Urbanworx un1080pn Dash Cam from Coles

Currently coles have a dash cam on sale for 40 bucks. But I haven't been able to find much information on it. It seems like a pretty good deal, especially for 40 bucks. Night vision, 1080p etc. The urbanworx website isn't much help either.

Does anyone have any experience with this brand? Or know anything about their dash cams and why I perhaps shouldn't waste my money?


edit: If this is the wrong forum section, please let me know.

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  • Have a link?

  • Can't imagine the video quality will be great. In fact most dashcams have very poor quality regardless of what the paper specs say. So when you really really need that hit & run license plate number, it's all blurry and useless.

    It was explored a bit by LTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnyhHl3_tE

    • Yeah I watched the same video haha. I just thought for 40 bucks it'd do most of the job for now until I can afford a proper one. On the other hand I'm worried that seeing as I can't find any info on it, it might be completely useless.

      • I mean it's Coles so if it's really rubbish, just return it, no hassle.

        • Yeah good point. Might do that

    • My dashcam had no issues giving me the plate of the car that cut me off a few years ago.

      Didn't think we hit, but the video clearly showed we did, so I went through the process.

  • +1

    Product details, including nutritional information and country of origin, may change from time to time ….

    • +1

      Oh Christ, I hope it doesn’t contain peanuts…

  • +1

    If you get a dashcam, at least get one who's image quality is good enough that you're able to read the number plate of the car in front. Otherwise the video will look like it was taken with a potato.

    • +2

      Yeah, in the video linked by Hybroid, it shows that most are pretty rubbish. The main point in this is that I just dont know anything about it at all.

      • +1

        Might need to up your budget a little. Repco and Autobarn often have 30% off sales, so that might be worth waiting for.

  • Surely It’s just one of those generic models that every man and his dog rebrands for their own shop.

    Regardless of specs it’ll be quite old tech and not supported very well so likely buggy software.

    Something like a dash cam is worth saving for because you want it to work reliably and consistently.

  • One way to look at budgeting is to buy one that costs no more than your excess…this is what you'd need to fork out anyway if you had an accident and couldn't prove you were not at fault for whatever reason…which for most people is at least $600 I'm thinking?

    It only takes one accident where you have evidence to prove "no fault" for it to pay itself off so to speak…which might not be every scenario but it's better than none.

    But I know spending ~$600 on a dashcam can feel like a lot…personally I bought a Viofo a129 plus duo for around $200, plus hardwire kit, sd card, polarising lens etc brings total to around $280.

  • Honestly just pay the extra for the Viofo a119 v3 (as shown in Linus's video) - they go on sale pretty frequently.
    I've had one for a couple of years and it's great.

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