Lettuce for one dollar-bucks
Like buying crypto after it has fallen of its perch!!!
Also available at Frewville
Lettuce for one dollar-bucks
Like buying crypto after it has fallen of its perch!!!
Also available at Frewville
Just got a belly tatoo
"Salad for life" and "1.00" on my neck
I never understood that line, is Sauran giving his orcs lunch menus? Are there orc restaurants? Where did that orc and his friends learn about menus.
Homer’s stock broker: Homer you knuckle-beak, I told you a hundred times, you've got to sell your lettuce futures before the lettuce stock recovery! Before!
HODL!. Lol
This year I decided to invest in pumpkins. They've been going up the whole month of October! I think they're going to peak right around…January.
Mary Pumpkins, I hope so too.
Good to know golden era Simpsons fans still around
Not the Denver Broncos!
That’s the price it should be all the times.
Lettuce rejoice!
Thats old now
If you have new ones lettuce know
good, can finally go back to KFC and get a chicken with lettuce burger
not a chicken and cabbage burger
Totally agreed. I like cabbage so very upset about the price.
good substitute for toilet paper
no wonder property market is hot in Adelaide when lettuce is $1
I like this fancy foodland
Even when someone is playing the piano?
short lettuce price will fall to $0.5
Buy now sell later. OzBet incoming
Does anyone do price matching for these in vic
Do retailers price match grocery?
Pasadena where you at
Farmers and retailers releasing how stupid mistake they made making lettuce so expensive such that no one wanted to buy them, even big buyers like KFC, McDonald's, HJ etc massively reduced their lettuce buying.
Time to get some stock options boys!!
Looks like lettuce is back on the menu boys.