Ranked top 6 in the BGG ranking. Next best price is $95 at Gumnet.
I haven't personally played this one but apparently games can range from 2 to 3 hours depending on the player count and experience.
Ranked top 6 in the BGG ranking. Next best price is $95 at Gumnet.
I haven't personally played this one but apparently games can range from 2 to 3 hours depending on the player count and experience.
I've not dealt with Gamerholic however their reviews/feedback is not very positive:
I make that a pride
Great price for this game. I’ve played it. Once you are familiarised with the action mechanism, 2-3 hours for 2-3 players is doable.
Alot of people might… ark up at the price?
You Noah what I mean?
It's aboat to go that way
Sounds zoo-logical.
I hope that no-one rains on your dad jokes. If the comments are clever and well constructed I reckon that this post could last for days…. maybe even 40 days!
The + votes are going to flood in
As of this very moment, only one pair each.
Great deal on a fun game. We've played it quite a bit. I find the scoring at the end needlessly complicated. Do be prepared to be playing for around 2 hours for a 2p game. If you like shorter games this isn't one for you.
The occasional compound bonus rewards are hard to track for me. Then there is also the regret of choosing a worker over upgrade.
I don't think I've ever had the reason to get the worker over the upgrade. You get 4 upgrades all game and that's it. Workers there are multiple other ways to get them.
Does anyone know if this is fulfilled by AmazonAU directly or Gamerholic?
It's also 85$ on Gamerholic's website, and I'm always a little concerned when a price on Amazon or Catch Marketplace (or similar sites) has the exact same price as Gamerholic, given Gamerholic's poor reputation.
the link shows sold by and ships from amazon AU so I would assume you are fine?
Cracking game and price but a heavy game. Awesome mechanisms
$84.48 at eBay with eBay plus or $86.40 without for anyone who prefers https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/284769767123?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mk…