• expired

$100 Gift Card When You Purchase a Policy @ Woolworths Car Insurance


I used it today. It works. $100 gift card and also 10% off shopping per month with this promo code.
I wanted to post this to reply asking people codes under other threads
but they are all expired and and closed to new comments.
So I post here.

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closed Comments

  • May i suggest something.
    Try a quote with the code and then once you get your quote remove the code and see what happens to the price difference.

    • Pls tell us - what happens?

      • Remove code and the price goes down

        • +1

          nope, price is same with or w.o code

      • +1

        Nothing. you dont get $100 e-gift on qoute, no qoute change. Same price with and w/o gift card.

        • Same here.

    • Weird i got less when i removed the code

      • I've always found it goes down when you remove the code, but always only by $40 - $50, so it's still worth it to use the code.

  • Got double my current price with a different company.

    • +4

      Yeah but did you get a $100 gift card?

    • Who is your current company of you don't mind me asking?

      I'm doing the annual ritual of comparing prices.


  • +1

    Woolworths, like most budget insurers, are a PITA. My car was hit side on by a cyclist as I waited to turn left onto another street, and they tried to say I was at fault because I didn't yield, despite me approaching & stopping at the intersection first (at least 10 seconds). For whatever reason, they waived the premium but refused (even after an AFCA complaint) to rescind their at-fault finding. Suffice to say I moved on, but had to find an insurer whose terms are "have you had to pay an excess" instead of "have you had an at-fault claim".

    • -2

      Curious. So the cyclist was going on the main one, you were turning left from the main one to the side street, as a result, cut the cyclist off and he hit you whilst attempting to go ahead? Was it how it worked?

      • +1

        I was turning left, the cyclist rode off the footpath (against the direction I intended to travel, eg I was pointed south turning east, they were riding west) and struck my front quarter panel (heavily dented), sprawled across my bonnet (also dented) and smashed headfirst into the windscreen (severely cracked) at significant speed. His fancy mountain bike was toast, but he was OK physically. No idea how he didn't see a large sedan in the intersection before careening straight into me.

        • http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/repealed_reg/arr210/…

          (2) If the driver is turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) or right from the terminating road into the continuing road, the driver must give way to:
          (a) any vehicle travelling on the continuing road, and
          (b) any pedestrian on the continuing road at or near the intersection.

          (4) If the driver is turning left (except if the driver is using a slip lane) from the continuing road into the terminating road, the driver must give way to any pedestrian on the terminating road at or near the intersection.

          The rider is treated as a pedestrian in this case…

          You should have given way.

          • +1

            @Musiclover: I was already at the intersection, waiting for a break in traffic to turn left. There was no one to give way to, as I approached the intersection. As I mentioned, they approached at high speed and struck me whilst I was stationary & waiting to turn. Scared the shit out of me as I was observing approaching traffic from my right and next thing there's a guy's head smashed into my windscreen from the left.

            • -2

              @Ham Dragon: Hard to understand. Was it in Australia? What kind of break of traffic do you need to wait for when turning left? There is no traffic to wait to when you are turning left from the left lane of the main road to the terminating road.

              Generally speaking, it is very easy to understand who is it fault at crashes… Whoever does the action resulting in a crash is generally at fault (i.e., in your situation you were turning left and the cyclist was going ahead doing nothing). Would be even more obvious if the cyclist was going on the main drag instead of the footpath. But it is treated the same.

              You are very lucky the cyclist was not hurt.

              • +1

                @Musiclover: Happened here(goo.gl), turning left onto a one way 4 lane road from a residential street. The guy on the bike didn't slow down, for whatever reason, despite me having arrived in the intersection before him (therefore unable to give way). He failed to exercise due care & attention - you can't just ride or walk into the roadway where there's traffic.

                • -2

                  @Ham Dragon: Ah I see, you were turning from terminating road, does not change much though. You were at fault mate. I understand, may go a bit against "common sense" and sound a bit "unfair". But imagine the following: you stuck out the nose of your car to see better before turning left there - and the passing car hit you. Your were at fault. It was the same here.
                  An experienced rider with local knowledge would have missed your car (if you arrived at the intersection and were stationary there just like you describe way before he was there). But the truth is that he does not have too…

                  I guess, the moral of the story is - Woolworths insurance is not that bad, and also riders should not really ride on footpath. It seems safer but it is not. It does not matter for a rider who was at fault if he is dead… Electric scooters becoming increasingly popular - fun times ahead.

                  • +2

                    @Musiclover: I mean I could have given way, perpetually stuck in limbo a few metres back up the street, until someone came along eventually, but as there wasn't anyone to give way to at the time of approaching the intersection (not within 10, 20 or 30m, nobody), I didn't think I had to give way to nobody, until I got hit from the side, perpendicular to the way the car was facing. Turns out I did, according to Woolworths Insurance / Hollards. Whodathunkit.

                    • @Ham Dragon: It's not the woolies insurance, it's the traffic rules. and poorly designed road…

                      • @Musiclover: For the life of me. I cannot comprehen any logic in the driving rules here that the Insurance companies "claim" to follow. For example, I was rear-ended by a LinFox semi-trailer. I had my insurance with NRMA. And NRMA simply refused to honour the claim. NRMA's position was, the road rules says you have to be in the lane for at least 10 mins else their claim is that you have cut infront of another vehicle and caused the "accident".

                        So I filtered from the left lane into the middle lane of a 3 lane road. and was just sitting in the middle lane as the 5th car in line of the red light at the traffic junction for a good 3mins. The LinFox semi-trailer came up from behind. Obviously seeing my car and failed to estimate his braking distance. and Rear-ended my Golf. He managed to take off my rear bumper, but luckily no other damage. Obviously no damage on the semi-trailer. We exchanged details and the driver even said sorry, he mis-judged the braking distance… if he had not seen me… he wouldn't have braked at all… and my car would had been flattened.

                        So I told NRMA all this and basically NRMA, just simply refused to accept any of the info and kept repeating they will not pay out the claim unless I have been in the middle lane for at least 10mins !! I'm like seriously, in this day and age, who takes 10mins to filter into another lane ?? and If I had cut infront of the semi-trailer and he didn't see me in time… he would have just flattened my car… how would it only be a bumper damage.. and they just said this is what their scripts say… needless to say… NRMA will never get another cent from me

                        • @BudgetAce: There is no road rule that dictates that you need to be in lane for 10 minutes or otherwise you have caused the accident by merging. You should not have agreed to their decision. Are you sure that you are telling the whole story?

                          I am guessing, you have negged my comment above. What have I said wrong there, in your opinion?

                          • @Musiclover: That's what I said to NRMA and I wasted 2 weeks of my life asking for another person in NRMA to review the decision. And the 2 agents and the manager I spoke with repeated the same thing. That's the whole story. nothing else to add or omit. In short, no damage on the semi-trailer, I had to pay for my rear bumper repair out of my own pocket cos NRMA just refused to honor the case I submitted, so they didn't have to pay. Don't know where else I could escalate this to force NRMA to properly honor the insurance I paid for.

                            I didn't click any neg on this thread… I did do a few refresh as my browser hung… could you point me to the neg I had clicked so I can remove it ?

                            • @BudgetAce: I do not agree with their decision at all. The fact that you merged 10 minutes (!) ago is irrelevant to the traffic crash, I would not even provide it in my version. You could cover 3 suburbs in 10 minutes.
                              There must be some kind of a relevant ombudsman… ACC, Fair trading… When everything else fails - small claims court.
                              Most big intersections have cameras. Investigator can clealry see what's happenning at a traffic accident and who is at fault…

                        • @BudgetAce: My blood is boiling reading your story.
                          Were they able to point out where is rule is stated?
                          I HATE NRMA, but this is another level. Speak to your local legal aid offices to see if you can raise a complaint. Hope you haven't been a customer with them for too long. They pull stunts like this and get away with it.
                          Imagine if it was a motorcycle. What would have happened then? B@$t@rd$!!!!

  • Same price with or without code for third party car insurance

  • +1

    $100 gift card is for comprehensive and third party?

    • +1

    • for all 4 options i.e comp, 3rd party, 3rd party fire theft, and drive less pay less

  • Is there any discount for house insurance?

    • Yeah $100 with that also (HOME100 coupon)
      But I had got $150 with VirginMoney!

  • Did the quotes last night. Woolies $1200 vs budget direct $833…

    • Try Australia Post (QBE) they were a lot cheaper than Woolies on 1 car , dearer on another.

  • Any ideas how long to get the gift card? Is it emailed? Third party insurance for my car is around $120 per year with maxxed out excess - probably worth it just to get the 10% off once per month if the gift card is in any way instant…

    • +1

      by email, not instant, they email it about 30-45 days after policy start date, but usully you get earlier.

    • 30 to 45 days probably sound right. Definitely no less than 14 days because there is 14 day colling off period so you'd have to wait at least that

    • Which company is that?

  • +1

    Would this work for current woolies policy holders? Maybe need to cancel current policy and re apply?

    • +1

      Current policy gets renewal offer before expiry date which is almost higher than current. It is better to cancel the current and re-apply. I never accepted their renewals. They are for profit companies and dont offer loyalty rewards. So dont pay lazy tax to them, cancel the current, shop around and get the best cost effective/cheapest possible policy every year.

    • +1

      Need to cancel. I do it every year :)

    • Each year I renew with Woolies and I have to cancel my existing because it's often min $50 more then a new policy. Very annoying as they sign you up to auto-renew and give you a worse deal :(

      • Just saw the same thing myself just now, looks like I will need to cancel to save 50.

  • Almost double the price for me as I'm with aami already.

    May work out cheaper for some folks, but YMMV

  • Make sure you compare prices with


  • I would never insure with Woolworths. Just do yourself a favour first and try and call them.

    Good luck.

  • $1,620 Fully Comp / $1047 Budget Direct
    $1,290 Drive Less Pay Less / $997 Budget Direct
    2016 Golf

  • Best price I could find for comprehensive: $750
    Woolworths car insurance: $1950

  • Where do you put the promo code?

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