I've worked in I did surprisingly well not to catch it until several months ago. Considering the current vaccines weren't designed for Omicron it's no surprise I did catch it.

            I'm immunocompromised that's why I was lucky enough to get molnupiravir. That stuff works amazingly well. The chance of it causing resistant mutations is a real concern however.

            • +1


              Are you one of the people with the false belief that the vaccine means you can't get COVID?

              Like Dr Anthony Fauci?

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