WFH Monitor Setup Recommendations

Hi All,

Office worker here so just looking for recommendations for a wfh setup.

My current setup is using my work laptop screen and a 27 inch monitor. I'm looking to ditch the laptop screen and go dual monitors. My desk can't fit a dual monitor mount clamp as it has a metal frame bordering the underside.

Can't seem to find many good reviews on a freestanding monitor mount. Several say 2 x 27 inch gets a bit heavy for them.

So I'm thinking my options are:

  1. Get a second 27 inch but just use the default stand and have them side by side

  2. Get a 34 inch ultra wide and use laptop screen as a secondary and for screen sharing. (Can an average work laptop handle the resolution?)

  3. Drill a grommet hole in my desk and get a monitor arm.

Any thoughts or experience with a similar issue?


  • Just go for default stands for now and you can add mounts from there. Going ultrawide means ditching the existing monitor + higher prices for ultrawide in general so not the bargainest option.

    Could use 2 separate freestanding mounts if you feel the space is too cramped?

  • What about something like this? I have one for my 24" screens and it is great.

    This was before I brought my work setup home and have 3 x 27" monitors on a monitor arm mounted to my desk.

    • Dual monitor arm on desk would be the easiest option. Second this one.

      Or just dump the 27" and buy a 32" 4K display. Just be careful when sharing screen because colleagues will be squinting because it tries to fit your 4k into a 1080p window.

  • +4

    A true wfhmer will use their work supplied laptop on the kitchen table (using track pad only, no mouse)..

    • Like this

    • +1

      Wfh is about flexing where you live. Make sure you get a good view in the background

  • I use a 34" side by side with a 27". The 34" gets 70-80% of usage, only spill over to the 27" when I need a 3rd window or when using spreadsheets that I need to see width on both. My 34" has USB-C, so I just plug that in and the HDMI cable for the second screen which gives me charging, webcam etc etc from just the 2 cables. It could theoretically come down to 1 with a hub, but that hasn't been worth the expense.

    Previously I had a grommet mount through an old desk and it was a little bit of effort to set up but was great once it was done. If you're going to be using it a lot then ergonomially monitor mounts are great. I would recommend 2x single arms rather than a dual arm though, the dual arms are pretty restrictive on what can go where. I'm now using 2x F100A North Bayou mounts as C clamps on the back of the desk and they're great.

  • I have one of these with 2 x 27" monitors mounted on it - and it's sturdy enough to deal with my manual standing desk.

    It works perfectly fine when you find exactly the right position, but that is finicky. Adjusting the screens is a pita too, as is moving the whole thing off the desk.

    Unless there is a good reason to get one of these (like footprint available on a stand desk 😉), I'd personally recommend just using the stock stands.

    1. Get a second 27 inch but just use the default stand and have them side by side.

    But 2 x 27 inch monitors is a lot of screen area. I use 2 x 23 inch monitors, and I've been wfh for 2.5 years now. This is more than enough. I work with multiple documents open, multiple web pages open, multiple apps open at the same time.

    Some people think you need to be a long way from the screen. But in fact, being closer to the screen is better for your eyes. At close distances, you don't need such a large monitor, and 27 inch monitors are a little too large to be useful at close range. If you need to sit a long way from your monitor, you probably need reading glasses. I suddenly realised I desperately needed reading glasses at age 40. I'd been straining my eyes for years without knowing it.

    • depends what you're used to. I used to use 2x27" and really miss it. Nothing to do with size, 1440p on a 27" is higher than 1080p on a 24", it was all about getting more real estate. I found I actually made use of it (accountant, so a lot of spreadsheets).

      I went to 2x24" when covid kicked in because they were the only matching monitors I could find. Although my biggest problem these days is preparing something to be viewed on a monitor that goes to someone who, after 2 years, is still working from the couch on their laptop.

  • For me best WFH set up is twin monitors + stand up desk

  • Ultrawide can be bad if you share your screen. I'd say 2x of those 4K Dell monitors that pop up for like $299-350 with individual arms.
    edit: they're actually currently available for $356 ea including shipping

    • If I go down the ultrawide route I'm thinking to use my laptop screen for when I screen share.

      • If you get an ultrawide, you can use the windows app from the microsoft store called Region To Share

        basically you can create a 16:9 space on your screen and share that bit, so it looks totally normal to people you're sharing to

        • I have an ultrawide and never really been an issue. All I do just to share the program you want to show and not the full screen.

          • @tomlikesbeetroot: I always need to flick through multiple programs :(

            • @TwentyTwoCarats: Fair point, I will probably check out the app.
              Another good one when working with an ultrwide is the microsoft power toys app, various features I don't use, but 'fancyzones' allows you to setup custom zones and snap multiple programs into position. The default for windows is only 2 side by size, but I use this to setup 3 zones.

  • Seems like the popular opinion is just use the default stands.

    Any major difference between the Dell S2721QS and S2722DC?

    • S2721QS has a 3840x2160 10-bit IPS panel, while S2722DC has a 2560x1440 8-bit IPS panel and an extra USB-C port.

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