6 x Womens Bonds Hipster Assorted Bikini Underwear selling for only $27.90!
This price includes Free Postage anywhere in Aus.
Sizes available are 10, 12, 14, 16.
6 x Womens Bonds Hipster Assorted Bikini Underwear selling for only $27.90!
This price includes Free Postage anywhere in Aus.
Sizes available are 10, 12, 14, 16.
Taking a leaf out of the Harris Scarfe playbook!
Maybe they've confused it with Le Bonds
you can get a 2 pack of ones that dont look like they're for a 10 year old at woolies at the moment for $10
Or…you can get nothing for $0 since wearing any undies at all these days seems to qualify you (by some) as a granny
In what universe is a 6 pack of Bonds "RRP $95.94"?? I see from previous deals these bullshit RRPs have been called out.