Currently interested in buying a used car. Check the PPSR, I can see the built date but compliance date showing ‘no data’.
Does it matter? Why does it have no data if the car was registered as usual?
Used Car with No Compliance Date. Does It Matter?
Kinda sounds like the build year, make and model would be highly relevant information if you are seeking any sort of genuine response.
Import. Stuuu…
Has it been registered previously in AU? If so won't be an issue. Even easier if same state.
Yes it is currently registered.
Has it been registered previously in AU? If so won't be an issue. Even easier if same state.
Years ago a family member bought a car that seem like a good deal from a mechanic, registered, road worthy etc. Until cops came knocking a year later and said the car was actually a stolen car with fake compliance plate on it.
I'd be very suspicious if things don't match up and the seller isn't a proper licensed dealer with some kind of recourse. But then that is just me.
Return car?
And this, people, is why you dont rely on compliance plates. You need to look at the VIN that is stamped into the actual body of the vehicle to confirm.
Is there a compliance plate riveted to the car chassis?